
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
139 Chs

Meeting Pikachu and Emboar

Author's Note;

Just like I've said in my previous chapter, I am suck at writing Multiverse Travel chapters. Please bear with me in this chapter too. I am trying to finish Kimetsu no Yaiba arc in next one or two chapters. Can this even be called as an arc?


As someone who had lived in the modern era and currently in the medieval era, let's just say, Taisho era is weird. They have some appliances that don't use in both the medieval and modern eras. It is in the middle. Some appliances are not medieval because the Taisho era is more advanced and some are not even used in modern because appliances from Taisho are backward.

I just kept going around the city and eat all sweets I could find. I just got an idea and I know from whom should I going to demand. I can't stop my grin when I thought about it.

I pull out the paper.

<Show me the map toward Kamado Tanjiro and Kamado Nezuko.>

I just follow the map and finally see Nezuko and the two children outside the house in the middle of the forest.

"Hey, Nezuko! It's a surprise to meet you here," I shouted from afar. Nezuko looks around and smiles brightly when she saw me.

"Ah! Hiroto-san, what are you doing here?"

"I got lost again," I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head.


"Yes, again."

"What am I going to do with you? I think you should find someone who will take care of you," she suggests with a blush. Why the hell is she blushing around me? Is my flyer open? I look down. Nope, it's still close.

Then why the hell are you blushing around me, woman! Is she crushing on me? No, nope. We just met yesterday night. It is not a crush nor love. Nezuko is a strong girl. She won't fall in love that easily.

"I am still 15, Nezuko. Still young to marry."

"It's okay, Hiroto-san. Age of consent in this country is 13," she smiles brightly.

What the hell, woman! I am only 8 years old in my original body, dammit! Do you want to go to jail, huh? Do you want me to call interdimensional police, huh?

{System, we are calling interdimensional police!}

[To let them come and take you, host?]

{I am only 8 years old in my original body. Why am I going to get arrested?}

[What is your mental age, host?]


[Yes, "Oh". Do you still want me to call interdimensional police?]

{No, don't.}

"Well, in my country, the age of consent is 18, Nezuko."

"Is that so?"

She is thinking hard, huh? Why would she fall in love with me, a total stranger? And moreover, it's not like I can take her with me to my world. It's better not to fall in love while in Multiverse Travel.

I called the kids who are listening to our talk. I smile and gave them some Dango I've put in my inventory. But for them, I took them out of the bag I've been carrying.

"Here you go, eat up! Don't worry about your brother. I am sure Tanjiro can save him."

"Thank you, big brother."

"And Nezuko, I want to ask something. Did Tanjiro go in alone?"

"No, another Demon Slayer went in together with him," she came back from her daydreaming.

"Oh, he already made a friend, huh? As expected of Tanjiro," I nod sagely.

"And that one is annoying. Always fawning over me like a pervert."

Well, I am very sorry to hear that. Rest in peace, Zenitsu. I prayed silently.

"He might not be that bad."

"Oh, he is. He is always going 'Gyaa!', 'I am scared!', 'Save me!'. Even my brothers are not that annoying."

Wow. For her to hate you that much as far as to compare him with her late brothers which will deeply hurt her heart. What did you do, Zenitsu? For a patient woman like Nezuko to hate you that much, you must have a talent for it. And I must admit. Early Zenitsu is sometimes annoying.

After talking with Nezuko for a while, I went near the house to bury the body. It seems like Tanjiro went inside quickly. I brought up a shovel from inside my bag just like a Dora*mon. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes. They are probably wondering how can a shovel fit inside a bag.

After burying the only body on the outside, I felt a towel gently wiping away my sweat. I glance beside and see Nezuko wiping my sweat with kindness in her eyes.

What should I do? I am going back to my world very soon. Should I just leave her like that?

{System, what should I do?}

[You can come back to this world if you have enough energy, host. You just need some time. You will be able to travel 2 courses of <Multiverse Travel> when you turn 15. <Group Chat> will also open at that age.]

{So, I just need to wait?}

[You are correct, host.]

{Then I don't need to hold back? Holding back these hormones is killing me. And I'm going to hit puberty every time I <Multiverse Travel> until I turn 15? Help.}

[You are just exaggerating, host. And to answer your question, you can do as you like.]

When I was talking with System, I saw Zenitsu running out from the house. Behind him is Inosuke trying to catch him.

"Stop running and try to fight me!"

"Gyaa!! No!!"

I now understand why Nezuko can't stand him. His voice is too loud that it would make Asta from Black Clover lose.

"Nezuko-chan!!! Help me!!!"

"Don't keep running away!" Inosuke then saw Nezuko. Smokes came out from the nose of his boar head.

"You look stronger than this wimp. Fight me." He rushes toward Nezuko with katanas in his hand. I am not moving because I am not needed here.

At that time, Tanjiro came out with the kid.

"What are you trying to do to my sister!" And gave him a punch in the stomach.


All of us here can hear a rib or two broke just like that. Wow, an angry siscon is scary. Note to self, never mess with the sister of a siscon. I am looking at you, Shiba siblings.

"Eh? Hiroto-kun, you are here as well?" Only then did he see me.

"Yup, I got lost again. And look where you are fighting," I point at the incoming Inosuke.

"Wha-? Oof!" He got a kick on the stomach. And like usual, all of us here can hear some ribs are broken. Just how strong are they? A single punch and kick can easily break a rib.

After Inosuke fainted, I help Tanjiro carrying all the dead bodies from the house. Zenitsu is… well, doing Zenitsu things.

"I am meaning to ask, who is he?" Zenitsu asked.

"Oh, my name is Urien Gregorios. If it is difficult to pronounce my name, you can just call me Hiroto."

"Ah… I will just call you Hiroto-san. What are you doing here? Aren't you scared?"

"I got lost in the forest and got here by accident. I didn't know that I will be meeting with Kamado siblings again though."

He then grabbed my collar and shake me.

"Apologize! Apologize for my tears and sweat! While you are here, standing ideally and talking with a girl, I was suffering from ever-changing rooms. Apologize for my mental damages!"

At that time, it was not Tanjiro who came to help me but Nezuko.

"Can you stop shaking him?"

"Uwaa!!! Nezuko-chan hates me now!!!"

"I don't like you from the start." Wow, burn.

"Why are you praying, Hiroto-san?" Tanjiro came beside me.

"Oh, nothing. I will not be healing you this time, Tanjiro. I am sorry about that," I apologized to him in advance.

"It's okay. Turning Nezuko back is already enough for me."

"Big brother. What Hiroto-kun wanted to say is you need to heal naturally while taking a rest. Both physically and mentally," Nezuko chimed in.

Wut? How the hell did she interpret that way?

"Ah, I see."

Don't just trust her like that! Or rather, did you trust me that much?

After Inosuke woke up, he rushes to race who bury dead bodies more. Which sounds wrong in a lot of ways.

After burying and coming down the mountain, we split up with the kids. As Kasugai Crow told them to rest and gave the direction toward the resting place. Thus, we are now standing in front of the house with the wisteria family crest.

"Well, I am not a demon slayer. So, I won't be able to rest in this place for free. I will go and find a cheaper inn in the town. I will come here tomorrow and tell you about the place I am going to stay," I said while preparing to leave.

"Then, I will come with you! I am also not a member of the Demon Slaying Corps. Can I, big brother?" Nezuko asked her brother.

"You are going to stay with Hiroto-san, right? Sure, why not?" Tanjiro simply nods. Zenitsu is giving me a death glare. And Inosuke? He did nothing.

And Tanjiro? What do you mean 'why not?'? Your sister is going to stay with a stranger man, you know? Shouldn't you be more protective of her like a proper siscon should?

I just shake my head. This is going to be my life for a while until I learn a breathing style.

I hate writing these! And there is a reason for MC's change in personality. And again, I hate writing these chapters!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zimrencecreators' thoughts