
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
48 Chs

Flash Gets Rid Of Faora and Nam-Ek

As Superman stood over Zod, victorious but weary, the battle below raged on. Flash faced off against Faora and Nam-Ek, his usual lighthearted demeanor replaced by a focused intensity. The speedster was determined to put an end to their threat once and for all.

Faora and Nam-Ek, their armor battered and bloodied, snarled at Flash. They charged at him, their fists blazing with energy. Flash smirked and, in a burst of speed, dodged their attacks effortlessly, leaving afterimages in his wake.

"Come on, you two," Flash taunted, his voice echoing around them. "Is that the best you've got?"

Faora swung at him, but Flash ducked and delivered a rapid series of punches to her midsection, each blow cracking her armor further. Nam-Ek roared and lunged at him, but Flash sidestepped and struck him with a powerful kick that sent the hulking Kryptonian sprawling.

"You guys really need to work on your speed," Flash quipped, zipping around them in a blur of red and yellow. "This is getting embarrassing."

Faora and Nam-Ek tried to coordinate their attacks, but Flash was too fast, darting between them and landing punch after punch. Each hit sent shockwaves through their bodies, tearing their armor and splattering blood across their faces. Despite their resilience, the relentless assault was taking its toll.

Flash paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he assessed his opponents. "Alright, time to finish this."

With a sudden burst of speed, Flash created a speed mirage, splitting into multiple versions of himself. Faora and Nam-Ek, disoriented and unable to distinguish the real Flash from the afterimages, lashed out in all directions, their movements growing increasingly desperate.

In a final, coordinated strike, Flash's speed mirage surrounded the two Kryptonians. He delivered simultaneous blows from all directions, each punch infused with the full force of his super-speed. Faora and Nam-Ek were lifted off their feet, their bodies twisted and broken by the onslaught.

Flash came to a stop, his real self standing at the center of the devastation. He watched as Faora and Nam-Ek, now unrecognizable, their armor shattered and their bodies bloodied, crumpled to the ground.

"Sorry, folks," Flash said quietly, his tone somber. "But this is where it ends."

With a final, blinding burst of speed, Flash struck both Faora and Nam-Ek at the same time. The impact was cataclysmic, a shockwave of energy that blasted them to pieces. The battlefield was silent for a moment, the air heavy with the aftermath of the brutal clash.

Flash stood amidst the debris, his chest heaving with exertion. He glanced around, his gaze settling on the fallen forms of his foes. "It's over," he said to himself, his voice barely a whisper.

Superman watched in shock as the pieces of Faora and Nam-Ek scattered across the battlefield. He descended slowly to where Flash stood amidst the debris, his expression stern and troubled.

"Was that necessary, Barry?" Superman asked, his voice tinged with disapproval. "Did you have to kill them?"

Flash looked up at Superman, his eyes hard and unyielding. "Yes, Clark. It was necessary. Sometimes, you have to put an end to your enemies for good. Leaving them alive just means they'll come back and cause more harm."

Superman's frown deepened. "We don't have the right to decide who lives and who dies. That's not our role."

Flash shook his head, his voice growing more intense. "Maybe it should be. Look at Zod lying there. If I were you, I'd finish him off. But that's not my call to make."

With that, Flash turned and walked away, leaving Superman to ponder his words. Batman, who had been listening from a distance, approached Superman, his own face reflecting the weight of Flash's argument.

"I heard what Flash said," Batman said quietly. "He's not entirely wrong. There are times when sparing an enemy can lead to more destruction and death."

Superman turned to Batman, his eyes searching his friend's face. "Are you reconsidering your no-kill rule, Bruce?"

Batman looked away, his jaw clenched. "I've always believed in justice without killing. But sometimes... sometimes the lines get blurred. We have to find a balance between mercy and necessity."

Superman sighed, the burden of leadership heavy on his shoulders. "I understand the dilemma, but taking a life should never be our first choice. It's a path that can lead to darkness."

Batman nodded slowly. "I know. But we also can't ignore the consequences of letting some of these enemies live."

The two heroes stood in silence, the aftermath of the battle weighing heavily on their minds. They knew that the choices they made now would shape the future, not just for themselves, but for the world they swore to protect.

Superman looked back at Zod, who lay unconscious and defeated. "We need to find a way to secure Zod and ensure he never threatens Earth again. Killing him isn't the answer."

Batman placed a hand on Superman's shoulder. "We'll find a way. Together."

As they prepared to deal with the aftermath and secure Zod, Flash watched from a distance, his mind wrestling with his own decisions. He knew he had done what he believed was right, but he couldn't help but wonder about the path he had chosen.

The heroes had won the battle, but the war for their ideals and the protection of their world was far from over. Each step they took from this point on would be fraught with difficult choices and the ever-present question of what it truly meant to be a hero.