
I Am Never Leaving

Do we find our soulmates or do our soulmates find us? It's a question that still confuses me to this day because it is just cynical ,we find each other or sometimes each other finds us. Discover the heartwarming story of Seraphina and Octavia, two souls on a remarkable journey of connection and healing. Seraphina's world is burdened by inner demons, and her friend Mike can't fill the void in her life. But when Octavia, a cheerful newcomer, befriends her, everything changes. At first, Seraphina pushes Octavia away, but destiny has other plans. As their friendship grows with the addition of Mei and Angelina, Seraphina finds a glimmer of hope. However, tragedy strikes, shattering her world. Can Octavia be the one to mend her broken heart and bring back hope?

DaisyTalie · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs

Last Flickering Hope

"Mike, oh, Mike, why did you do this?" Seraphina's voice trembled with sorrow as she clutched his lifeless body. Blood stained the surroundings, but none of it mattered to her in that moment. She held him tightly, her tears flowing uncontrollably. Octavia, overcome with shock, stumbled out of the room, dialing 9-1-1, his hands trembling. "Mike, I didn't forget, please, I am your reason to live...don't do this to me," she pleaded, her sobs engulfing her words.

Her entire world had shattered in an instant. She recalled that day when they were lost in the haze of their highs, promising to face death together on July 29th if they felt that life would never improve. She thought it was just drug-induced talk, but now she realized the painful truth in their words. Her heart felt hollow, her tears falling endlessly. History had repeated itself, ripping away another loved one from her grasp.

Her world crumbled, and she looked at Mike's lifeless face, her tears mixing with his blood as she softly caressed his cheeks. "You left me, Mike. You abandoned me in this world. I thought it would always be you and me against the world. Why did you leave me in such a brutal way?" Her voice quivered, and her sobs intensified. She clung to him tightly, allowing the pain to consume her.

Hours later, she found herself sitting on the pavement, her head resting on Octavia's shoulder. They were both wrapped in a blanket, seemingly oblivious to the chaos unfolding around them. The police, forensic personnel, crime scene cleanup crew, and other teams swarmed the house. Curious onlookers from the neighborhood stood behind the crime scene tape, gazing at the two teens with a mix of pity and curiosity. They observed the pair, one appearing lifeless, covered in blood from head to toe, and the other bearing a traumatized expression with blood-stained clothes. Lost in their own worlds, they stared into space, unable to comprehend the reality unfolding before them.

Mei, Angelina, and Ms. Bennett arrived at the scene after being informed by the police officers. "I am their mother," Ms. Bennett explained, and she was granted access beyond the crime scene tape. She rushed toward the two teens, desperation evident in her eyes. "Sera, Octavia," she called out, enveloping them in a tight embrace. Her heart ached as she witnessed their pain. Octavia's sobs were the first to break the silence, followed by Seraphina's uncontrollable cries. "I'm here now, my babies. Let it all out," Ms. Bennett whispered, holding them tightly as they wept, releasing the pent-up anguish.

Mei and Angelina joined the group, embracing them in silence, offering comfort through their mere presence. It was a collective hug, an attempt to console one another. Nothing could have prepared them for such a devastating blow, and they knew that healing would be a long and arduous journey.

Mike's grandparents returned from work and were briefed on the situation, but their apathy was palpable. After some time, Seraphina and Octavia fell silent, exhaustion claiming them. They drifted off to sleep. Police officers assisted Ms. Bennett in gently placing the teens in the car. "We'll allow them to go home for now. In a day or two, they should come and provide their statements," an officer stated. "Thank you," Ms. Bennett replied, her voice heavy with grief, as she climbed into the car with the two teens on the verge of tears. The car ride back home was filled with silence, allowing them a momentary respite.

"We should wake them up and clean the blood off them. It's not good for it to stay on their skin for too long," Angelina suggested. "You're right. Let's wake them up slowly and gently," Ms. Bennett agreed. They roused the teens from their slumber, guiding them into the house and leading them to separate bathrooms. Seraphina stood numbly under the water, and a surge of emotions overwhelmed her, causing her to break down once again. As she wept, Octavia entered the shower fully dressed, joining her. He pulled her close, letting her cry against his chest as he enveloped her in a comforting embrace. Seraphina continued to weep, the water washing away not only the blood but also the flickering hope she had clung to.

Ms. Bennett entered the shower, seeing the two teens asleep in each other's arms. She sighed, a tear slipping down her cheek, and gently woke them. Guiding them to the bedroom, she helped Seraphina change while Octavia changed his clothes. Exhausted and emotionally drained, they curled up in each other's arms, praying that when they woke up, the nightmare would be over.