
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

CHAPTER 15- Abandoned children. (Beginning of the arc: "The crazy queen.")

CHAPTER 15- Abandoned children. (Beginning of the arc: "The crazy queen.")

Sei Molfer, one of the most important and dangerous women in the world. She is known for her torture methods and painful interrogations. She is in charge of training the guards and warriors who protect the country. Her husband is one of the very few powerful men who exist and her family, the Molfer family, is one of the oldest and most important families in the world. In a nutshell, she's a perfect woman, who has it all, but all she cares about is having fun. She doesn't care about money or luxuries, she just wants to have fun, make her enemies suffer and flirt with her husband.

Her training is so painful and complicated that not everyone is able to endure it. Most of them can't stand the training and give up on the first day, earning a beating from Sei Molfer for being cowards and useless.

She hates the weak, she can't stand them. She only agreed to train the warrior candidates for the fun of it, as she enjoys watching others suffer.

Before having Kei and Mei, Sei Molfer had three children, but they all turned out to be useless like most men in the world, so she can't stand to see them. The father of those three boys hates that behavior that she has, but although he tries to change her, he does not succeed and ends up giving up, because he knows that it is impossible to change her opinion without using force, and although they two fight, he knows that it is impossible for him to defeat her.

She also trains her children. Her older sons couldn't stand the training and gave up almost immediately. Kei and Mei were the only ones who endured her hellish training. She had high hopes for them, so she increased the degree of difficulty.

Sei Molfer is a crazy and sadistic woman. Most people fear and respect her. The very few people who have no fear or respect for her are those who are crazy, such as the S-class adventurer, Chersy, and Rinia, although she does have respect for her.

Sei Molfer is crazy, and her children pay with their bodies for the consequences of that madness.

"Kya! Kei, your arms are as hard as diamond, but are also so soft! You're great, bro!"

"Uwaaaah! Mei, stop stroking my arms, I don't want to lose my concentration! Ahhhhhhhh!!! My bones are broken, Mei, stop stroking my arms!"

Kei and Mei were running away from a group of Orcs, running while Kei carried Mei in his arms, who had broken bones in her legs and arms, just like Kei, but at least Kei's leg bones were not damaged, unlike his arms, ribs and part of his skull.

Kei was suffering too much from carrying Mei and running at the same time, but he didn't have time to complain or cry in pain. If the Orcs caught up with him, he was going to be sexually harassed... Again.

At that time, they were only 5 years old, and at only 5 years old, they had suffered more than most humans in that world.

"Hahahahahaha! Well done on surviving 5 hours!"

A smiling Sei Molfer began to run alongside them.

"Idiot, help us!!!!"- They both shouted, furious.

"And those manners? I am your mother, you should treat me better."

"Please, help us...!! Uwaaaah!"

Kei stumbled and dropped Mei, who was caught in time by her mother. Unfortunately, the Orcs surrounded him, and since Kei proved to be a powerful man and the Orcs of that world are mostly female, they were attracted to him. Lesbianism is very common in that world, because power is more attractive in that world than beauty, which is why most women fall in love with other women, leaving men as mere objects of reproduction. There are heterosexual couples, but what predominates are lesbian couples.

The Orcs, sensing the great power Kei had, were attracted to him and wanted to have his children. In other words, they were going to rape him.

They began to destroy his clothes, while Kei, desperate, just screamed.

"Mother, I want to become a virgin in marriage!! Uwaaaah!"

"Mother, save Kei!!"

And in less than 3 seconds, with her simple fists, Sei Molfer killed all the Orcs and put her hands on her waist.

"Fufu. It was fun watching you scream, son."

"You are crazy!!"

"I know."

Sei Molfer let those Orcs grope Kei so that Kei would get used to the emotional pain and not be affected by it in the future.

Sei Molfer has no pity for anyone, not even her own children.

"Mother, I already knew you were crazy, but this is too much! I will report you for child abuse and attempted murder!"

"Don't leave us here!"

"Fufu. Good luck with it."

Kei and Mei, 5 years old, are tied up and lying on the ground.

They were on "Kinga" Island, one of the most dangerous islands in the world, because of the large number of monsters that inhabit that place.

Sei Molfer tied them up and planned to leave them there, so they could survive on their own.

Behind her, there was a boat, ready to go without them.

"Don't be a whiner, you'll only be here for a month. My mother left me here when I was 5 years old too and I passed the test. If I can, you can too."

"Why are our mother and grandmother crazy ?!"

"Mother, at least leave us razors and toilet paper!"

"No. I hope you survive."

She jumped and climbed into the boat, where her husband was, tied up and unconscious, as he tried to stop her from doing that, but failed.

"Good luck, children."

"Damn crazy!! That's why I love my father more!"

"If I survive, I'll beat your breasts, you idiot!"

"You are very mature despite your young age, I am sure you will survive... I guess."

"You guess?!"- Said the two angrily.

The boat began to move and Kei managed to free himself.

"I hope you get attacked by a giant shark!"

Kei freed Mei

"Tsk. Brother, I hate our mother."

"A month... We must survive ... Damn crazy!! What kind of woman leaves her own children on a dangerous island and for a month ?!"

Sei Molfer is that kind of woman. Crazy and extremist.

"Brother, what do we do?"

"The first thing we have to do is look for food and build a shelter ... I hope the monsters are weak."

But the danger did not wait for them to be prepared.

A huge 10-foot goblin approaches them. That monster had huge muscles and... huge breasts... That monster was a goblin woman...

"Cute... boy…"

It stood in front of them.

Kei and Mei looked up nervously.

"A goblin queen ..."

"B-brother, run away. If that thing catches you, it's going to rape you. I will fight with it."

"That's true! There are no male goblins! And the goblins of this world rape men! I must use "that" quickly!"- He thought scared.

The goblin queen tries to capture him and Kei smiles.

"Hello, cute."

The goblin queen blushes and stops.

Mei was shocked by those words. She was really confused. Why did he call a goblin queen cute?

"W-why do you call it cute?!"

"Mei, keep this secret. I can tame monsters ... Trust me. I just have to show confidence."

Obviously, Kei activated his "Seduce Women" skill to conquer the heart of the Goblin Queen.

"Fine... Could you take us to a safe place?"

On the island there are small mountains and a huge forest. The only shelter options are: Build a tree house, to avoid monsters while they sleep. Camping on the top of a mountain. Or look for a cave.

"Safe... place."

It walked away and Kei followed it.

Mei hesitated a little, but decided to follow Kei.

"W-won't it attack us?"

"No. If we don't attack it, it won't attack us. There are pacifist monsters, Mei, not everyone wants to fight."

That is true. Women who fall in love with Kei cannot hurt him and will do anything to make Kei happy.

"This skill is very useful ... And it works best with monsters ... We will be able to survive."- Kei thought.

Kei and Mei survived thanks to the help of the goblins that live on the island. The goblin queen prevented the goblins from attacking Kei.

They managed to survive without problems and learned the weaknesses of the monsters while they were there. For Kei, that experience was pretty good for him, although it had its consequences.

Consequences that slightly damaged Kei's mind.