

It's a story about a girl who lost her lover and she meet a guy who love her but she is afraid to fall in love again..

sacret · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


Next day, I was coming to school with Ryan and I look at him and he ask how was your date with Ken? I say it was good. He nod his head and then we came to our class and I wit at my seat. Ryan look at Gia side and remember about yesterday evening. He saw them together and he can heard little what they were talking. So when Gia was about to confess her feeling then he just horn at them and drive away. He was just jealous. Then their classes start. Gia and Ken were getting well and their relation was also getting good. Now their high-school was about to complete and Ken was already graduated and there was only a month left for Gia graduation. During our graduation day, I was with my friends and was clicking pictures with you. Ryan was also with his friends but he was just keep looking at Gia. Then one of his friend say Ryan, let's click a picture all together now. Then we went with him and Gia was kept looking at the gate. Then Winne ask are you waiting for Ken? I look down and smile and she just look at Gia and say ok, look at his way. Then I saw Ken coming towards me and he was smiling while walking towards us. He stop in front of me and I smile back looking him and Winnir came to us and say let me click photo of you two. We stand quite away from each other and Winnie say what are you two? Stand close to each other and we stand closer to each other and Winnie sign Ken to put hand on Gia shoulder and he put it and I get surprised and I turn his side to look at him and Winnie click picture at that moment. Ryan was seeing all that and it was around 7 pm in the evening and I was getting back from school. Ryan was behind her and he call her and I turn to look at him and he say you are going home alone. I say you are also alone. He smile and we were walking together and I say I don't see you at afternoon. Ryan say I was with my friends and I nod my head. He say what are you going to study? I say I am going to study sociology. He nod his head and I ask the same question. He say I might study medical. I say you always want to be a doctor. He say you remember that. I say we were always together from childhood so how can i not know. He smile while hearing that and we were almost at in front of our houses and I remember I don't have any pictures with him and I say Ryan shall we take a picture together? Ryan feel happy and say OK, let's do that. We click the picture together in Ryan camera. Then I went to my house and he went inside his.