
I am Peter Parker

Have you seen works about the eleventh universe? Surely you imagined a happy life there, didn’t you? Here it is, only the MC is completely unsuitable for the role of the main character who fucks all the girls. I'm sure not everyone will like this due to the MC's irritable passivity towards numerous girls, but damn, I intended it that way. In general, I warned you. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionPremium · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
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52 Chs

Clearing the Debris

3 patreon subscriptions = 10 bonus chapters

Fully completed story at:



Having learnt the numbers of the girls' rooms beforehand, I made the shortest route so that I wouldn't have to go round corridors.... And it was not another waste of time to gather my courage, not at all, it was necessary!

Before the door to Ulyana's room, I abruptly remembered how I was on top of her, how I sucked her and how she almost cried because she wanted to do something like that with the person she loved.

- Fuhhhh... - On a deep exhale, I knocked on her door and waited for an answer. The realisation that the girls might not be in their rooms only now dawned on me. - Moron...

Wanting to bang my head against the door, I closed my eyes, tilted my body backwards for acceleration and sent it into a free fall forwards....

- Yeah?! - at that very moment, the blonde opened the door and took an involuntary step forward, causing my face to fall flat on hers. I hurriedly braked with my leg out, but.....

- Mm-hmm! - it only saved our teeth without stopping the collision.

- Mm-hmm! - yeah, honestly, that's not how I planned to apologise.

- Haa... - what do I say now? A billet...? - Remember that time I kissed you without your consent? I'm truly sorry, I wasn't myself....

- Huh? What about now? - The girl still stood with her shoulders set back and her eyes running over her red cheeks, but still managed to answer. How should I respond to the fact that her reaction to my harassment was getting calmer each time?

- Physics...?

- А?! You mean the attraction between people?!

- No, it's more like inertia.

- А?! Are you going to keep kissing me?! - Her eyebrows arched and her pupils narrowed, her cheeks flushed more.

- There are no such plans. - Feeling a natural feeling in my chest at the sight of a girl with such an expression on her face, I involuntarily averted my gaze and slightly mumbled a reply. And the fact that she was standing there in just a black

t-shirt and knickers didn't help.

At first my answer was an emphatic "no," but in light of the fact that both kisses weren't planned or even desired by me, I gave a more stilted and uncertain version of it.

- M-m-m-I need to think about it! - Ulyana slammed the door shut sharply, smacking my knee, painfully....

- Ahhhh... - even had to rub it. - Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or hurt you in any way, if there's any way I can make it up to you for what happened, anything, please tell me.

For a couple more minutes, I stood outside her door, even knocking a few times. She didn't open it, though, just continued to stand behind it, breathing confusedly, probably not thinking I could hear her. Realising that there was nothing more I could do, I walked towards the next girl, hoping that it was just the first pancake that had gone wrong.


The next one was suddenly Megan, a pink-haired pixie with wings, who I kissed next to Ulyana.

This time, I knocked, waited quietly, fighting the extra urge to groan in embarrassment over past apologies, and only waved my head a couple of times, throwing away the image of a blushing Ulyana in her underwear looking straight into my eyes.

- I think I'm on my way...

- Hello? - The sight of Megan opening the door in her pyjamas made me relax and smile. - Uvvaaaa?!!!

Followed by a deafening scream, a sharp slam of the door, and a resounding commotion on the other side. My relaxation was replaced by confusion. After about a minute or two, Megan opened the door a second time.

- Thank goodness you didn't leave. Sorry, I wasn't dressed.

- Yeah. - I involuntarily walked along the cherry negligee with the lace lingerie peeking through. - You were wearing more clothes before. - It was a whole, buttoned up, pink pyjamas with flowers.

- Not all of them! I was only wearing pyjama trousers and a shirt, and that's two items of clothing! And now I'm wearing three!

- Okay, whatever. - I don't want to argue about square footage versus number, so I'll just cut to the chase. - I'm here.

- Ugh! - she's elbowing me on purpose. squeezing her breasts while hugging her red cheeks with her palms, or is she just embarrassed?

- If you're uncomfortable, you can go change. - Maybe because of the small number of men, she doesn't have much experience with the opposite sex, so she rushed her outfit and now she's embarrassed?

How perceptive of me, and people say I don't notice anything!

- No, I'm a little embarrassed that you heard I never wore underwear before....

...And to hell with being perceptive and trying to pick up on other people's feelings, you never know with them!

- Look, I came to apologise for that kiss, I was out of line and-- I'm really sorry that I did it against your will, that I might have hurt your feelings. - Well, that's kind of a good apology, right? Plus, I was barely staring at her body.

- What do you mean... - she sounded depressed, like it was my apology that hurt her feelings. - You weren't yourself...?

She brings my inner dilemma to the surface. Should I say that their teacher brainwashed me into being a macho showman...? On the one hand, it's true and takes the responsibility off me. On the other hand, the consequences. If the media finds out about everything, the life of mutants will be even more difficult; who knows, even this school may try to shut down? If we don't go beyond the narrow circle, what will it be like for them? What will it be like for Ulyana, Megan, Roberta, Jubilee, Kiti and Rogue to find out that those who train them to control their powers, who promise them a chance to live in society without endangering their loved ones; that they themselves are making cruel mistakes that can only end well through luck?

- ...It was just a day when I was a little out of sorts. - Maybe I should have come up with some plausible explanation, but nothing adequate comes to mind. - Anyway, if there's anything I can do to make you feel better, please tell me.

- Hmm. - A little lost in grief, but gaining a little resentment on her face, Megan thought for a moment. - ...Can I ask for anything?

- Preferably something with a moderate cost..... - I'm already $100,000 in debt.

- Really? - Oh, I don't like that smile. Lately, smiles have been scaring me a little bit, because they don't usually just go away. - Then can I ask a few things?

- All right. But how many?

- Huh? Is it important? - Flapping her eyes and wings behind her back, she asked with genuine incomprehension.

- Well, I'm here for like another day and....

- So you don't want to see me after the film? - tears came to Megan's eyes. Why do I get the impression that my apology hurts her feelings more than a stolen kiss in the corridor?

- I didn't mean it like that, I just might be busy... - she's on the verge of bursting into tears! - No, I'd love to meet you again, and maybe even become friends.

- Or go on a date? - Fey switched from tragedy to delight in a second.

- Or be friends.

- Or go on a date? - Okay, now she had a demon grimace on her face and her voice lowered....

- Okay, we can go on a date... - I hope I don't make this any worse than it already is.

- Also, you guys are packing tomorrow, right? - There'll probably be a little extra filming, but that's the original plan, so I nodded. - Then let me help.

- Okay, that's a weird request, but okay. Anything else? - I hope she doesn't come up with a 300-point list.

- Well. - the playful expression is finally gone from her face, but the blush that replaces it doesn't bode well. - Ooh, hug?

- Hug who?

- God! I'm asking for a hug! - I tapped my foot, puffing up my cheeks.

- That's it? - After thinking for a second, Megan nodded. - Really, I don't mean just for tonight, but that we'll be even?

- Of course we are! Why are you so-oh!

Getting a word in edgewise that will stop her from twisting things tomorrow, who knows? I pulled the girl by her elbow to me, and followed with a hug, quite careful not to hurt her wings, putting my hands on the right places, the friend zones.

- And when to let go?

- Just a little longer... - she hugged back, resting her face against my chest.

Apparently she had only recently come out of the bathroom, for her hair smelled of berries, smelled nice.


Here came the door, which I was somewhat afraid to knock on. Remembering the girl's behaviour, I'm not sure I have anything to apologise for.... On the other hand, I don't know that for sure, so....

- Fuhhhh...

- Oh, is that you?

- Uwaaaah?!!!

Not at all out of fright, I turned sharply at the voice of the girl slapping me on the back. It was her, Roberta, fresh out of the shower room, with her hair still slightly wet and a strong coffee scent of shower gel.

- I'm sorry I startled you. - she said regretfully, clearly misunderstanding. - What are you doing here?

- I came to talk about that kiss.

- Oh! Oh~ - judging by the way her eyes narrowed, the blonde was clearly confused again, just like with my scare that wasn't there. - Okay, I was just taking a shower, so why don't you come inside?

- Can't we talk outside?

- Well, then we are or we might be interrupted... - why did she have to get so close to me to whisper that? - And I'd like you to come inside tonight.....

- I realise that last sentence must have a second bottom, but in my heart I don't know what you mean.....

Deciding not to listen to me, Roberta opened the door to the room, and wiggling her hips left it open. Well she seems to be in a friendly mood, so I'm sure apologising to her won't be a problem....


Once inside, still not sure what the second meaning of that phrase was earlier, I had just enough time to compliment the interior, stereotypically near punk teenage, before she sat me down on the bed with a hand gesture, herself talking on the phone.

- Yo, hey, where you at? Yeah... Is that so? Listen, can you hang out at their place some more? А? How much longer? - Roberta gave me a strange look, biting her lower lip. - Like thirty, forty minutes? Okay, thanks, you're the best roommate ever.

While she was talking I ran my eyes over the picture board, adorned with lots of smiling people in Roberta's campaign that I didn't seem to meet at school. The odd thing was that the people in the pictures were hardly repetitive, and the photos themselves were awkwardly glued on top of each other, though there was still a decent amount of space on the board.

- So, should I start purring? Or are you going to make me? - Roberta sat down on the bed, extremely close, so that her breasts were resting on my shoulder, almost whispering, obviously alluding to the way I called everyone "Kittens" while I was under the effects.

- Well about that... - I pulled her back by the shoulders. - That day, I had been out of line and said and done things that now made me very ashamed.

- А... - blue eyes rounded sharply and then took on a calm stance. - Is it okay if I change my clothes then? You can turn away if you're shy.

- Yeah, it's fine. - Her question knocked me out of my stride, which was actually a good thing, because the tracks led straight to the station of frantic huffing and puffing. At least it gave me time to get my thoughts together.

While I was considering how to approach the apology and questioning whether it was necessary, Roberta stood up and pulled her brown jumper off over her head, leaving her in green gym shorts and a black sports bra.

- Look, I wanted to apologise for that kiss. It was non-consensual and...

- Oh, don't be. - After glancing into the wardrobe for a second, she sat back down on the bed, not so close to me this time. - Not that I didn't like it or that it was my first kiss. First with a guy, yes, but who cares?

Roberta gave me a friendly smile, clearly encouraging me. Honestly, a weight fell off my body abruptly, for I didn't expect it to go so easily, especially considering the first two apologies.

- Phew... Thank you, I thought I'd have to do something to earn your forgiveness, but it turned out to be.... - Turning my face towards Roberta, I saw her eyebrows jump up, and then she averted her eyes. - What, is there something you'd like to ask me?

- Well... - she ran her hand along her spiky hair, tucking small curls behind her ear. - Are you sure? I'm warning you right away, this might sound strange.

Well anyway, I could refuse if it was indeed a strange request, so I nodded at her with a friendly smile, copying the one she gave me earlier.

- Anyway, I told you that that kiss was my first with a guy, right...? И... Shit, how can I put this? It felt weird, it felt kind of... Unnatural or something? Maybe because of the suddenness of it? Maybe because I'd waited so long for it and I was confused? - Roberta hugged her knees with one hand and ruffled her hair with the other, looking at me with a trembling gaze.

- So what do you want? - I turned to her, not quite catching her train of thought, but feeling I had to say something.

- Make an idiot of myself, I suppose? Fuhhh... Could you... Could we kiss some more...?

- Why not? - She was genuinely surprised by my answer, followed by another friendly smile.

But really, why not? I want to help her, because she seems like a nice person and genuinely needs an answer to her worries, kissing is nice, we've done it before, I'm not dating anyone else, she seems to be too, plus she's a very pretty girl.

- И... Here comes the awkwardness...

We sat across from each other, pretty close so our knees were lightly touching, worth reaching forwards.

- It's good to see that I'm not the only one blushing..... - Roberta said, confused again.

The closer I got to her, the more a draft of hot air blew across my face..... And the more I needed support, so I put my arm around her waist.

- Mmm.

Finally, our lips met. Her lips were slightly dry, shaking like her whole body. I pressed her tighter, her palms resting on my chest.

- Mmm. - our lips parted, she averted her eyes, I involuntarily repeated. - Well... It was quite... How do I put it? Lame? Childish?


I'm trying to be friendly and help her understand her feelings, and she says that to me out loud?

- I guess I'm a hundred and ten percent lesbian. Mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh.

Deciding to drop the cute facade, I kissed her again. In a different, more aggressive way, I tasted her lips whole, penetrated her with my tongue and began to braid her tongue, my arms went around her waist again, but abruptly moved lower, then threw her arse on top of me.

- Mhmnmmm...

I gave her a few seconds of freedom as she weighed on top of me, easily able to push me off or just break the kiss, but she didn't, so I rolled her over onto the bed, piling on top of her, continuing to kiss her.

- Mhmmmmmmmm...

And as with Glenn, I discovered a strange pattern - clothes, somehow, get in the way when kissing, causing my hand to slide down to her green shorts...