
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

CHAPTER 18- First mission.

CHAPTER 18- First mission.

The missions of the guild. There are 7 kinds of adventurers: "A, B, C, D, E, F, and the most important, S". The higher an adventurer rises in class, the more dangerous but better paid the quests they can request. For any adventurer, starting by requesting F class quests is the most common, as they are the only ones they can request when starting, but Kei and Drin have enough experience and power to request A, and even S class quests, that's why they are so bored.

"Well... Which one shall we take, Drin?"

"I don't know... All the missions seem... easy."

Kei and Drin are looking at the available missions.

For Kei and Drin, defeating a group of Orcs is easy. But Kei is not really interested in fighting, he just wants to be popular to have powerful companions.

Orcs are classified as Class B hazards onwards, but Kei does not want to take missions ahead of his class, as he wants to climb quickly, but without cheating. He is interested in experiencing first what an adventurer feels when starting an adventure, that's why he doesn't want to do such dangerous missions for now.

He wants to do the F class missions first and then raise the difficulty, just for fun, as he wants to enjoy his new life as an adventurer. He knows that he has to climb as fast as possible to become popular in a short time, but considering that all his life he has trained and very rarely has been able to have fun as he wanted, he wants to give himself his tastes and have a little fun at least.

"Ah... Darling, F-class missions are so easy. I'm bored with the idea of picking weeds and cleaning the drain."

"It is easy, but that doesn't matter much. We must first adapt to the system that the adventurers' guild has... Wait…"

Kei was struck by one mission in particular, which has drawings of sad faces.

"Investigate the village "Sepla"?"

Kei starts reading the information for that mission.

"The village children disappeared ... They don't know how, they just disappeared ... That is very mysterious. And the mysterious, it's always dangerous."

"Will you take that mission?"

"It's a mission with a small reward ... The village is very poor ... Adventurers will not be interested in this quest ... And I have a bad feeling ... Something tells me it has to do with demons ... We must take it."

"Yeah, I totally agree, darling! I also feel we should take it."

He takes the paper and they head towards Kisma.

"Please, we want to take this mission."

Kisma takes the paper and looks at it for a few seconds.

"Okay... The mission consists only of research. If you find any monsters, escape."

Kei was a little offended to hear that and walked over to her, keeping a smile on his face.

"Escape? Why, cute? Don't you think we're capable of defeating a monster?"

"You are F-class adventurers, you could not defeat it."

Kei couldn't help laughing a little when he heard that.

"I knew this was going to happen.... You're belittling us for being new to the guild. We're new adventurers, but we have combat experience, and to prove it..."

Kei walks away from her and takes one more mission.

"This is perfect."

He returns and shows her the paper.

"Extermination of an Orc king and queen. We will take this mission as well."

"A class A mission? D-do you think you, a man, would be able to defeat it? Pfff. Hahahahahaha!"

Kisma starts laughing and the adventurers laugh at Kei too.

Kisma still remembered the letter with the seal of the Royal family, but she believes that the Queen gave that letter to Drin and not to Kei, so she committed the stupidity of belittling Kei.

All the women made fun of him, filling Drin with fury, but Kei simply smiled at them and clapped his hands a couple of times.

"They already started… "He is a man, he will not be able to defeat it." "He is an inferior, he will not be able to." I am tired of that... Please do your job. And yes, I know what you will say: "You will not be able, you are just a man." Blah, blah, blah. I already read the guild rules. I will accept the risk, and if I do not fulfill the mission, I will pay the fine. Do your damn job so I can leave now."

Adventurers, by failing to fulfill a mission, must pay a fine, but those adventurers who are stubborn and persist in taking a mission that is above their classes, and if they fail the mission, their fines are multiplied by 10, and if they do not pay, they are expelled from the guild.

For example, if a Class F adventurer takes a Class A mission and fails, they must pay the fine multiplied by 10, and are expelled if they are unable to pay.

The value of a fine depends on the class.

Class F adventurers are not forbidden to take Class A missions, because it is a way for new adventurers to realize that being an adventurer is not a game, because the long list of adventurers who died for carrying out a mission that was above their classes, is displayed on one of the walls of the guild, with a great title that says: "Idiots".

"I can tell you're an idiot."

"Don't insult him."

Drin is clenching her fists tightly and Kei is stroking her head. She really wanted to hit Kisma, but Kei avoided it with his caress.

Drin may act like a submissive girl in love with Kei, but her true personality is that of a demon addicted to human pain.

"It's not worth it. I'm used to it."


"Don't worry, Nia. Let's finish taking the missions and go."

"Yes, it's fine."

After taking the missions, Kei and Drin prepare to leave.

They are about to leave, but a group of 4 adventurers approach them.


"We also took that mission."

"We will help you."

Kei and Drin sigh.

They would have no problem with the mission, but if other adventurers go with them, they would be a hindrance and they would not be able to use their full power.

"I'm sorry, but we don't need any help."

"We are F-class adventurers too. We are new like you. I think we should support each other to move up the class."


Kei observes them in detail.

"A dog girl ... A dwarf ... A fairy... And a human girl ... They don't look bad."- Kei thought.

Kei hesitates to accept, but wants to test the power of the adventurers.

Besides, the Kei Harem has to be diverse, or at least that's what he has planned.

"Okay, but don't look down on us ... I recommend it to you."

"Don't worry!"- Said the dog girl, raising her thumb.

"Ah, well, at least they seem nice. I like that they don't treat my darling badly."- Drin thought.

By the way, fairies look like 10-year-old girls and have two forms. The fairy form and the human form. When they wear the fairy form, they are 6 inches tall and have wings. When they wear their human form, they look like human girls, as they grow in size and their wings disappear.