
I am not a Vampire

The three rules: this story has three rules that will not be broken. 1: Trent Moniker never realizes that he is a vampire. 2: Trent Moniker will always be lawful good. 3: Trent Moniker will live a normal life with only his medical conditions (like a sunlight allergy) deviating from normalcy, while sending various forces of darkness, light, and Even non-supernatural groups into chaos in blissful ignorance Trent Aaron Moniker is the name of the main character

JustinHepworth3 · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Mr perfect

In the town of Hope's Light, if you asked every person who their favorite person was (an odd task) you would find nearly every other person giving you the same name. Trent Moniker.

Now hopes light was a very large town. It's school saw about 200 graduates a year. But this year was special. This year their star quarterback had graduated, and star wrestler, and hurdle. Trent Moniker.

Trent was a very well put together person. All A's, obviously athletic, 6'3, 280 pounds (127 kilo), dark brown hair and eyes, pearly teeth…. Anyway he was cute. He always volunteered for everything. If a project occurred…

How about we do this another way. Trent Moniker, the main protagonist is lawful good (d&d morality scale). Lawful good, athletic, cute, and with a college athletic scholarship. He is Mr perfect.

Now we skip forward 2years (I was going to talk about the town but nothing terrible happens for 2 years so we are ignoring him until the big event.) Trent is an RN (registered nurse) , he is on the tail end of his last shift of his first week in the ER (emergency room).

"lollipops " our hero cursed ( obviously he doesn't swear {kinda obnoxious isn't he}). Two people were making out on top of his car. "ahem, this is my car" the top figure looked up and said "forget my presence human"

"blood" Trent thought to himself as he saw the face. It was smeared with blood. Looking down he saw horrific injuries on the bottom person. "a fight" he thought, but he was struggling to remember with whom. So he pulled out his gauze and began screaming for help. "Forget HIM TO" a voice laden with enormous power shouted.

Trent got up turned halfway around… and stopped. "but he needs help" turning back he began to apply pressure. He was suddenly grabbed by someone he did not know was there (he forgot) and was thrown against the car next to his, which moved a couple of feet under the impact.

By the time he looked up the person he now remembered was biting his neck. Trent hit him. He seemed unfazed, so Trent hit him until he grabbed Trent's arms and began to squeeze, but he had let go of our hero's throat, so Trent Aaron Moniker returned the favor and bit him back.

For his troubles he was thrown 56 feet and 9 inches (I am the author, of course I know exactly how far he was thrown) hitting a concrete pillar. As consciousness releases our hero he saw a figure in full armor charge the in between the two and realized that probably had a concussion "lollipops" he cursed.

The three rules: this story has three rules that will not be broken.

1: Trent Moniker never realizes that he is a vampire.

2: Trent Moniker will always be lawful good.

3: Trent Moniker will live a normal life with only his medical conditions (like a sunlight allergy) deviating from normalcy, while sending various forces of darkness, light, and Even non-supernatural groups into chaos in blissful ignorance.

"Groan, that's the last time I have coffee after lunch, what a nightmare " clink. Trent sat bolt upright… or tried to. Opening his eyes left him staring at the ceiling his head restrained by something broad and soft, panic began to set in when he realized that he couldn't move his hands or feet. He began to struggle to escape.

"calm down, your alright." Said a soft soothing, gentle voice.

That voice belonged to Susan Heartfelt. She was the relief nurse for Trent on the night shift. "Canada " Trent turned his head looking at the ginger "where are we"

"we are in the morgue"

Trent rolled his eyes as best he could in the restraints "no really"

"where do I work dummy" retorted the lightly freckled ginger

Trent thought really hard (he's on pain meds cut him some slack) "the trauma ward"

"correct, now let's check your eyes" she said as she pulled out a small pen light. She checked his pupil dilation, and vision before proceeding to loosen the head restraint. "your awfully lucky. One of your ribs was close to puncturing your heart wall when they brought you in. Your even luckier that that cosplayer didn't exacerbate anything bringing you in, in fact

At this point Trent who was reading his own medical sheet interrupted, a note of confusion coloring his voice "severe solar uticaria" (sun allergy)