
I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

So after I was killed I was reborn, so yeah I didn't know getting Reborn was a thing, but here I am as Able from Scp, will that kinda suck, because of all the Scp character to get reborn as i am Able, Life hates me, luckily i got a wish and let's say i got two powerful powers, lets make the most out of this -------- MC is not based on me and will have an actual personality, also he will be different also have no idea to give him a harem or just get with Scp 105, not really sure, anyway this story may wil just fouces on the lighter things then dark

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · อื่นๆ
42 Chs

Unforeseen Consequences

As the weeks passed, SCP-239's training continued to progress steadily under Able's guidance. She had grown more adept at controlling her reality-bending abilities, mastering simple spells and demonstrating an increasing level of finesse and control. Dr. Crow continued to monitor their sessions closely, occasionally offering insights or adjustments to their training regimen.

One afternoon, as Able and SCP-239 were practicing a particularly complex spell involving elemental manipulation, a sudden disturbance rocked the containment facility. Alarms blared throughout the corridors, and personnel rushed to secure breaches and contain anomalies.

"What's happening?" SCP-239 asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Able frowned, his senses heightened. "Stay here," he instructed, moving swiftly toward the nearest security station. Dr. Crow joined him, concern etched on his features.

"Containment breach in Sector 7," a technician reported, frantically typing commands into the console. "Multiple SCPs are uncontained, including SCP-106 and SCP-096."

Able's mind raced as he considered the implications. Sector 7 housed some of the most dangerous anomalies in Foundation custody. If SCP-239's training was interrupted or compromised, it could have catastrophic consequences.

"We need to evacuate SCP-239 to a secure location," Dr. Crow decided, his tone urgent. "Able, can you ensure her safety?"

Able nodded, his expression resolute. "I'll get her to a safe containment area. We can't afford any risks with her abilities."

They hurried back to SCP-239, who was waiting anxiously. "What's going on?" she asked again, her eyes wide with fear.

"We're moving you to a safer location," Able explained quickly, guiding her toward a reinforced containment chamber deeper within the facility. "There's been a security breach, and we need to make sure you're protected."

As they reached the secure chamber, Able activated the containment protocols, sealing the door behind them. SCP-239 looked around nervously, clutching her hands together.

"I don't like this," she murmured, her voice trembling. "What if something happens to everyone else?"

Able knelt beside her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We have to trust that the Foundation will handle the situation. Right now, our priority is keeping you safe."

Dr. Crow stood guard outside the chamber, communicating with security personnel through his earpiece. "Containment teams are working to secure the breaches," he reported grimly. "But we're facing significant resistance from SCP-096."

Able frowned, his mind racing through potential scenarios. If SCP-096's anomalous effects spread throughout the facility, it could jeopardize all ongoing containment efforts, including SCP-239's.

"We have to find a way to neutralize SCP-096," Able said, turning to Dr. Crow. "Containment breaches of this magnitude could lead to widespread chaos."

Dr. Crow nodded, his expression grave. "Agreed. But our immediate concern is maintaining SCP-239's containment and ensuring her safety."

Inside the chamber, SCP-239 was visibly distressed, her hands trembling with suppressed power. "I can help," she insisted, her eyes pleading. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."

Able hesitated, weighing the risks. SCP-239's powers were formidable, but they could also exacerbate the situation if not carefully controlled. He glanced at Dr. Crow for guidance, silently deliberating their next move.

Dr. Crow met his gaze, his expression conflicted. "Able, if SCP-239 can assist in neutralizing SCP-0without endangering herself or others..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden surge of energy rippled through the facility, followed by a deafening roar. The walls of the containment chamber shuddered, and alarms blared once more.

"What's happening?" SCP-239 cried out, her voice panicked.

Able's heart sank as he realized the severity of the situation. SCP-███ had breached containment, unleashing its chaotic effects throughout the facility. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend around them, threatening to engulf everything in its path.

"We need to evacuate," Dr. Crow shouted over the din, his voice barely audible. "Now!"

Able grabbed SCP-239's hand, pulling her toward the chamber's emergency exit. Together, they raced through the corridors, dodging debris and avoiding pockets of instability caused by SCP-███'s anomalous influence.

As they reached the facility's central control room, Able saw chaos unfolding before his eyes. Containment teams battled against creatures spawned from SCP-███'s reality-warping effects, while others struggled to contain secondary breaches caused by panicked SCPs reacting to the disturbance.

"We need to contain SCP-███," Able said, his voice determined. "It's the only way to restore stability."

Dr. Crow nodded, his expression grim. "I'll coordinate with containment teams. SCP-239, can you help us contain SCP-███?"

SCP-239 hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "I... I'll try," she said quietly, her voice tinged with fear.

Able placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You can do this," he said firmly. "Focus on channeling your powers. We'll guide you."

Together, they formulated a plan to neutralize SCP-███'s effects and restore containment. SCP-239 closed her eyes, concentrating with all her might. Gradually, the chaotic energy around them began to stabilize, the distortions in reality diminishing as her powers countered SCP-███'s influence.

"It's working," Dr. Crow exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. "Containment teams, move in and secure SCP-███!"

As containment teams moved in, Able felt a surge of pride and relief. SCP-239's abilities had proven instrumental in averting disaster, demonstrating her potential as a powerful ally under controlled circumstances.

Later, as the facility began to return to normalcy, Dr. Crow approached Able and SCP-239 with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "You both handled the situation admirably," he said, his voice sincere. "But this incident underscores the risks of working with anomalies like SCP-239."

Able nodded, his expression serious. "We need to be more vigilant," he agreed. "But SCP-239 showed that with proper guidance, her powers can be used constructively."

Dr. Crow sighed, rubbing his temples wearily. "Perhaps," he conceded. "But we must remain cautious. The Foundation's mission is to secure, contain, and protect, and that includes protecting SCPs from themselves."

As they debriefed the incident and reviewed their actions, Able couldn't shake the feeling that SCP-239's potential had been both a blessing and a curse. Her abilities had saved lives, but they also posed significant risks if not carefully managed.

"We'll continue her training," Able said firmly, meeting Dr. Crow's gaze. "But we need to refine our approach and strengthen containment protocols."

Dr. Crow nodded in agreement. "Agreed. SCP-239 has proven herself capable, but we must remain vigilant."

As they prepared to resume SCP-239's training under heightened security measures, Able couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility. The events of that day had underscored the challenges of working with anomalies, but also the potential rewards of harnessing their powers for the greater good.

"We'll get through this," Able thought to himself, glancing at SCP-239, who was deep in thought. "Together."

As I sat down in the room, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, I pulled out a drink and took a long sip. "Holy fuck," I muttered, glancing over at Dr. Crow. "That was something else."

Dr. Crow nodded, his expression mirroring my own mixture of exhaustion and disbelief. "Yeah, that containment breach was unexpected, to say the least."

I leaned back against the wall, trying to process everything that had just happened. "SCP-███ really threw everything into chaos," I continued, shaking my head slightly. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Dr. Crow glanced over at SCP-239, who sat quietly in the corner, deep in thought. "She showed remarkable control," he said, his voice tinged with admiration. "But it's a stark reminder of the risks involved in our work."

I set my drink down on the table, the cool liquid offering a brief moment of clarity amidst the chaos. "We need to be more vigilant," I said quietly. "More prepared for situations like this."

Dr. Crow nodded solemnly. "We will be. We'll review the incident, strengthen our protocols, and continue SCP-239's training with a renewed focus on containment and control."

As we discussed our next steps, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The containment breach had tested our abilities and resolve, but it had also reaffirmed SCP-239's potential as a valuable asset under carefully controlled circumstances.

"I just hope we can prevent something like this from happening again," I said, my gaze shifting back to SCP-239. "She's capable of so much good, but her powers... they come with risks."

Dr. Crow agreed, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed. But we can't let fear dictate our actions. We have to learn from this and move forward."

With a renewed sense of determination, I stood up, ready to focus on our next training session with SCP-239. "Let's get back to work," I said firmly. "We have a lot to do."

Dr. Crow offered a faint smile. "Yes, we do."

As we began to prepare for the next phase of SCP-239's training, the echoes of the containment breach lingered in my mind. It was a stark reminder of the challenges we faced, but also of the potential we held to harness SCP-239's abilities for the greater good.

"We'll make sure she's ready," I thought to myself, meeting Dr. Crow's gaze with determination. "Together."

I looked at Dr. Crow, concern evident in my expression. "Do you think Dr. Clef will finally see SCP-239 as Allie and not something that needs to be killed, or will he never stop?"

Dr. Crow sighed, his brow furrowing thoughtfully. "Dr. Clef has always been cautious when it comes to powerful anomalies, especially reality benders like SCP-239. His perspective is deeply rooted in containment and elimination of potential threats."

I nodded, understanding Dr. Clef's perspective even if I didn't agree with it. "But SCP-239 isn't just a threat. She's learning to control her abilities. She could be an asset if given the chance."

Dr. Crow nodded slowly. "You've shown that SCP-239 can be guided and controlled under the right circumstances. That might sway some opinions, but Dr. Clef's concerns won't disappear overnight."

I frowned, knowing that Dr. Clef's skepticism could pose ongoing challenges. "What can we do to convince him otherwise?"

Dr. Crow leaned forward, his expression serious. "Continue to demonstrate SCP-239's progress. Show that her training is effective and that she poses no immediate danger under supervision. Actions speak louder than words."

I nodded again, determined to prove SCP-239's potential. "I'll keep working with her. Show Dr. Clef that she's more than just a containment problem."

Dr. Crow gave a small smile of encouragement. "That's all we can do for now. Keep focusing on her training and progress. Eventually, the results will speak for themselves."

With that resolve in mind, I turned my attention back to SCP-239, thinking about our next training session and how we could continue to shape her abilities for the benefit of the Foundation.

As then I left, I took Scp 239 to her own room, as I put her into her bed, as she called me big brother as I was ok with a patted her head, as she felt a sleep, and left out of the room as I saw Irish it was clear she was shaked by what happened today.

I sighed as I approached Iris, noticing the unease in her demeanor. "Scared, huh? Not surprising. I mean, your ability to go through pictures and change them—it makes sense."

Iris looked up at me, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and uncertainty. "I... I didn't mean for any of that to happen," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "It just... happens sometimes, without me even realizing it."

I nodded sympathetically, understanding the burden of her anomalous ability. "I know. Controlling your power isn't easy, especially when emotions are running high."

She nodded slowly, seemingly comforted by my understanding. "I don't want to hurt anyone," she confessed, her voice tinged with guilt.

"I believe you," I assured her gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure this out together. Just like with SCP-239, we can help you learn to control your abilities."

Iris managed a small smile, grateful for my support. "Thank you, Able."

"No problem," I replied, returning her smile. "Now, why don't you get some rest? Tomorrow is a new day, and we'll work on this together."

With that, I left Iris to settle in for the night, hoping that my words had brought her some comfort amid the uncertainty of our unusual circumstances.

As I settled into bed, Able's voice echoed in my mind, his words carrying a mix of reflection and incredulity.

"That was intense," he said within my thoughts. "Still can't believe we're alive. Oh wait, we can't die. You wished for immortality at the highest level."

I chuckled softly, acknowledging the surreal reality of our situation. "Yeah, it's pretty wild," I responded mentally. "But sometimes I wonder if this immortality thing was really the best choice."

Able's presence in my mind felt comforting, a constant companion in the unpredictable world of SCPs. "We've been through worse," he reassured me. "And we're still here, stronger than ever."

I smiled, grateful for his optimism. "True. At least we have each other."

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, Able and I would face them together, united by our shared experiences and the bond forged through our extraordinary abilities.

The next day, I was summoned by Dr. Bright, and the news she shared had me grinning inside.

"Due to your actions during one of our biggest containment breaches, the O5 Council has made a decision," Dr. Bright said, her eyes meeting mine. "You will no longer be under constant monitoring or scrutiny for your actions."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised but pleased. "Really? That's... unexpected."

Dr. Bright nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "You've proven yourself to be a valuable asset to the Foundation, Able. Your ability to adapt and handle dangerous situations has not gone unnoticed. The Council believes you can be trusted to act independently, within reason."

"That's good to hear," I replied, feeling a sense of relief and newfound freedom. "I appreciate the trust they're placing in me."

Dr. Bright's expression turned serious. "However, this doesn't mean you have carte blanche to do whatever you want. There are still rules and protocols you must follow. But you will have more autonomy in your actions and decisions."

"I understand," I said, nodding. "I'll make sure to use this freedom wisely."

As Dr. Bright left, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This new level of trust and autonomy was a significant step forward. It meant I could operate more freely, make decisions on the fly, and potentially make a greater impact in our ongoing mission to secure, contain, and protect.

Able's voice echoed in my mind, sharing in my excitement. "This is huge! Finally, some real freedom. We can make a difference without being constantly watched."

"Yeah," I agreed, smiling inwardly. "Let's make the most of it."

With this new development, I knew that the days ahead would be filled with even greater challenges and opportunities. But for the first time in a long while, I felt truly optimistic about the future.

"Will you look at that, Able," I said in my mind, feeling a sense of triumph. "We finally achieved my first goal: freedom. Hahahahahahahaha!"

Able's laughter echoed in my thoughts, a rare moment of shared joy. "Yes, we've done it. But remember, with this freedom comes responsibility. We have to be smart about our next moves."

"Of course," I replied, still grinning. "But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the moment."

The day felt brighter, and the Foundation's corridors seemed less oppressive as I walked through them. This newfound freedom opened up so many possibilities, and I was eager to explore them all. But first, there was someone I needed to check on.

I made my way to SCP-239's room, where she was sitting up in bed, reading a book. Her face lit up when she saw me. "Big brother!" she exclaimed, setting the book aside.

"Hey there," I said, smiling as I sat down beside her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good," she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Did something good happen? You seem really happy."

"You could say that," I said, ruffling her hair. "Let's just say things are looking up for both of us."

As SCP-239 beamed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and determination. We had come a long way, and there was still much to do. But with freedom on our side, the future looked promising.

Able's voice broke through my thoughts, more serious now. "We've got a lot of work ahead. Dr. Clef is still a potential problem, and there are other SCPs we need to manage carefully."

"I know," I replied, standing up. "But we'll handle it. One step at a time."

With SCP-239's training progressing well and my newfound autonomy, I felt ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead. The path to freedom had been long and arduous, but we had made it. Now, it was time to use that freedom wisely and continue making a difference in the Foundation.

"Let's get to work," I thought, my resolve strengthening. "We've got a lot more to achieve."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, so yeah