
Chapter 154 The Over Void

Twenty minutes ago.

After the incident at Strader Pharmaceuticals, the whole place had been cordoned into a restricted area.

Although death in Gotham wasn't surprising, such a massacre wasn't something that happened regularly.

The topic that was 'Strader Pharmaceuticals' had been aired on television for days now as another tragedy Gotham had experienced in the past few months.

Newspapers going on and on about the possible suspects with possible motives and the likes …. As well as reports on the Joker's revival and seclusion at Arkham Asylum …. Well, two of em for that matter.

The pope at the Cathedral was particularly surprised to find a considerable increase in the number of members in yesterday's service. Officers off-duty accounted for a significant amount.

"I suppose I haven't introduced myself. How rude. I'm the devil. Lucifer Morningstar, first of the fallen, ruler of hell and ... And I think you get the picture".

Standing before Amari was Lucifer, the devil himself.

"..... And I've been dying to meet you".

"Well sorry, but I really can't say the same". This wasn't an intentional sharp comeback or snarky remark ..... But the honest truth. If there was anyone Amari last wanted to see presently, it would be this guy right here.

"Ouch… … Not quite as hospitable as I imagined you'd be". Amari could see his eyebrows raise.

"Then you're probably looking for the wrong person". He uttered, resisting the urge to chuckle.

Him? Hospitable? Yeah…. Definitely mistaken identity.

"Well .....".

The man replied with a charming smile. He was good-looking, a bit too good-looking. Dressed in that snazzy suit, he made a slight picking motion and a glass of wine appeared in his right hand while his left fingers tapped constantly on the table. "If you put it like that, then I'm probably wrong. After all the ruckus you've caused .....".


"Oh yes. In this multiverse, your reputation precedes you".

"The feeling is mutual".

His words elicited a small laugh from the Fallen Archangel…

"Hehehehe…. I can imagine. The deceiver, the great big bad, the excuse humans use to explain their sinful actions…. Behold! 'Tis the Morningstar ..... Gaze into my eyes and be tempted..... Ladi La ladi ya.....". He raised his wine glass and free arm into the air, making gestures for comedic effect.

Watching his actions, Amari was a little surprised.

'Is this really Lucifer? Always so chill?

"Now then. Since we've gotten the pesky introductions out of the way. Why don't you go ahead and tell me ….". His words paused and his eyes glowed.

A heavy pressure immediately enveloped the atmosphere, as even the air around them stilled.

".... Who …. Or what exactly… Are you".

'Oh…. Turns out I thought too soon. Good to know'. Amari thought with a slight frown.

"Your tone sounds strangely ominous".

He said with narrowed eyebrows. The tension was palpable as both men stared at each other.

"No, it's my curiosity". Lucifer answered, his expression nonchalant.

He paused ..... Then continued without waiting for an answer. "Because you see …. Everything existing here, everything is marked as God's creation".

Tap! Tap! Tap! His tapping fingers never stopped.

".... Everyone and everything…. But you". If it was all just a ruse before, then he could see it now.

Truly this ..... Whatever this thing before him was, it was extraordinary.

"So it intrigued me how someone from outside my father's jurisdiction fell into creation. Who are you? What are you? Wouldn't you be surprised if something strange fell into your back garden?"

"What do you want, Samael?"

Amari's words made Lucifer stiffen for a moment. His eyes narrowing for a split second as he observed the energy being with renewed intrigue.

'He even knows my real name .....'.

"So let me ask this. How much do you know about this multiverse?"

Amari frowned. "I know enough. Get to the point".

"In that case, you should know what lies beyond creation itself".

"The over void". Amari responded in a flat tone.

"Precisely". In the DC universe, the Over void was a large blank space that existed outside the multiverse. Or rather, all of creation was created on the blank Over void against its will.

A light appearing in the infinite darkness.

"For you to appear here, it means you speared right through the multiversal cluster walls protecting this multiverse. At first, I thought you came from another multiverse in the Over void. But that's the thing ….".

The drink in his hand disappeared.

"I've gone beyond the source wall. I've been to the Overvoid. I've seen the other multiverses". The smile on his face at this point was long gone.

"No matter what multiverse, regardless of who formed it, everything is under his creation. It's marked by demiurgic power. Like I said, under my father's jurisdiction. I searched as long and as far as I could, nothing was outside my father's plan. Nothing but the empty void, waiting for new creations to be formed. I was searching for a way to escape from my father's grasp. I didn't find it..... Until today".

In those glowing red eyes, within Lucifer's vision was a sight entirely different from anything he had ever seen before.

Not a man, but a being filled with energy that was beyond his grasp. Escaping out of his control.

It was a form of power that, despite his eons of existence, he had never encountered before. One that unlike everything else, listened not to his will, no matter what he did.

All of existence in Lucifer's eyes were the same, and Amari standing before him radiated something new. A color that had contrasted sharply with everything else around him.

The answer.

This was Amari's Apex energy. Something that transcended this time, space, and reality all together.

"You're talking about me".

"Yes, you…".

"Unlike everything else, you are not made by my father or anything related to him. And that should simply be impossible, unless...".

".... You come from beyond the Overvoid itself. From beyond this reality. Beyond my father's control".

"You asked me what I want? My questions are simple. I want to know where exactly you come from. I want to know what lies beyond the endless Overvoid. And I want to know how to get there".

"...". Silence.

His sentence was met with a resounding silence, as Amari gave no response at first.

"You want to leave the Omniverse". It was only then that Amari remembered Lucifer's goal. In the DC universe, Lucifer resented The Presence, he resented the fact that he was created to "do things".

He hated being in Yahweh's great plan. He hated having his fate and destiny predetermined. So much that he contemplated killing God himself and actually took it into action.

He didn't want to create suns, stars, solar systems, Multiverses, he didn't want to shape creation like he was made to. He wanted his own will, freedom, away from the shackles of fate that bound him.

As The Presence's most perfect creation, he was the literal embodiment of his will. Yet strangely enough, that will now wanted to have a will of its own.

A typical rebellious teenager mentality. The only difference being that after an eternity, that mentality wasn't going away.

He searched through the Omniverse for a place where he could escape his father's presence.

As his name implied … "The Presence" was everywhere. Nothing Lucifer did would escape his knowledge.

The feeling was kinda understandable. Who could stand their parent literally watching their every move? (I couldn't stand it as a kid, and I can't even imagine such a thing happening)

Ultimately, Lucifer's true goal was something most humans yearned for at times in their life. Freedom from their acclaimed destiny.

It wasn't bad per se. Some might even regard it as a good endeavor.

The only problem now, was that he was discussing this with the wrong person.



"I said no". Amari responded to his puzzlement firmly.

Silence returned once again to the room.


"What will I gain if I do?" Amari asked with a raised eyebrow.


It was a simple question, yet one that wasn't easy to answer. Lucifer craved freedom. It was what he identified as his sole purpose. And now, he found a way to achieve it. Yet, Amari's words hit the nail on the head.

Why should he?

What exactly could he gain from this?

Power? Wealth? Beauty?

"In that case .....". The devil, for the first time, found himself in a dilemma. "... What do you want".

"Nothing you can give me".

The silence returned once again.

After a while .....

"Are you sure you want to end with that?" A regular question on the surface.

"What does that mean?"

"Hehe…". Lucifer chuckled.

"I don't think I can take that for an answer". His face displayed an easygoing smile that could charm even the most faithful of women. Threat, blatant threat.

"What a coincidence then ….". Amari responded, his face lighting up with a similar smile. "..... I don't think I care …".

Tap! Tap! Tap!

"Is that so .....". The smile remained, but the atmosphere grew solemn.

"Do you think it would be wise to make an enemy of me because of a small matter?"

"Perhaps not. It's a flabby excuse, really".

"Then I'm curious. Why?"

"Simple. Because I don't want to". How does one leave the DC universe? Quite frankly, Amari had no idea.

He barely knew how he entered.

Apart from accumulating enough energy, he knew no other way to leave. The cost for transporting himself was already high enough, adding a Lucifer ... Yeah, he didn't even want to think about it.

Not to mention, Leaving the DC universe meant possibly going to the main world. What good would it do to reveal that to the King of hell?

So basically, unless there was another way, Lucifer leaving was unrealistic.

Even if he wanted to help, option one wasn't reliable and there was no option two. Would this narcissistic devil believe his words?

The conversation was doomed before it even started. There was no point in making any fancy excuses. Amari didn't want to reveal any of these things. No reason in particular, simply because he didn't want to.

"What a shame indeed". A regretful sigh escaped his lips. "I was hoping this discussion could have a more ..... Fruitful

… result. But like I said, I can't take that for an answer. And I always get what I want".

He said while standing from the chair.

"One way ....". A pulse of energy emerged from his being.

".... Or another .....".


