
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
48 Chs

New Quest

**Barry's Apartment - Late Evening**

**Current Stats:**

- **Level:** 3

- **Experience Points (XP):** 200/300

- **Health:** 100%

- **Currency:** 12 Credits


**Speed Force:**

- **Enhanced Speed (Level 3):** Speed comparable to the original Barry Allen in Season 1 of "The Flash."

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Accelerated Healing (Level 3):** Even faster recovery from injuries.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Enhanced Perception (Level 3):** Further improved reaction time and information processing.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Speed Force Knowledge (Level 2):** Deeper understanding of the Speed Force and its capabilities.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Temporal Awareness (Level 2):** Increased awareness of time fluctuations and potential future events.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

**Strength Force:**

- **Enhanced Strength (Level 2):** Greater physical strength beyond normal human limits.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 150

- **Durability (Level 2):** Enhanced resistance to physical damage.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 150

**Sage Force:**

- **Enhanced Intellect (Level 2):** Access to even vaster knowledge and rapid learning capabilities.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Mental Fortitude (Level 2):** Stronger resistance to mental attacks and influence.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

**Still Force:**

- **Time Manipulation (Level 2):** Greater ability to slow down or temporarily stop time in a localized area.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 300

- **Inertia Control (Level 2):** Enhanced control over kinetic energy, allowing for more precise manipulation of motion.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 300

**Deadpool's Abilities:**

- **Regenerative Healing Factor (Level 2):** Near-instant healing from injuries, effectively granting near-immortality.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Enhanced Reflexes (Level 2):** Superhuman reflexes and agility.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Pain Suppression (Level 2):** Further reduced sensation of pain, allowing for higher pain tolerance.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200

- **Combat Skills (Level 2):** Increased proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and weapons use.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 200


- **Status:** Locked

- **Requirements to Unlock:** Level 5


- **Status:** Locked

- **Requirements to Unlock:** Level 10

Barry studied his stats, contemplating ways to increase his XP and level up faster. He knew that becoming more powerful was crucial in facing the escalating threats to Central City and beyond. His focus was intense, as he considered new training regimens and combat strategies to push his limits further.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on his screen, startling him out of his thoughts. It was a quest alert.

**New Quest: Defend Earth!**


Team up with Superman to stop General Zod from invading Earth. This mission involves high-level combat, strategic planning, and utilizing the full range of your abilities alongside Superman's strength and powers.

**Quest Details:**

- **Threat Origin:** General Zod, a Kryptonian warlord, is planning to invade Earth with a formidable army. Zod's goal is to conquer the planet and transform it into a new Krypton.

- **Allies:** Superman.

- **Neutralize Zod:** Work with Superman to defeat Zod and prevent the activation of any world-altering devices he might deploy.

**Time Limit:**

1 month to prepare, mobilize, and successfully repel the invasion.


- **Experience Points (XP):** 2000

- **Currency:** 200 Credits

- **Special Ability Unlock: Kryptonian Adaptation**

- **Item:** Phantom Zone Projector

**Reward Explanation:**

**2000 XP:**

Successfully completing this quest will provide Barry with a substantial boost in experience points, propelling him closer to higher levels and unlocking further potential upgrades for his abilities.

**200 Credits:**

These credits can be used in the soon-to-be-unlocked shop, allowing Barry to purchase items, upgrades, or new abilities that will aid him in future missions and battles.

**Special Ability Unlock: Kryptonian Adaptation:**

- **Description:** This ability grants Barry temporary enhancements that mimic some aspects of Kryptonian physiology when in proximity to a Kryptonian (such as Superman).

- **Advantages:**

- **Enhanced Strength:** Significant increase in physical strength, allowing Barry to handle heavier objects and deliver more powerful attacks.

- **Durability:** Increased resistance to physical damage, making Barry more resilient in combat.

- **Enhanced Senses:** Improved senses, such as vision and hearing, for better situational awareness and detection of hidden threats.

- **Energy Absorption:** Ability to absorb and temporarily store solar energy, enhancing speed and power during battles.

**Item: Phantom Zone Projector:**

- **Description:** A device capable of banishing targets to the Phantom Zone, an alternate dimension used as a prison for Kryptonian criminals.

- **Advantages:**

- **Containment:** Effective means of neutralizing powerful foes without killing them.

- **Versatility:** Can be used strategically to remove threats from the battlefield or secure dangerous entities.

Barry understood the gravity of the quest ahead. The coming month would be a test of his abilities, his leadership, and his resolve. With the rewards of increased power, valuable credits, and the ability to adapt some of Superman's strengths, Barry felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The Phantom Zone Projector added an extra layer of security for the mission. The fate of Earth depended on their success, and he was ready to rise to the challenge alongside Superman.

Cisco was stationed at Star Labs, closely monitoring Barry's astounding progress from the very first day they detected his speed capabilities on his computer. Each passing day filled him with awe as he witnessed Barry's abilities develop at an unprecedented rate. The growth was exponential, far exceeding any expectations Cisco had initially entertained.

From analyzing data to conducting experiments, Cisco dedicated himself to understanding the intricacies of Barry's speed. The rapid advancement in Barry's powers left Cisco pondering the limitless potential lying ahead. He couldn't help but speculate on just how fast Barry might become in the future, considering the speed at which he was currently progressing.