
Chapter Three - Severus Snape

Today I was going to a park near the Street of Hilandera. When I got there I was going up a hill, and at the top of the hill there was a tree, I approached it and sat down leaning my back against the tree, I took out a book and started to read it.

After a while I felt someone looking at me, I raised my head and looked around, but there was no one there, so I went back to concentrating on the book.

When I tried to grab a page, it started to float by itself, but I quickly grabbed it so that no one would see it. I hoped no one had seen it. Hearing footsteps nearby, I looked up to find a pale, thin boy, with rounded, yet angular shoulders and a nervous, spider-like, demeanor and gait. His hair is very black and somewhat greasy, and he looks about my age, he approached me.


- "Hello" - He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket, gray trousers, and slightly worn black dress shoes.

- "Hi," - I smiled at him.

- "I... I... I saw what you did."

He doesn't look like the Severus from the books, and he looks a bit nervous.

- "And what did I do?" - I closed the book I was holding and put it down on my lap.

- "Magic, you're a witch." - He said with a bit more confidence.

- I am a witch? - I tilted my head slightly in confusion - How can you be so sure?

- "That's because I am, too."

- "A witch?" - On the outside my face showed confusion, but on the inside, I was laughing my head off.

- "No, a wizard."

- "How do you know what we are?" - I asked as I motioned for him to come closer.

- "My mother is a witch." - He sat down next to me. - "From what she told me there is a school where they teach you magic, there is also the Ministry of Magic."

- "You don't mind telling me more, I'm Lily Evans, by the way." - I extended my hand and smiled kindly.

- "Severus Snape." - He took my hand and gave me an almost imperceptible smile. - "So, what do you want to know?"

- "Everything you know."

Severus told me about Hogwarts and its subjects, he said he would bring me books so that I would be informed before we started school. We talked for a while before it got dark and everyone went home.


Today is my eleventh birthday, which means I will get my letter for Hogwarts and I will show it to Sev as he showed it to me the day after his birthday, funny thing is he has his birthday on the ninth of January.

I got dressed in a white knee-length dress, I tied my hair in a high ponytail. When I came downstairs, my family was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

- "Happy birthday, Lily." - She came up to me and hugged me tight.

- "Thank you, Tune." - I smiled at her.

- "Happy birthday, princess of the house." - Said Dad.

- "HEY". - Petunia looked at him offended.

- "Well, the second princess of the house," - He said as he stroked my head.

- "And I'm the first?" - Petunia gave him an interactive look as Mum does.

- "Of course you are." - He answered quickly.

- "Happy birthday Lily" - Mum came over and kissed me on the head - "Do you want some breakfast?"

That's not a question.

We all sat down to have breakfast while Mum said that we had to buy new clothes as we were growing up, Dad said that we were growing up too fast and Petunia just laughed at what he said, when we finished and cleaned everything we heard a knock on the door.

- "I'm coming." - Mum got up and went to open the door, when Mum came back in, behind her was Albus Dumbledore the goat.

'I'll have to keep my mental barriers up,'

Mum led him into the living room, and they sat down, Dad, Petunia and I followed.

- "First of all, I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am here to bring your letter of acceptance to Miss Lily Evans." - He said with a grandfatherly smile.

- "School of Wizardry?" - Mum looked at Dumbledore and then at me.

- "What do you mean?" - Asked Dad, not quite understanding what he meant.

- "What I mean to say, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, is that your daughter is a witch." - 'Wow, You say that like it's the most normal thing in the world.'

- "I am a witch." - I said confidently.

- "We have a witch in the family." - Mom looked at me and smiled, and then grabbed Dad's hand. - "We'll have to discuss this as a family."

- "Unfortunately, I would have to have an answer now, there are still children I have to visit." - Mom looked at me and sighed, knowing my answer, I just smiled.

The headmaster handed me the letter, I opened it carefully, read everything it said, and looked at the headmaster.

- "Now you have to write a letter saying that you accept."

I got up, took a sheet of paper and a pen, wrote the letter and gave it to him.

- "To buy the materials you can go to Diagon Alley, then go to Gringotts to exchange your money for magic money, you can enter through the Leaky Cauldron."

Before he left he gave Petunia and me a piece of candy, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

Mum and Dad were talking about me being a witch and what that meant to me.

Petunia was opening the candy when I noticed that it had a gray color around it.

- "Petunia wait!" - I took out the candy and looked at it, it was giving off a gray color.

- "Lily, your eyes," - She gasped in surprise.

- "What's wrong with them?" - I looked at her.

- "They're violet!"

I ran to the bathroom with Petunia following me, I arrived and stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself, I had beautiful violet eyes that camouflaged very well between my green eyes, I blinked twice, and the violet color was gone.

- "What was that?" - I turned to look at her, both in her face and in her voice, I could see the concern.

- "I don't know what happened to my eyes." - I answered her with sincerity.

- "Maybe your friend knows." - She said, referring to Severus.

- "Maybe, I have to go to him, if he tells me something, I'll tell you." - I said as I walked towards the exit.

- "Well, I'll tell Mum and Dad."

I went quickly to the park where Sev and I always go, and I found him sitting with a book in his hands.

- "Sev look" - I showed him my letter.

- "Congratulations Lils, now we'll be together," - I sat down next to him.

- "Of course, they won't be able to separate us." - I smiled at him, and hugged him, and when I pulled away he was blushing a little. - 'How adorable!' - "Another thing, do you know if other wizards change their eyes to a different color?"

- "Maybe," - He said not quite sure, - "Why?"

- "My eyes changed to violet today, just for a few moments." - When I said that, his face changed to one of surprise, but he quickly pulled himself together.

- "Can you try it now?" - I looked around when I noticed there was no one there, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, thought about the colors in the candy, felt a tingling sensation, and opened my eyes.

- "Did it work?" - I looked at him and he seemed very surprised.

- "Yes, it did." - I looked at him, and all around him was a dark blue color - "What do you see?"

- "You have a dark blue color surrounding you." - He looked confused with what I said - "It's like a blue aura, I don't know how to describe it well, it's like I can't."

- "Well I'll look into your eyes and if I find anything I'll tell you" - I blinked twice and felt them change again.

- "Thank you, Sev."

We were talking about a potions book for a while before I convinced him to come to my house and introduce him to my parents as my best friend.