
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. No clear release schedule because this is something I write when I'm burnt out or need some time away from my main fic. I write as I wish. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 91 - Backstory about Miracle Levia-Tan! Part 2

Long after Ravel had left, Serafall still sat on the park bench. The same one where she unknowingly meets Ray for the first time.

Her head lowered and facing the ground as she sat there while mumbling incoherently like a typical psych ward escapee.

Serafall feels confused. She felt something wasn't right. Something is missing. But she couldn't put a finger on it.

She loves magical girls. It's her passion but also a coping mechanism.

The Great War scarred many and also her. She became so scared of being left alone that she loved her younger sister to death.

She is tired of the endless battle, killing, resentment, hatred and despair from the Great War that scarred her people that she becomes a Magical Girl. To both inspire joy and happiness especially on the younger generations and Reincarnated Devils

However, she cannot understand why she killed a Devil for a stupid power.

"W-What… what have I done?" Serafall felt sick when she sobered up and recalled what she just did and what she did a few days ago, killing and harvesting the heart of a poor Devil while she was still alive and screaming to be put out of misery.

She immediately retched when the memories played in her mind. She cannot believe what she had done and what in Satan's name compelled her to do it.

'Isn't this what you wanted?' An illusive voice whispered to her ears.

"No! I would nev—... I won't ever do anything crazy like this… This isn't me. This is not me! I am n-no…" She seized up in fear and shock when the corpse of the Devil she killed suddenly appeared and still has all the injuries she inflicted on the poor Devil.

Without even realizing, the background of the park had been replaced with the secret room Serafall used to cut the Devil open. Her body stood there next to the freshly cut open Devil as blood poured out from the opened chest cavity that is missing a heart.

Serafall's face immediately paled and her legs turned weak as she fell to the ground and tried to crawl away in fear only to see her own blood drenched hands which caused her to vomit more and only bile pouring out.

"N-No! How? I already disposed of everything! I clean all my tracks and evidence…" She hysterically tries to recall why she is still in this place and the corpse is still there.

"You will never escape your sin! I will never forgive you for what you ha—"

"Die! Die! Die! Just die please! Just stay dead and away from me!" She screamed in confusion and terror with tears as she used her power to kill the corpse that suddenly stood up and walked up to her.

However, no matter what she did. The corpse just wouldn't stay dead and always raise back up.

"What are you! Why? Why can't you just stay dead!" She growled in anger. Fear and confusion replaced with irritation and rage as she tried to dispose of the corpse to no avail until she sensed something tried to sneak up to her.

Serafall didn't hesitate in her moment of anger and stabbed an icicle lance through whatever that dared sneak up on her. But then her eyes widened in shock because it wasn't the corpse as it was standing a bit farther back while smiling at Serafall with its twisted and bloody face.

"S-Sister…" The person she stabbed called out in confusion and pain before her body fell limp.

Serafall slowly and hesitantly lowered her head to look at the person she was holding on. But at the same time she is also afraid. She is too afraid that the person she is holding was her own sister. However, without even needing to do that. Someone answered the question for her.

"Sona-sama!" Sona's Queen screamed out in distress, confusion and anger as the rest of her peerage that immediately tried to attack Serafall in rage especially Saji who is filled with tears and yelling in rage as he pounced at Serafall after Tsubaki got a hold of Sona.

"Momo! Reya! Help me stabilize Sona-sama quickly!" Tsubaki shouted to the two stunned Bishops after checking Sona to still have a faint but very weak pulse which she instantly administered a Phenex Tear. Then she turned to the Knights. "Tomoe! Tsubasa! Stop and restrain Saji immediately." She ordered before she finally looked at Serafall.

The Queen noticed Serafall looked odd and she had been like this for the past month. Tsubaki has been with Sona the longest and she is very familiar with Serafall due to that. It's difficult to describe how odd Serafall had been acting. But she had noticed how Serafall is less vibrant than she usually was and sometimes looks dazed as if she is daydreaming.

But after what she had just seen, Tsubaki can't be any more sure that there is indeed something that is very wrong about Serafall.

Serafall fell to her knees and looked fixated at the hand that stabbed the icicle into Sona's heart. She sat there like a broken doll, laughing but tears streaming down her cheek as she continued to chuckle until it turned into a full blown laugh.

A moment ago, when Tsubaki was tending to Sona. Serafall hears the voice again whispering to her ears. She finally knows who's voice is this. It's…

'I am your magical familiar. Have you forgotten? Miracle Levia-Tan?'

'Why are you so upset? It's just death. There's nothing I, your partner cannot do. Reviving is just a simple matter. Although, it isn't free either.'

'What is the price you ask? Hmn… How are the souls of these Devils in exchange for your sister? They are just nobodies after all. They are easily replaceable human toys. Sona can pick a new one or maybe switch them with something better, hmn? Something that can protect them so incidents like this won't repeat again.'


"Serafall-sama! Serafall-sama!" Serafall heard someone calling her name but she didn't have time to care about those annoying flies.

"I… have to save my… Sona." Her body bent up inhumanly, twisting and popping grotesquely before she finally stood up while holding a pink magical stick.

"Miracle Levia-Tan will come and save the day. Just wait for me… Sona." Serafall said as she made her transformation.

Tsubaki and the others watch in horror. While in Serafall's eyes, everyone looked sparkly and colorful while doing the transformation, Tsubaki and the rest of Sona's peerage saw the truth.

Creepy abominations slither out from the shadow around Serafall and crawled up her body and wrapped around her body into a pink fleshy cocoon that later split open revealing Serafall in colorful and typically magical girl outfits except those outfits when look closely has eyes, razor sharp teeth-lined mouth and faces hiding in the outfit.

"I am sorry. But please die for my Sona." Serafall swung the wand before tentacles and other alien appendages sprout out from the shadow on the ground and captured each of them except Sona and drop them towards the bigger patch of shadow on the ground that has a large open jaw lined with rows upon rows of teeths.

Sona's peerage tried to resist but they were obviously helpless and Sona woke up suddenly by the horrified and pained scream of her peerage members.

"No! Tsubaki! Momo! Saji! Reya! Tsubasa! Tomoe!" Sona screamed but they all already fell into the pit filled with razor sharp teeth and is being devoured alive.

Sona then looks at Serafall in confusion, anger and hate while the older Sitri thought she succeeded and saved Sona.

"Thank goodness you are alive again." Serafall tried to hug Sona but Sona threatened to attack her insane sister with her magic.

"Why… why did you do this, Serafall?"

"Why, you ask? To save you of course." Serafall said and tried to hug Sona again but once again pushed away.

"Save me? For what? They already did using a Phenex Tear after YOU stabbed me! Let go of my peerage quickly. I will attack you even if you are my sister, Serafall!" Sona threatened and conjured a dozen water arrows with her magic.

"Huh? What… did… I… just… do…" Serafall asked as panic replaced her smile again as realization sank in and her mind sober up again.

"No! No! I save you! I am the one who saved you! It's me! It has to be me! Otherwise… I… AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Serafall suddenly screamed hysterically and tried to clutch her head which she banged on the pavement until it shattered "It's not me! I didn't do it! I didn't kill her! I didn't kill her! It is you! You wretched liar! You tricked me! You tricked me! You tricked me!"

Serafall turns insane and lifts her head up to look at Sona who is retreating away in fear after seeing something is very much wrong with Serafall.

She tried to turn and run away to escape. She tried to contact Rias or anyone for help. But before she could, something got a hold of her ankle and pulled it which caused her to fall face first to the cement pavement and cracked her glasses and glass fragments stabbed her eyes, blinding her and causing her to scream in pain before a hand caught her by the neck and lifted her up effortlessly.

"Where do you think you are going? You dare impersonate my Sona and deceived me! I can see through your lies, Monster! I'll flay your skin alive and reveal your disguise!" She declared as a sharp blade made of ice appeared in her hand as she got to work.


Meanwhile, on top of a tree over seeing the gruesome torture scene straight out of deep web. Ray in his cat form perched on a branch watching with curiosity and some disappointment.

"Well, I can't expect an inexperienced one like Serafall to be able to skillfully flay Sona's skin open. Such a waste of high quality canvas." Ray commented that the body of a beauty like Sona was wasted with unskilled craftsmanship.

Well, unlike Serafall. He had his practice from making those puppets. He had to dismantle the body and remove the unnecessary organs and body parts to accommodate the parasites that were housed in those puppets. So, he is quite skilled.

When Sona died of blood loss near the end of the flaying of her skin. Ray got bored of this already.

"Sakuya." He summoned and the said maid appeared in an instant next to him on the branch, kneeling and waiting for his order.

"Clean up this place. I'm going back home to sleep." Ray placed a paw before his mouth and yawned before he opened a portal and left.

Sakuya then stood up and glanced at the gruesome scene with an impassive look. "It's the seventh time in a row he toyed with the Sitri sisters. Alas, it's their poor luck to attract Master's attention." Sakuya sighed and offered them a brief prayer before she used her power to roll back time and reverse the damage Ray caused in his pursuit of entertainment.

For Sakuya, it's just another day at work as a maid of an Eldritch God.


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