
I am Naruto's older brother with a the devil summoner system

I died and met Jesus he resurrected my in the body of Hayabusa namikaze with a system from shin megami tensei as I grew I developed the six eyes and found myself becoming stronger every day now my goal is to make sure that I'm strong enough to help defeat the enemies of this world I'll face and hope my brother can achieve his destiny

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
74 Chs

if you don't kill your enemies make them surrender.

"All right for the next few weeks we're going to do d missions and then I'll request a c rank if I like what I see in your team work." Said kakashi.

" Well let's get this job done." Said Naruto.

" Remember Naruto if a Jones worth doing it's worth doing well." I said.

" Facts." Said kakashi.

We began doing some jobs I had them do the rickshaw job that I did to help build up my speed and endurance for Naruto due to his almost endless stamina and speed Sasuke and Hinata werent fairing any better Sasuke and Hinata had a hard time doing the task for different reasons Sasuke because of his attitude and Hinata for her meekness towards the clients.

I pulled Hinata aside.

" Hinata." I said in a voice to get her attention.

Hinata turned to me " yes Hayabusa sensei." She said.

" Listen if you aren't feeling comfortable just do this." I then show her a breathing exercise she then did so breathing in and out slowly in through her nose out through her mouth feel better.

She nodded

" yes thank you Hayabusa sensei." said said Hinata with a timid smile.

I smiled back at her

" No problem." I replied she really is a sweetheart.

"Okay now you three begin running those rickshaws around the town you have until eleven then we'll begin some teamwork drills for an hour then have lunch then we'll begin some one on one training." I explained the schedule.

After about a month of doing missions that helped the community but also helped improve their physical abilities as well as personal training to improve their combat skills and perceptive awareness we were given our first real mission we were to retrieve some herbs for a medicine however-it was in a bandits den.

I smirked "this should be interesting?" I said.

We headed for the pass but before then I made sure everyone was fully prepared I had Naruto pack his chokuto and Sasuke pack his own sword a ninjaken.

I smirked and turned to Hinata

"you got your grappes?" I asked

She nodded.

Good now let's go kakashi will be hear in three two one.

" Sorry guys I was helping this lady cross the street and-." He began his excuse but was cut off by both Naruto and i

" LIAR!!!" The two said.

" Anyways let's go." Said kakashi evading the subject.

' imma kill this sumbitch.' I thought to myself.

We arrived at the pass and I sensed the presence of three bandits.

" Onii chan I'm scared." Said Naruto which was the code we practiced for heads up.

Sasuke Hinata and kakashi all nodded their heads in agreement.

Soon six bandits stood in our way.

" Okay Naruto Sasuke Hinata there's six of them two for the each of you." I said.

" What about you and kakashi sensei?" Asked Hinata.

" Don't worry hina-tan we'll intervene when we know you can't handle it." I said.

Hinata nodded and assumed th fighting stance for the jūken Naruto assumed the fighting form of the senko-ken ànd Sasuke the form of the Uchiha clan fighting style which basically seemed to be a ryūkyū kenpo


The bandits laughed and went to attack the trio but Naruto instantly used the denjin-senko and kicked one guy in the throat with a lead side kick killing him instantly he turned around teleporting behind the other man who turned towards Naruto and landed a spinning kick to the precious jewels until there was a crack kicking him in the balls so hard he shattered the man's pelvis.

* Ah ah ah ah!" The man cried before Naruto executed a Souten-ryuu-ranbu the front kick into the dragon Uppercut into the spinning roundhouse kick combination sent pretty much killed the man.

Sasuke flashed through hand seals at record speed and then swelled up before blowing off a huge ball of flame "katōn:gōkakyu-no-jutsu!" ( Fire release: technique of the great fireball.) The man was burned to ashes then Sasuke turned with his ninjaken in hand he blocked the man's cleaver and countered with a cross cut the attack cut a gash in theans body before Sasuke impailed him.

Hinata used an eight trigram's vacuum palm to blast on man into a wall with such impact that it nearly killed him then Hinata used an eight trigram's subduing dragon palms to end the second guy this was courtesy of her cousin teaching her this move.

The leader of the bandits came down and he was about to send his entire group thirty men in total until I made a ram seal and about twelve hundred thousand clones appeared.

The men instantly dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

I smirked and gathered all the herbs making a few pouches for each of the Genin and then leaving right as we were about to exit the valley the leader wielding a cross bow shot an arrow at me I caught it using the flowing fist piercing fangs not using my limitless because this guy was beneath me and not worthy of my full power then I flicked that sumbitch straight at the man peircing him between the eyes.

The rest of the bandits surrendered their positions and went to be judged by the fire daimyo's Court.

After that we went to the hokage.

Sasuke turned to me.

" Teach me that technique Naruto used." He asked.

" You mean the ball buster it's just a spinning kick to that nads with a chakra enhanced heel." I said.

" No the other technique." He said.

" You mean the Souten-ryuu-ranbu it's not that difficult it's just a front kick with a chakra propelled uppercut and a spinning roundhouse kick combination." I said.

" No the other technique the one with the yellow lightning." He said.

" Oh that technique sorry but no can do you have to be a namikaze to use the technique." I said.

" I don't care teach-" he said but was cut off by me grabbing him by his arm and starring him in the eyes.

" Listen here you arrogant entitled little snot I don't care if you are an Uchiha and if you have a beef with your brother you are not entitled to another clans bloodline or techniques unless that clan chooses to teach you them and even then you couldn't handle the bloodline or the Jutsu that me and my brother use because your chakra pools are to small." I said then I let him go.

" A person who abondons the mission is scum but a person who abondons their friends is lower than scum and you my friend are a power hungry spoiled brat so I will punish you properly when we get back to the leaf." I said.

As we got to the leaf the hokage gave us a mission to the land of waves.

" So your going to be my escorts huh three snot noses brats a teen whose wet- oh my God hayabusa of Hayabusa industries is that you." He asked.

" Well we meet again tazuna your family holding up how's your son in law?" I asked.

Tazuna frowned.

" So gato violated the treaty huh welp it's about time I killed that sumbitch." I said.

" Wait Hayabusa industries onii-chan your a business man!" Asked Naruto.

" Yep how do you think I afforded my travel's I invested in mines of chakra metals since their in demand and I created my own arms dealing company." I said.

" Hayabusa that's amazing so that's the reason debt collectors haven't been hounding me." Said Tsunade.

" You can't take it for granted you owe me that debt kaa-san and you will pay it bit by bit until it's all paid off I believe it was a one million five hundred thousand and fifty ryo and two cents." I said.

Tsunade pailed that meant she would have to pay him for about ten years shed be sixty by the time she paid him back and that was daily.

" How about an IOU?" She asked.

" You know I've always wanted to open a cabaret club here in konoha." I casually said.

" Fine I'll pay." She said.

" Oh thank you kaa-san." I said happily.

Internally Tsunade cursed.

' Goddamit I should've never taught him business trade ungrateful little asshole.' she thought.

" You have a week to prepare." She said.

Hayabusa was in his clan compounds personal onsen he had been asked by tsunade to come there as a personal form of therapy however when he got there he found Mei kisumi Hanna and hidzumé sitting washing their backs he knew then and there Tsunade had set him up as the steam cleared each of them got a good look of each of their endowedment.

" oh wow it's so big." the girls said.

it was then that Hayabusa had a gisher of a nose bleed.

" ahahah dame yo dame dame." he said in a dazed state.

okay so the land of waves arc officially begins now I know I made a preveiw in the previous chapter leading to the land of waves arc just think of it as an arc preview and not a chapter preveiw due to the personal growth of the trio and also who wants me to keep haku alive but make him a boy and ship him with an original character who joins the cast in a team with Jin by the way all of Hayabusas class is jounin which is why he hasn't got together with his team yet I'll explain it in another omake

the preveiw for the next chapter is just a copy and paste of the previous don't worry it gets different soon.

okay we're going to do some D rank missions for the next few months to help work on team effort." I said.

' if I can get him to teach me that technique then I can make my dream of revenge a reality.' thought Sasuke.

" Hinata get down." shouted Naruto deflecting six shuriken with his hiraishin kunai.

" idiot there is no way you can be a ninja if you can't be a team player." I shouted.

" Sasuke!!!" cried Naruto.

" I'll kill you, I swear to God I'll put an end to you gato!" cursed Naruto as he activated his Ninetails chakra cloak.

(A/n next time.)

(who will survive.)

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