
I am Lord

Suddenly meet with Truck-Kun and reincarnated into another world as a side character of the game. Conquering the kingdom, having fun with girls, and enjoying life to the fullest. I will be the world's laziest person since I am everyone's lord.

Romankey · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

What the life?!

"What the life?!"

A young boy murmured while walking down the street, with a grim expression on his face.

"Getting bullied, treated like trash, and what's more? Should I continue living this trash life?"

He slapped his cheeks and shake his head.

"What the hell am I thinking? Getting bullied doesn't mean the end of the world. I still have my game. The money I earned from playing that game is decent. I don't need to work a part-time job and even after paying all of my life necessities, I still have left with a decent amount of money."

He smiled brightly, as he reminisces about his daily life.

"But still, I have never even touched a girl, never even have fun with any friends and let alone, I have never even got invited by anyone."

He sighed.

"My life is soo lonely."



He suddenly stopped and looked up. It felt like the whole world stopped. It felt like the whole time froze.

The boy froze. His face turned grim and dark. He couldn't react properly, as the big truck, many times bigger than him, came close to him like it was going to hug him.



The truck crashed on top of the boy.

'Truck-kun has come to take me.'

As he thought that, his whole world faded and darkness covered him. All sounds disappeared, all senses dulled, and finally, his connection to the world broke apart.


"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

A young boy jolted awake. Sweats dropped from his body like a river. His heart pounded crazily, and his eyes widened to see an unfamiliar room.

"Huh...? Where am I? Didn't the truck just... crushed me?"

A bitter memory came to his mind. He shook his head and focused more on the room.

The room was slightly bigger than an average room, but it gave off the vibe of ancient aura. The room was painted dully, and some expensive-looking furniture was all around the room.

"This room looks like of a Nobel."

He murmured while his mind worked crazily to know what happened. He knew he died, but just after a minute of darkness, unfamiliar stuff surrounded him.

"Did I just get transmigrated into his world?"


But suddenly, some unfamiliar and short memories popped into his mind and played like a movie. He sat on the bed, as it became harder for him to even stand.


He shouted at the empty room which caused his voice to echo around the room. Many memories popped in his mind, as the game 'Game of Wonders' came to his brain.

"Game of Wonder was my favorite game which I played from middle school and was still playing at the present. I was the strongest player and I earned hundreds to thousands of dollars daily by accompanying some rich kid in his quests and selling rare or exclusive stuff in auction.

I know the game like the back of my palm. But crossing here is the biggest fortune for me."

He smiled brightly and creepily. A dark aura flowed from his body, as his evil thoughts roam freely around his head.

The memories weren't enough to clue for him to know who he was, so he walked in front of the mirror to look at his face.


A pure man with an innocent face. White skin as pure as snow, green eyes, and a handsome and cool face.

The ideal man of any girl, an enemy of all boys and extremely cool guy, he saw that in the mirror.

"Isn't he... the lord of Tuslakia?"

He wondered.

"Oh right! I remembered. He is the secret boss of the game. He was stronger than the final boss, which left a bitter memory in my brain. I spent at least 10 hours to beat this game."

He said to himself like a crazy person, but he didn't mind much since his eyes glimmered and shone brightly.

His excitement rocketed.

Knock! Knock!

But suddenly someone knocked on the door and startled him.

'W-Who is it?!"

His voice shook as he shouted.

"It's Alisa, master."

A cute voice answered behind the door.

The boy immediately fixed his hair, slapped his cheeks, and calmed down. With a normal expression on his face, he opened the door.

A small girl smiling entered the room while holding a tray. Her height was a little small than the average girl's.

But she was cute and beautiful. Her small figure added a charm to her cuteness. Her smiling and bright face, her long silky hair which reached up to her waist, her blue eyes, and her child-like face made her way too precious.

And addition to her maid's clothes, she seemed like a little cute animal.

'Wow! She is too cute!'

The thought came to his mind, and he stared at the girl. The girl also stared at him for a minute until she again called out to him,

"Umm... Master?!"

"Huh! YES!"

The sudden voice pulled him back to reality, His face burned up, and he turned back due to embarrassment. While blushing, he said...

"Put the tray on the table and go out!" His voice was a little loud which caused the little maid to jump.

"Y-Yes master..."

She let out a dry smile and put the tray on the table like she was told. With a worried expression on her face, she walked out of the door and faced the boy.

"I shall take my leave master."

She bowed and left the area.

"Ha! That surprised me."

He took the tray and sat on the table while letting out a sigh.

He was worried that he acted little out unnaturally.

"I just hope, she doesn't get suspicious of me."

With that, he eats the soft bread from the tray and drinks the hot white tea.


Hello, author-san here. I am a rookie writer and I am not that confident about my writing.

So please, if there is any suggestion or advice you can give to me, then please comment it down. I will be very grateful.

And, if there is any idea about my story then please also comment it down.

I hope you will like my story. I will try to post new chapters daily. Thank You.