
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Preferences and Kikyo Kushida

[In this chapter, there will be a lot of dialogues between the characters]


(Third POV)

While Adam and the others are bantering the girls also have their girl's talk.

Tsukasa: "While we're waiting, why don't we talk about what kinds of boys we like,"

Saya: "Why should we? we're not 12 you know,"

Tsukasa: "Come on don't be like that," she said while hugging her. (They seat right next to each other)

Saya: "let go of me, *sigh*,"

Honami: "You two are sure are close,"

The other girls nodded.

Saya: "No we're not, anyway, I'm not going to tell you about what kind of guy I'm attracted to. Since the boys in this school don't meet any of my requirements,"

Rei: "Then you must have pretty high standards then,"

Saya: "Of course, if a lady doesn't have a high standard then she is disrespecting herself," the girls nodded,

Tsukasa: "Hm, since I'm the one who suggested, I'll start, let's see... The boys I prefer are those that are dependable and very good looking, "

Rei: "Dependable and good looking... Well, they're a lot of boys in our class like that, did anyone caught your attention?"

Tsukasa: "Well, If we're talking about who has the best looks in our class then that will be Kirusu-kun," The girls this time subconsciously nodded their heads.

Tsukasa: "If we're talking about who's the most dependable then it's Mori-kun," The girls this time around are surprised.

Utaha: "Mori-kun? why?"

Rei: "Yeah, what about him that catches your attention?"

Tsukasa: "Well, he has the kind of big brother aura around him you know," she said while blushing a little, "Anyway, what about you Rei? What kind of boy would you date?" Passing the bomb to Rei...

Rei: "Me?! Uhm, well, I don't have any standards..."

Utaha: "She's lying," The girls once again has an agreement, nodding their heads.

Rei: " Alright! It's kir..." Her voice is getting quieter and quieter to the point you barely can hear anything she said.

Honami: "Come on, you can do it," she cheered for her on the sidelines.

Rei: "It's Adam-kun, ok!" she shouted, standing while closing her eyes.

Not hearing a response, the moment she opens her eyes, everyone in the cafe looks at her with curiosity. Noticing her behavior, she blushed and returns to her seat.

Saeko: "No need to be embarrassed, it takes a lot of effort for someone to tell their crushes, so you should be proud,"

Yukino: "It is very admirable," She said while smiling a little.

Rei: "But it's still embarrassing!"

While the girls are calming her down, in Adam's group...

Tetsuya: "Hey Kirusu, looks like they're talking about you," He said with slight envy in his voice.

Adam: "Me? no way, you probably misheard them," Adam said, denying his friend's claim.

Actually, if he wanted to or not, he heard them the very beginning. With his super-hearing ability, he had no difficulty understanding any of the words they said.

'I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything, I didn't...' he thought while repeating the same sentence like a mantra.

Tetsuya: "No way, they are definitely talking about you, right Kanzaki?"

Ryuji: "Sorry, I was busy looking at the clouds," The others look at him like he's an idiot.

Adam: "We're indoors you moron,"

Ryuji: "Oi, I'm helping you out here you ungrateful bastard,"

Adam: "At least make a believable excuse, *Sigh*"

The others laughed at their interactions.

Ryota: "Anyway, how about you Kageyama, what kind of girl do you fancy?"

Tobio: "I never think about it really, I was busy in volleyball that having a relationship with a girl never crossed my mind,"

Tetsuya: "I kinda see that, since every topic you talk about is volleyball,"

Tobio: "I'm sorry, volleyball is the only thing that interests me,"

Adam: "There is no need to take it seriously, just be you, since we will be together for 3 years from now on, I want you to open to us genuinely, so just take it easy,"

He nodded, a little more relaxed than usual.

'Looks like his opening-up a bit more' Adam thought to himself.

Ryota: "Anyway, how about you Kirusu? what kind of girl do you like?"

Adam: "Hmm, I don't really care about physical beauty, when it comes to personality, however, I love a girl who can outshine her surroundings when she smiles," he said while having a smile of his own.

His friends were silent by his words.

Ryuji: "I didn't expect for you to be the romantic type,"

The others nodded making Adam speechless.

Adam: "well, I wouldn't consider it being romantic, I just have standards you know,"

Tetsuya: "So a girl who can outshine her surroundings when she smiles... I couldn't think of anyone who likes that... ah! are you perhaps talking about Ichinose-san!?"

Adam: "Honami?" He was surprised when Honami's name comes up.

Tetsuya: "You even called her by her first name! are guys dating already?! No fair Kirusu!,"

Ryota: "No their not, even Ryuji called her by her first name, so calm down you idiot, you're making a commotion again,"

While Adam and his friends were chatting, Adam spot two figures that entered the cafe.

Suzune: "There are so many people here,"

Kiyotaka: "Is this your first time doing anything special, Horikita? oh, right, I suppose it would be since your alone most of the time,"

Suzune: "What that supposed to be a joke? how childish,"

Adam can hear their conversation from miles away, and he had to admit, Suzune is really good at destroying someone with words. He couldn't but help but wonder what kind of backstory this girl has for her to behave in such ways.

Noticing someone was staring at them, they look in the direction of Adam.

Adam gives them a wave and they nodded in response.

Ryuji: "Do you know them?"

Adam: "Yeah, both of them are from class 1-D, the guy is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji and the missy is Suzune Horikita, keep an eye on them in the future,"

Tobio: "Why?"

Adam: "Don't worry you will learn soon enough," he smiles mysteriously.

Tetsuya: "You're such a weirdo some times,"

Adam ignores him and returns his gaze at the two students, they ordered coffee and pancakes after that they started to look around to find a seat. They noticed that two girls quickly got up from their table and Kiyotaka hurriedly went to secure the spot. But Kikyo appeared out of nowhere(She just use the door like an ordinary human) and takes a seat at the table they about the seat in.

Kikyo: "ah, Horikita-san. What a coincidence! oh and Ayanokoji-kun too!"

Suzune stares at Kikyo and she narrowed her eyes, she then stares at Kiyotaka. Looking at both of them, she then understood that the situation was a setup from the very beginning.

Kikyo: "Did you come here together?"

Kiyotaka: "Yeah, we just happened to. Did you come here by yourself?"

Kikyo: "Yeah, I was about-"

Suzune: "I'm leaving,"

Kiyotaka: "We just got here though..."

Suzune: "You said that you need a female friend to help you, Isn't Kushida here perfect for that?"

Kiyotaka: "Hold on, that's not the problem here, Kushida and I are classmates,"

Suzune: "You and I are classmates too. Besides..." She gave Kikyo and Kiyotaka an icy glare, "I don't like any of this. What are both of you plotting,"

Getting caught, both of them just stared at each other, not knowing what to do. Kushida then tried to save the situation,

Kushida: "N-no it was just a coincidence,"

Suzune: "When we sat down earlier, I saw two of our classmates already seating here, since the teacher dismissed the class late than usual, they must have rushed to come here. But for them to suddenly rushed out when they just got here is very weird, don't you think?"

Kushida: "That is..."

'Sharp as usual' Adam thought to himself while observing from afar.

Kiyotaka, not wanting to "make" Kushida uncomfortable, decided to tell the truth.

Kiyotaka: "Sorry, Horikita, We planned this,"

Suzune: "I thought as much, I know it's weird for you to ask me this from the beginning,"

Kikyo: "Horikita-san, Please be my friend!"

Suzune: "I already said this many times, I have no interest in making friends with anyone, can you do me a favor and leave it a rest,"

Kikyo: "But you're always alone from the class, isn't lonely for you at all? I just want to be friends with everyone,"

Suzune: "I admire your wishes, but don't you think it's wrong for you to force someone against their will? arent you being selfish here?"

Kikyo: "B-but..."

Suzune: "And besides, do you think anyone would be happy if you suddenly force them to be your friend? would they trust you?" she continued "It's my fault for not being clear enough to you, but next time, I would never forgive you,"

She took her coffee and stands up, but before she started to walk away, Kiyotaka interrupted her.

Kiyotaka: "I kind of understands your thoughts, Horikita. I've actually often wondered if friends are really necessary,"

'Things are finally getting interesting. This will be fun' Adam observing from a distance, thought to himself while grinning.


[This chapter is different from the usual since I want to try a different type of writing dialogue. I will return to the usual first point of view so you don't have to worry if you guys don't like this type of writing.]

[Also another thing, I forgot to specify how many volumes he read in the light novel but for plot conveniences, let's say he read up to vol 6 only. that will explain why he didn't know Suzune's backstory, I'm sorry if this confuses some of you.]

If you guys didn't like this type of writing let me know, I may or may not write like this in the future, that all depends on preference. But anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Reincarnator113creators' thoughts