
I am the Big Boss in my life

Prologue Andra has been a good person all throughout her life. She was an adopted daughter of a kind family so to give them back the kindness she felt, she worked a lot in order to give them a good life. However, due to an accident she lost her life when she saved a young boy crossing the street and was hit by a delivery truck. Upon waking up, she realized she is given one more chance to life. But then when she found out about her situation, she felt like going crazy as she became a villian of a love story where the definition of obsession is strongly attached to her for the male lead. (Cover not mine) "Are you crazy? I'm not going to be the person chasing some clown in this life. If my stepsister likes him, let her have him. I'll make lots and lots of money instead, tour around this world, and be a rich auntie like they say." Ironically, the current family she has is the one that neglects someone who they believe to be a bastard. Therefore, they made her a bride to a man who hated her as he is more interested to his sister.

BlessedMe · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 8- The Family of Grand Duke

In the residence of the Grand Duke:

A knock on the door prompted Xeirous to stop working.

"Come in."

"Hello Your Excellency," it is one of his most trusted knight and friend barging in. "Well... I've heard an interesting rumor." Apparently he is also known as a gossip monger. Most of the time, he likes to pester him as one of his hobbies.

"I am not interested then, Bien."

"Oh come on! This particular rumor, err, I mean news is fun."

Xeirous shake his head. He can't be bothered by his friend's antics.

"Are you not really curious about it?"


"Just pretend to be even a little bit."

"Bien, I'll ask you to train with our soldiers this time then."

"Ekk. But this time it will make you think twice."

Xeirous sighed. He gave a nonchalant reply to signal to his friend that he does not really care whether he shares it or not.

"You will thank me for this. This concerns your future wife, you know."

Xeirous stopped his work and looked at him seriously. It is not like this is the first time someone sends him a letter for marriage or spreads the gossip that he is dating one of them. He just plans to order his knight to run a training so he will not bother him now.

Suddenly a small figure went to Bien, a five year old little prince of the Grand Duke Kingdom who is adored by everyone.

"Oh, hello little Prince. You came at the right time."

A proud smile is seen on his face and immediately went to his brother, Xerious, the current heir of the Grand Duke Kingdom.

"Yes. I am going to guard my brother."

Bien laughed at this cute shadow of his master and friend.

"Leixus you can continue playing outside." Xerious gently encourage him.

"But Brother, I want to hear Bien's news. I heard him say something interesting."

Xeirous looked at Bien grimly and saw him made an awkward pose. He felt a headache coming as this little brother of his is slowly being influenced by his friend. And the thing is he is not the only one.

Unfortunately, this did not stop Bien to run his mouth.

"Yes, my Prince. A fun news indeed."

"Tell me the details." Leixus went to the sofa and sat like a mini-king as if giving his order when he gestured to Bien. "Continue."

Xeirous sighed and let them be while continuing his paper works. He just came a month ago from their monster battle as required from their family. A rule created before the current kingdom stood.

"Yes, so I have heard this daughter of the Duke's family who is your brother's, let's say, extreme admirer is marrying him." Bien acted as if he is whispering but the voice is loud for the whole room to hear.

"Although I am not sure how she likes your brother but they say some things are hard to explain."

Leixus made a pouty face and said,

"It's because brother is amazing!"

Bien coughed embarassed. Of course, this little guy idolize his brother as well. He imagine others way of thinking of His Excellency and shivered since he knows they fear him more.

Another knock was heard and Xeirous knows his day will be in chaos.

"Brother! I heard the rumor!" Another obsidian-colored-hair ball of energy came in. The second son of the Grand Duke Family. Another gossip-monger, his ten-year old brother who is second in line of their family. The one who already became his friend's companion for rumors.

As he is the one running their main residence, he gave their mother's land and title to this brother of his. Xeirous is planning to surrender these to him when he came of age.

Xeirous groaned and stopped working. He then rang the bell to call their butler.

"Yes, Your Excellency?"

"Robert, please bring some snacks here."

"Certainly, Your Grace."

The three guys looked at Xeirous. He just sigh and palm himself. He feel that the headache is coming now with their curious looks.

"Ceirean." Xeirous acknowledge his brother that just arrived.

"So are you really going to be married big brother?" Ceirean asked.

"Will she live with us? Like forever?" Leixus asked at the same time.

Xeirous just find this thing ironic because nobody really wants to spend their whole life in their kingdom. Even though some women want to marry him but he knows they are after the money and divorce him, or they are after the title of their household if ever they do not want to divorce after.

Money and power can really be intoxicating for others.

"I am not aware of the news. Since you are here Bien, might as well continue it." He looked at his knight seriously.

"Errmmmm. So the emperor found out that the Duke family's daughter, the elder one has reciprocated you feelings-"


"Well, apparently the rumor said you are giving her flowers to woo her."

"I've never sent anything such as flower."

"This is why this is interesting." Xeirous saw his friend's ecstatic eyes.

"So I went and asked someone about this and they said the elder daughter was taunting the second one regarding you and her. She was actually sending flowers to herself but putting your name in it. To add, she acts as if surprised all the time. The thing is it became bigger and the emperor now had developed an idea that he can marry you to one of their daughters."

"Who is marrying brother then?" Leixus and Ceirean asked.

"From my data gathering, it will be someone named Safira because Mafila does not really want to marry your brother."

"Who?" Leixus asked confused.

"Is she the one obsessed with my brother?" Ceirean asked excitedly. His brother is, Xeirous believes, truly has been corrupted by his friend.

"Yes. And they are going to meet soon." Bien laugh hysterically.

"I just hope she is nice to us." Leixus said while pouting.

Xeirous looked at them and said,

"You don't need to force yourself to like her. After all she is coming from that family. I will assign her in one of our mansions and let her be."

"Hmm." The little guy made a thinking gesture. "I want to see her then when she comes. Bien said rumor is interesting, she must be nice."

"Uhmm, little prince interesting does not mean nice." Bien ammended while scratching his head.

"I'll see what I can do with this." Xeirous tried to ease their worries and curiosities. His friend really give him trouble this time but he is thankful because he is made aware of this development.

"But brother, what if she is really nice? You know they say bad things about us but they are cowards to face us, that's why! Maybe she can be our friend." Ceirean made an indignant pose. Xeirous pat his head.

"We will know when all of us are here. I hope she is nice to you guys, too."

Xeirous did not add that the woman is coming from the Somelian's household and she might be bringing harm to their family, like how her family did to his parents. He hid his bloodlust upon remembering their current predicament.

He gestured to his friend and Bien nod. He needs to know about the full details of this issue and although he does not really care about gossips, this one in particular needs attention. This is about their safety and knowing that the emperor is making his moves already made him more upset.

A short interruption when the butler came who brought the snacks happen. Leixus and Ceirean were too excited to receive food in his study room, like having a short break from a meeting.

They always felt as if they are part of his meeting council members since he let them come here and discuss things- albeit about rumors started by his friend. Xeirous is happy to fulfill their little wishes. In the future they will need to create a council of their own and they can always start and train here.

"Your Grace, the snacks are here."

"Thank you Robert."

He saw the two brothers eat with gusto, enjoying them well.

Xeirous smiled and decided to leave his two brothers in the room. He needs to prepare everything and he can't delay as well. Not now that all of the things the emperor can throw at him, he decided marriage.

"I'll leave you two here-"

"You always leave us brother." Leixus has a sad face and Ceirean was quiet.

He sigh. He will prepare at night then. For now, he will spend time with his brothers since they are here.

"Then after the snacks, we can train a bit to strengthen your cores."

Xeirous saw them nod excitedly. He has to teach them about how their body works. He might not be able to be here at all times to protect them due to the monthly monster batte he has to finish, but he will make sure they are prepared.