
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Suicidal Beast

Chapter – 34 Suicidal Beast

"Where is he?" Lucas thought while searching for Max in the Outer area. Lucas was assuming that Max would be hunting in the Outer area because he was not strong enough to hunt in the Middle area alone. But Lucas didn't know that Max had gone hunting in the Middle area with Bob. Thus, searching here in the Outer area was going to be a waste of time for him. "Maybe I should look into the Middle area, there's a chance I would be able to find him there." Lucas decided to head into the Middle area after searching every possible place Max could be in the Outer area.

Meanwhile, Bob and Max were fighting every beast they were encountering on their way inside. Mostly Bob was being a support for Max and he was letting him fight the Beast. So, he will get used to fighting Beasts on his own. Max was getting tired from the continuous battle with the beasts, Bob was not fighting any beast by himself but he was making sure that Max won't get hurt by any surprise attacks from the beast. "I'm getting tired Bob; don't you think we should take a rest for some time?" Max shouted to Bob who was carelessly standing behind Max watching him fight the beast on his own.

"If you were tired you should have told me earlier kid. You were doing fine so I thought you weren't tired. Finish this beast and we will take some time off before continuing." Bob said it nonchalantly while Max was giving his best to fight the beast ahead of him. "Come on, I need to finish it quickly, and then I can take a rest. Who would have thought that this hunting will become a lesson for me." Max thought while he parries the attack from the beast and made a counterattack near his upper limbs. The beast was Fast as he avoided the attack quickly and jumped in the air to get behind Max. While the beast was in the air for a second the beast's point of view got blocked as his back was facing Max's back now and Max used that split second to use the Dimensional Travel to get near the beast and stabbed his sword in the back of the beast.

The beast was not expecting Max to get close to him this fast and thus it ended up getting hurt. "Just one more hit and you're finished," Max said to the beast forgetting that it was stupid to talk to a beast like that in a fight. Max was attacking with his full strength but the beast was taking every single hit of him without dodging. It was like the beast was asking Max to kill him faster. "I would have been careful if I were in your place kid," Bob commented while Max stopped for a second after hearing Bob and thought for a second why the Beast was not avoiding any of his attacks. "Shit, is it something related to his Ability?" Max thought while he created some distance between himself and the beast to see what the beast was going to do.

"Why is its whole body turning blue?" Max thought while he observed the beast and planned for what should he do about it. "Should I attack or wait till it's finished what it's doing?" Max was getting occupied in his thought again which didn't go unnoticed by Bob. "If this kid is going to think too much in every fight, then it's going to be a huge problem for him in the future." Bob thought while shaking his head, looking at Max fight it was very interesting for Bob as Max was making fewer and fewer mistakes every time Bob saved him from beasts' attack in his previous fights. "Should I help or wait till see what he will do?" Bob thought while Max started running towards the beast to attack it.

"Kid, don't make any mistake or this one is going to hurt." Bob thought while he picked up his spear, getting ready to hit the beast any second. Bob knew what the beast was going to do because he had encountered the same beast a lot of times and this beast had a dangerous ability. Max was just a foot away from the beast, seeing that the beast whole body started vibrating and the next second his whole body which had turned blue exploded, creating a huge explosion and smoke. Bob had thrown his spear seeing that Max was going to attack the beast head-on. The spear had hit the beast and had pushed him away from Max but Bob was surprised to see that Max was nowhere to be seen there. "Did my carelessness had killed that kid?" Bob's face instantly changed and he was just going to start crying until he heard someone from behind him.

"I am going to remember this beast's ability to be careful in the future," Max said while walking towards Bob from behind. Recognizing the voice of Max, Bob turned around to see Max unscratched there. Bob wiped off the tears that would have come out of his eyes if Max would have really died there. "Damn kid, you do know how to these kinds of dramatic scenes. I had totally forgotten about your ability to teleport." Bob said, he was relieved that Max was not hurt and made sure that he won't put Max in this kind of danger again to see just what will he do.

"Sorry, kid it was my fault I wanted to see what would you have done. When facing an unknown beast but I want to say not a lot of people would have done what you have just done. That was really daring considering your age but it also risked your life even if you have survived that some other beast would have come and would have killed you. So, don't do anything like that again." Bob praised Max for his actions, while also mentioning the cons of it. Max nodded to Bob.

"Let's go somewhere else. With this huge explosion, other beasts would have got alerted and they might come here." Bob said while he goes to retrieve his spear from the beast's body. "I was unlucky only if I had landed the last hit, I would have gotten quite a bit Exp. but still, it's fine with Bob I'm getting Exp. very fast." Max thought while he checked the widow screen that had popped up killing the beast. With Counting this beast, Max had killed Five beasts in total after joining with Bob; One Advance tier and Four Basic tiers. Unfortunately, they were not able to encounter any Rare tier beasts and were only able to hunt Advanced and Basic tier beasts. Making him get closer to leveling up he just needed one or two more beasts to level up now.

[Max Morningstar]

[Level: 02 (92/100 EXP)]

[HP: 45/70]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 6]

[Endurance: 4+2]

Seeing that he only needed eight more Exp. points to level up right now, Max was even thinking about absorbing one of the crystals to level up right now but he didn't want Bob to see that. It was already enough that Max had to use his Dimensional Travel In front of Bob. He wanted to keep some things secret.

"Bob, thanks for keeping me safe in all those fights," Max said to Bob cause even though Max would have been able to kill those beasts by himself it would have cost him more time and he would have gotten injured somewhat. "It was nothing I told you that I'll keep you safe. So, you don't have to worry just improve your fighting skill and learn which beast has what ability. The more experienced you get in fighting against a beast, the better it will be for me. As you know if we are going to hunt together in the future, it would be good if sometimes I would be able to rely on you." Bob said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Sure, I'll surely help you in the future," Max said

Meanwhile, Lucas was running toward the source of the explosion. He was still searching at the border of the Outer and Middle area when he heard the huge explosion from the Middle area and he started running towards it. "Just don't be Seriously hurt Max, if you're the reason for this explosion." Lucas thought while he ran in that direction.

"Bob, I think that much rest is enough, we should get going now." Max said "You sure? I don't mind waiting for as long as you want to rest." Bob said while looking at Max who was again brimming with full of energy and was ready to fight any beast that he is going to encounter.

"No, I am totally fine. That much rest was enough." Max said while both of them packed their things and checked their equipment to continue their hunt. Only half a day had passed and both of them had a lot of time to continue their hunt.