
I Am the Devil King (Baldsan)

In a world of swords and magic, a world in which wit comes second and pure power comes first, what will happen if an entity who have the ability to destroy the world and at the same time make it rotate in the palm of his hands, existed? Come and watch the story of the Calamitous Manipulator as he make the world dance to his desires at the same time unravel the mysteries of his long slumber

Baldsan · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 24: The Lurking Shadow Part 1

Gusts of razor sharp winds was heard flapping about the airspace of the city, the gusts was strong enough to sway trees and streetlights but controlled and not destructive enough to shatter glasses, remove roofs or outright make a house fly signifying the care and control of the culprit of the gusts to not damage any property, also removing any possibility of hostility of the one who caused the winds towards us.

I immediately kissed Guinevere in the forehead as she said another "take care" and then waved her hand with a smile strained with a little strand of worry for me and my third spouse, Arachne. But of course we all know here that I noting will happen, I will do anything necessary to achieve what I want after all, and what I want right now is to save my friend and my wife, so she can rest assured that everything will be fine.

Thinking of those things I immediately went outside my palace and there, I finally saw him.

A Lion, a lion towering fifty meters in height staring right above me with his sharp blue eyes that have vertical slit pupils. His mane that have golden tints in its begining and already pitch black all the way trough is fluttering about while his gigantic fangs is peeking out of his mouth that he immediately hid as he made a small snort looking at the peasants from below his feet.

His chest that is covered by his mane is puffed out proudly and his body is covered with dark gold skin, he is standing proudly in front of us with all the glory and majesty of the King of the beasts.

He is Leon the Lion, one of Idun's subordinates and the strongest of the twelve stars... Or well that's how I want to introduce him to you people, but because of his size, he made a gigantic commotion and a whole garrison of soldiers was moving out to chase him away, destroying his majestic entrance, good thing I went out in time or there will be flattened soldiers in the streets before we went out for the forest, because this giant cat is very proud and only people he know stronger than him is allowed to point a blade on him and anyone not in his criteria will have their body become lunch for him.

Well, please, forgive him, he is so arrogant you see...

But, you know, seriously, can't Idun just make her subordinates all humanoids, or atleast give them humanoid forms so that this accident of a giant Lion landing in front of my palace that moved out the soldiers of the Kingdom will not occur again?

Sigh... Well, no need to fret over those things, because I already quelled the panic and everything is now back to normal, the soldiers also knew that there are only finger counted people who have the power to hurt me so they obeyed me immediately with little reluctance, I just said that I will visit the Fairy Princess and because they don't know about the Non-interference rule, they didn't questioned any further and shooed themselves away immediately.

With a little growl Leon turned his head towards Altair who still have her whole eyes wide open, after a while she turned at me completely ignoring her still passed out spouse as she pointed her index finger to Leon as she say.

"Loki-sama! There's a giant cat!! Can I pet it!?"

Leon heard this and immediately retorted, he made his snout near Altair's face, though because it is very big Altair's whole body was oversized by it.

"You lowly vampire, what word did you use to refer this venerable one?"

His blue eyes glistened with bloodlust and his posture is akin to a beast that is about to pounce at its prey, however, Altair just stared at the ca- I mean at the furious Lion in front of her and her eyes once again sparkled and looked at me.

"Master, the giant cat can talk!"

She poked her index finger again and again at Leon as Leon looked at me asking for permission to have a late night snack, in which I responded with the white of my eyes turning black and shaping my lips and wording out "try it." In which he immediately understood that's why he can only go "grr" "grr" around while he is continuously being called a cat.

But enough of that and we still have a fairy that needs saving from her knight and shining armor, huh? I don't have an armor? Don't bother with the small details or you'll go bald early.

Anyway, I immediately moved in between them and properly introduced the both of them towards each other.

First, I pointed at Leon as I stopped Altair's fingers that is poking him, much to his relief.

"No, Altair he is not a giant cat, this Lion will be our mode of transportation for our adventure to the Forest of Idun, he is Leon the Lion. And please refrain from calling him a cat again because he is unbearably prideful and will go on a tantrum-"


"...If he was ever called a cat."

With a simple nod and "I see", the Introduction for Altair was finished

I then looked at Leon and then forced back my laughter upon seeing his annoyed face.

"Leon, This is Altair, she is just a youngster so she doesn't have some tact and some other... Let's say necessary things in herself, so please be patient with her and don't eat her okay? I'm serious you'll become a giant roasted cat if you ever tried, okay?"

I said with a textbook smile, though he knows that the smile doesn't mean its textbook meaning at all and made a nervous "h-hmph! This one (Author: Just imagine him referring himself as a high regard person) understands."

And with that, the introduction, and actually even the preparation are finally complete, we finally rode Leon after I ate my dinner, though my sister still have many things to do in which I saw as total bullshit because I can see her in the Verdana having her arm in the waist of one of her maids, though I choose to ignore it.

All of my family except my sister said their final goodbye as we finally went into the sky and transverse the heavens with the help of the Star that represents the Lion Constellation Leon.

Our destination is the Forest of Idun.

[3rd Person POV]

An unidentified object shot out of the airspace of Valentine sending people who saw the majesty of the comet like projectile in awe, of course except for a few ones that have a closer relationship to the Royal Siblings that knew the identity of the said projectile, that is in truth, a giant Lion that is being used as a mode of transportation of the King of the Devils and his subordinate Altair.

Well, of course they do know the commotion in which a giant Lion suddenly appeared and landed in front of the palace of Loki, however they didn't knew that the Lion will just become a mere vehicle for their prince, more so if it is said that Loki, the second prince itself have to calm the lion down, that means, the lion has to be strong in order to mobilize Loki like that.

Well or atleast that's how the misconception of people is, because no matter how much the pride of Leon is bloated or how much his ego is as big as his head, he still cannot hope of mobilizing one of the Royal Siblings.

That's why, Eris didn't even bothered and went into her brother's palace to see the commotion, she didn't thought for a second that Leon will attack Loki or Leon will ever have a chance of landing a hit if he ever did so.

That's also the reason why did she not bid farewell of her brother, she knew that him being once again fallen into a long deep slumber is a phenomena that will never happen again, Eris doesn't have any proof, she just knew it, maybe because she loved her brother too much, or maybe because she can't be honest to her emotions most of the time, one of those reasons is the reason why she didn't bid farewell, though not a permanent one to her brother and not at all because of the maid who is skimpily dressed by her side.

_My brother is strong!_

Eris thought as she saw the Lion transverse the night skyline with majesty and haste as to make the suffering of his master finally come to an end.

"Take care..."

With those words as her farewell, she closed her eyes and slowly crept her right hand into the right waist of the maid who have a very sensual outfit as the maid made a small moan and quiver for it seem that her most anticipated moment will finally happen.

Of course Eris didn't requested for this kind of clothes for she values formality and no matter how much of a womanizer she is, she still cannot tolerate someone wearing something that only have garments in front and is completely naked in the back in broad daylight, and of course her maids knew this full well, they are not attending the ravenous "needs" of their queen if they still cannot understand the kinks of Eris.

That's why, they make sure to make a rotation system of some sorts so that everyone of them will be able to sleep with their beloved master, Loki will sure burst of jealousy if he ever learned about this system of his sister's harem.


Eris could only chuckle at this thoughts as she started to tease the back of the the maid in which is the weak spot of the maid as the longing and frustrated maid let out small moans while tugging the hem of Eris' dress.

Eris is pleased seeing the sensitive maid's face turn red as her tongue stuck out of her mouth and asked for a kiss in which Eris also replied with her skillful kiss, Eris started to take of the skimpy clothes of her beloved maid and slowly walk inside the verdana and went to a desolate part of the palace in which not that many people are coming in and out.

"Nnn... Ah..."

The maid started to moan inside Eris' mouth as Eris started to fondle the maid's soft breast, the mood was getting into it, the maid's clothes was already removed revealing a very fair skin that aroused Eris even more as she started to pant and kiss the neck of the maid who just went limp because of the foreplay of Eris.

"How cute..."

However, the lust of Eris went into an abrupt end as she sensed someone familiar, albeit not friendly presence approaching Valentine. The speed was not fast, though not also slow, evident of someone who is trying to be Stealthy as much as possible despite his incapacity to do so.

Eris made a large sigh accompanied with a frown, as she picked up the clothes of the maid in front of her that have a disappointed look on her face as to why did they stopped in the best part, but then saw the face of her queen and immediately understood.

"We have to postpone this okay?"

Said Eris with a little smile on her face as she patted the head of her maid

However, her maid knew it, something happened, or something is happening and it's a serious one, something that a mere maid like herself doesn't have any place to be or even the power to understand, with this thoughts, and with a little glint of disappointment in her heart that she immediately shoved off, the maid bowed a deep one and ran across the hallway into the servant quarters as Eris' Heterochromatic eyes glinted a hint of anger and curiousity.

"And he have to come here at this time."

Eris sprouted her crimsom wings that glowed a magnificent yet terrifying blood colored light as she started to fly, and look for the direction of the lurking shadow.