
Chapter 44

Standing patiently on a bridge, three people watched the streaming water flow. Two of them had a bored look on their face as they waited. The other had a interested expression as he watched the river populated with fishes.

"Sasuke-kun do you have time after this?" Sakura had her hand close to her chest. Her eyes looking downward to the floor. "I have something I want to tell you."

There was a strangeness about the way she is this morning. 'Is she feeling sad? Over what?'

"Yeah of course. I will always have time for you," Sasuke said to her sincerely holding onto her hands.

"Thank you Sasuke-kun. I know I will always be in your heart," she said hugging him tightly. Sakura wrapped herself tightly. A tear drop fell down her cheeks.

Sasuke is really confused as to what is happening in the moment. Though he know he would be willing to do anything to help her. Just so his little angel would smile once more.

"It's okay now," he said wiping away that teardrop.

"Thanks Sasuke-kun," Sakura smiled brightly again. Feeling the tenderness of his care.

"Morning Guys," Kakashi waved at them from above, "Today, I wandered a bit from the path of life."

"You're such a liar!!" Said Naruto pointing his finger at Kakashi with annoyance.

"In any case." Kakashi jumped down onto the bridge. "This may come as a surprise. But I've recommended all three of your for the Chunin Selection Exam."

The two look at Sasuke with a newfound admiration. Especially since he explained this to them just yesterday.

"The choice is yours," Kakashi said to them, "you needn't turn in those application forms unless you want to. If you do, report to room 301 at the school by 4.00 tomorrow afternoon."

Finishing saying his short speech Kakashi with a flash disappeared in front of them. Later Naruto also left saying he got to tell this news to Hinata. Leaving Sasuke alone with Sakura.

"What's wrong Sakura you don't seem to be yourself today," Sasuke looked with worry at her.

Sakura reaches her hands out holding onto Sasuke's right hand tightly. Tears well up in her eyes when she tried to speak. "Sasuke these days I keep having a recurring dream."

"A dream?"

"It was really dark in that dream. You had on your backpack, leaving the village." Tears dropped down from her cheeks as she tried to push herself to continue, "You would look at me with such a cold eyes. The worst part is that no matter how hard I call out after you I only see your shadow walking further away."

'Why does this sound so similar to original scene when Sasuke left the village?' He didn't dwell on that thought for long.

With his left hand outstretch Sasuke caress her warm cheek. "Silly it's just a dream."

"I hope so." Sakura hugged him tightly, finally showing a slight smile that spread with brightness. "I don't ever want Sasuke-kun to look at me with such an annoyance."

"I won't ever be you silly. You're important in my life," Sasuke told her embracing her head on his shoulder.

The hugged each other for a moment before Sakura separated. "Sasuke I want to train with you like before."

"Okay. Let's go back to the old spot," saying to her with a cool smile. Taking hold of her hand leading the way.

With her hand in his, Sakura felt all the mountain of stress in her heart being comforted. Shifting away to the back of her mind.

'I will always believe in you Sasuke-kun. No matter what!' Her inner voice shouted with excitement.

The next day the three of them arrived at the academy. But in the wrong moment.

The first thing that catches Sasuke's eyes was the sight of Rock Lee falling to floor on his butt.

"Is someone as talentless as you really planning to take the Chunin Selection Exam?" The voice of one of the guys guarding the door taunted. "Why bother?"

Sasuke almost didn't recognize this world's Rock Lee. Since the Lee in the chat group seem so much more charismatic and fashionable.

"You said it!"

"Bunch of wet-behind-the ears snot noses!"

"Please. We're begging you. Let us in," in front Sasuke heard the voice of Tenten. Stepping up to try her way inside.

Before she could even enter one of the guys raised his hand slapping her across to her face. Tenten closes her eyes unable to dodge the attack.

"I think you have done enough," when Tenten opened her eyes she sees a guy standing in front of her. Helping her block the surprise attack. "You got to be more careful next time."

"Thanks," Tenten's cheeks turned red. Even with a small smile Sasuke was able to make her heart beat like crazy. 'Is this love at first sight?'

"This is only an illusion. You guys are still on the second floor," Sasuke told everyone with a cool manner.

"Not bad. But just seeing through it isn't enough!" The guy said while kick towards Sasuke.

Though before anyone in the room could even react, the guy who started a fight with Sasuke was already sent flying across the room. Hitting the wall with loud thud before fainting on the ground.

'He's strong!' Neji thought to himself. He wasn't even able to see a single movement from Sasuke.

'He's hot and strong,' thought Tenten with her eyes dead set on winning Sasuke over.

With the fight so quickly ended the people started spreading away. Meanwhile Rock Lee takes steps to Sakura.

"Um. Hi my name is Rock Lee. You're Sakura, aren't you?" Rock Lee asked, "Would you like to go out with me? I'll protect you with my life!"

Sakura looked at him strangely, before grabbing onto Sasuke's arm. Looking at Sasuke with total adoration, "I already have a boyfriend."

"It's you! Naruto!" Neji said looking with a menacing expression. "You better hope you're not fighting me."

Without saying a word more Neji started walking away. Sakura turned to Naruto asking curiously, "What was that about?"

"He's Hinata's cousin," replied Naruto with an annoyed sigh at his situation.

"No way!"

"Every single time he sees me he always look as though he hates my guts," Naruto explained.