
I Am An Illegitimate Child With A Legitimate Reason For Revenge

Ariel was saved twice by the man she saved once. If she hadn't saved him that one time, it was possible that neither of them would've made it. After doing all she could do to please her boyfriend and keep his supposed love, he ends up stabbing her in the back. He stabbed her in the back, and all for what? Just to get her life insurance money. Struck with regret and alone in the pool of her blood, Ariel asks herself what she did wrong to deserve all that had befallen her last. It was probably better to just die. That moment when she thought her life was ending, someone comes to her rescue, sweeps her into his arms, and says, "You save me, I save you, Then I save you again," he grinned. "How will you repay me this time?" With a faint vision, she sees the grin of her savior but too weak to pick out any more detail, she loses consciousness only to wake up and get offered a proposal. "Do you want revenge?" That question had never sounded more tempting in her entire life than it did that very moment. Taking the hand of this man, she starts with her plan to get back at her ex, her family, and all those who took advantage of her and wronged her. MATURE CONTENT INCLUDED RAPE/SEX/TORTURE/DISRESPECT Note that there is a lot of misfortune that will fall on the FL so please be advised when reading and do not curse at the author when those misfortunes take place. I have a fragile heart ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Also, check out my new book CHASING THE VENGEFUL VILLAINOUS HEIRESS Don't forget to check it out.

Author_fredah · สมัยใหม่
268 Chs

Chief of the finance department, do you know why I called you here?

Marco walked in and marveled at the large and wonderful office space.

The gray colored interior showed full proof that a young chairman with fine taste owned the place.

Aside from the wonderful design of the office, Marco's eyes did not fail to catch the fine pair of heels that were left uncared for on the floor of the office. His gaze shifted to the door and he wondered what it led to.

But on realizing Raymond's girl wasn't in the office, he immediately understood that that must've been a bedroom and he wondered if they had done 'that' in the office as well.

How hot would that be? She'd definitely be hot.

'Did they do it there or on his desk?' He wondered with his eyes still fixed at the door.

"You seem to be more interested in matters that don't concern you." Raymond said, bringing Marco's attention back to him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir." He finally turned to Raymond but could not meet his eyes even from the distance he stood at.

"You don't look like it." Raymond muttered and flipped his pen. "Do you know why I called you?" He went straight to the point.

Marco stood stiff, feeling intimidated by the air around him. But instead of thinking of the question he was just asked, he wondered how it would feel to sit behind that desk and on that extremely comfortable looking chair.

He could kill to gain that position.

"Chief of the finance department." Raymond called coldly, causing Marco to jolt out of his thoughts. "It seems you're not the very attentive type. How can you daydream while your superior is talking to you?"

"No sir. I'm sorry, my mind seemed to have wandered off for a minute. It won't happen again." Marco pledged but Raymond didn't think to trust his words one bit.

"Anyway, I didn't call you here to evaluate your work ethics." He said and rested his back on his chair. "For the second time, do you know why I called you?"

Marco had a hunch, but he was in doubt. Would his boss really bring up personal matters at the workplace? He gulped, not daring to look up.

"No, sir." He answered and Raymond scowled his eyes.

"You don't?" He asked with a voice that instantly gave Marco goosebumps. "Not a single clue?" There was no response. "How are you running my finance team if you are this dumb?"

Marco squeezed his hands. Was it really what he was thinking about? So in the end, men were all suckers for the ladies, no matter who they were.

Raymond still didn't get a response and was gradually losing his patience. Only the sight of Marco made him mad but not getting an answer… maybe he was ready to leave a death wish.

"For the third time, do you know why I called you here?" He asked and did not wait for a response before pointing at the room door. "In there, is a sleeping beauty who's suffering from a headache caused by your wife's little drama." He claimed.

'I was right? He called me here to discuss personal issues.' Marco thought and a funny idea played in his head.

Maybe he could use this opportunity to get closer to the boss.

"My wife just couldn't handle what was done to her at her wedding banquet and was vengeful. Please, forgive her if she went too extreme." Marco apologized, bowing his head. "But you know ladies, we shouldn't get involved in their petty cat-fights, right?" He tried to strike up a conversation and Raymond caught on to it.

His stoic expression did not shift one bit as he stared keenly at Marco. The sight of him disgusted him but he just couldn't help but wonder, what exactly was it that Ariel liked in him?

He shoved the thought aside. It wasn't like she liked his appearance. She was just a desperate girl who took the hand that was stretched towards her.

"How long did you date your wife before you two got married?" Raymond suddenly asked and the corners of Marco's lips curved as he thought he had succeeded in striking a personal conversation with his big boss.

"Well, we dated for about seven months before our wedding." Marco answered and the pen in Raymond's hand snapped in two. "We didn't dare date openly because of the huge gap in our status but we secretly met up, away from her family's radar."

'And away from Ariel's radar.' Raymond thought and dropped the broken pen.

"That was how much we loved each other." Marco confidently stated but it just seemed pathetic to Raymond.

Their so called love was a little toxic shit that would blow up any moment. There was definitely no trust between the two of them and he could use that to his advantage.

"You can go now." He said and a confused Marco wondered if that was all he was going to say. He thought they were 'bonding'.

(So stupid.)

"Why are you still standing there?" White asked him in a sharp tone. "Take your leave."

Marco was still wondering but he found his way out anyway. They were too scary.

"He's so annoying." Raymond exclaimed.

Ariel woke up a few hours later and stretched her limbs widely on the bed. She couldn't tell how long she slept but she definitely felt rejuvenated.

"I'm hungry." She muttered and got down from the bed. There was no mirror and she seemed to have forgotten that she was in the room connected to Raymond's office.

She walked towards the door, opened it and walked out, only to expose herself to a few executive personnels sitting with Raymond in the Sofa area and discussing business.

They stared at her rowdy appearance as she walked groggily towards Raymond, still unaware of the fact that he wasn't the only one there.

"I feel better." She muttered and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep more?" Raymond asked and she shook her head.

"I'm hungry." She said,

"It's past lunchtime but I haven't eaten yet." Raymond said. "Hold on, once I finish with these people, we can go out to eat."

"Mm." She responded only for her eyes to shoot open in astonishment. These people?

She looked at the people sitting opposite them and her eyes refused to close a second time. He actually had company and she didn't know. She didn't even bother to look around and just went to his side.

Was she sinking too deep into her character? She felt nervous.

No, this was no time to be nervous. She wanted to get her act straight but since she just woke up, she felt extremely sensitive with their eyes on her.

It was like they could see the truth inside her act and it was making her anxious. She clutched onto Raymond's shirt.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just really hungry."

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