
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Classroom of the elite

"Isn't that Ayanokoji-kun?"

While we're walking around the shopping area. Honami spotted Kiyotaka, shopping with the other students from class 1-D. I saw Kiyotaka, Kei, Chiaki, Kikyo, the two idiots Kanji(Ike), Haruki (Yamauchi), and two "unknown" students. The handsome guy, Kei, Kanji, and Haruki all surround Kikyo as they walked. While Chiaki and the unknown girl stayed behind them.

One of the unknown students is a cute girl that has shoulder-length light brown hair and brown-gradient violet eyes. I didn't know her name so let's skip her for now.

The other one, however, is someone I know. the other student is a handsome young man of average height with blonde hair and brown eyes. His name is Yosuke Hirata of class 1-D. He is the class representative of his class. Well, those things are for the future.

"You guys wait for a here for a while, It wouldn't take long," I said to my companions.

"We're coming with you," Saya said seriously. She is not taking no for an answer.

Not wanting to deal with another drama with a woman. I could only agree.

"Hey, Ayanokoji-kun,"

I call out to Kiyotaka who stayed far behind the group. We are behind them, so he is the first one to turn around to look for the source of the voice. the other students soon follow.


When he saw us, he was surprised. He stops in his tracks and he greeted me back in return. The students from class 1-D have a different expression when they saw me. The girls have a happy expression while one of the idiots has an expression that feels like I kill his mother. Which is hilarious to look at. The other one, however, has a terrified expression. It's a good thing no one noticed that.

"Kirusu-kun, I would never have thought that we meet again so soon," Kei, who is still holding the shoulder of Yosuke, said.

"Ne, Matsushita, Is he the one you're talking about?" the girl whispered to Chiaki.

"Hm, Isn't he handsome," Chiaki nodded and whispered.

Haruki heard the two girls, and he could only grit his teeth in envy. To which I ignored. Seriously, I despise that kind of attitude.

The thing that surprised me, however, is Kanji. He doesn't have the same perversion that Haruki has. Although it's not completely gone and still there the fact that he can control his urge is very surprising.

I look into his eyes to which he avoided looking into mine.

'It's good to know that he changed for the better,' I thought.

"Hello, Kirusu-kun," Kikyo greeted.

"You must be Adam Kirusu-kun, right?" Yosuke asked.

"Yes, and you must be Yosuke Hirata?" I returned the question.

"That's right, and who this ladies must be?" He smiled while asked while pointing at Honami and the others.

If Honami and the others are any ordinary girls, they would probably over heels for him. His gentleness is quite deadly to the opposite sex not gonna lie.

"These beautiful girls are my friends and my classmates. This cute girl beside me is Honami Ichinose,"

"Ahh mou, Kirusu-kun, there you go again teasing me. Anyway, hello nice to meet you all," she said.

"As for this overly serious beautiful girl, her name is Utaha Kasumigaoka,"

She glared at me for a second but she still says hello. After that, I introduced Tsukasa and Tetsuya. As I was about to introduce my last classmate.

"As for the-"

Before I could even finish my words, Saya, cut me off in the middle of my words.

"I have a mouth, no need to introduce me, I can introduce myself," she said.

I raised an eyebrow but I didn't say anything. I started to notice that she became more aggressive toward me. I'm aware that understanding how a woman thinks is the most complex thing out there. That's why I didn't think about it too deeply.

After that, she introduced herself to the class D students.

Next, this time, it's the class D students turn to introduce themselves. Kikyo, being the cheerful girl that she is. She willingly introduced her classmates to us. I just learned the name of the other girl's name. Her name is Nene Mori.

"Since everyone got to know each other, why don't we go to karaoke? So that we can learn more about each other,"

Kikyo uses this opportunity to invite everyone to a karaoke. I looked at my friend's opinion and I noticed that Saya and Utaha are against the idea. Honami also noticed that to which she said...

"I'm sorry, Kushida-san, we already made a plan for today,"

"I see, maybe next time then," She was down at first, but she recovered very quickly.

"Hm, next time for sure," Honami said.

After that, we said our farewell to them and we went on to do our original plan for that day. I made Tetsuya treated me to a drink in the cafe that we meet Kakeru. This time nothing happened to which I'm glad for. We stayed in the cafe and talked for a couple of hours before we went back to the dorm and went on our separate ways.


On May 1, the morning bell rang for our first day of class. Soon afterward, our homeroom teacher, Chie-sensei walked into the podium with the happiest expression I have ever seen on her face.

"Good morning everyone,"

"You look so much happier today sensei. Did something good happen?" Rei asked.

"Before that, Do any of you have a question in mind?" She asked.

Mei raised her hands to which Chie-sensei smiled and nodded to allowed her to speak.

"Sensei, we checked our points this morning and we noticed that we didn't exactly receive 100,000 points,"

"Well, Do you guys remember the first day of our homeroom class? I said that this school will base your behavior and talents on your points right? Well to be precise, in this school, your class's result is reflected in the points you receive. Because a few of you made a mischievous behavior like talking to the class. That bad behavior is the cause of the reduction in the number of class points you have. Which is the reason why you receive less than what you receive on the first day," She explained.

"Also, don't forget that in this school, students are sorted by their level of excellence. The most talented are sorted to class A, and the least capable are sorted to class D,"

That's a very good way of ranking every student since there will be such an individual who would bring nothing but trouble and problems. In other words, a useless bunch. But, there will be an exception. A great example with being as long as someone could who is capable of leading such useless fools, anything could be done.

A great man once said, "A group of sheep led by a lion, could defeat an army of lions led by a sheep,"

Everything is up to the leader. The destruction of the general will bring an end to the army.

However, those things wouldn't matter to me because no matter how good a leader a lion is. As long as she/he leads a group of sheep. They would never have a chance of defeating an army of lions led by a Dragon.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, I return to listening.

"So, to those who misbehave, try to think of the consequences of your actions, Okay?" she said.

After she's done explaining. She removed a white rolled-up poster and she stuck the poster to the blackboard with some magnets. We started at the words that are displayed and what it showed is the class point of every class.

"Is this the result of the other class, sensei?" Ryota asked.

The points that are displayed are:

Class A = 940

Class B = 880

Class C = 490

Class D = 0

"I am very proud of all of you. Usually, the gap between each class is very huge. But this year, the gap between class A and class B is very small," She said while eyeing everyone of us.

"Sensei, what will happen if our class point overcomes the points of class A?" Ryuji asked.

"Well, your class points aren't just linked to the points that are given to you each month. But this also indicated your class rank. So in other words, you will be promoted to class A, and class A will be demoted to class B," she explained.

"Oh, and one more thing. this school, which operates under government supervision, boasts a high rate of advancement into elite education and workforce placement. However, you must not forget that nothing is free in this world. So if you guys want to secure a bright future, you must overtake class A," she said this time with seriousness in her words.

We are not too surprised by what Chie-sensei said.

"Oh, I almost forgot,"

After she was done explaining she stuck another poster in the blackboard, this time, however, it has our name in it with a score next to it.

"This is the result of the short test you took a while ago. Sensei is so happy that my students are all intelligent kids,"

After she said those words, she stared everyone in the eyes and for some reason, her eyes suddenly stop at me and she stared at me intensely.

"Um, what is it, Sensei?" I asked.

"This may be off-topic but, Kirusu-kun, do perhaps have any interest in Mathematics, Biology, or History?" She asked.

"No, not really," I replied.

She smiled even brightly. I and my classmates were confused. Finding the situation funny, Chie-sensei giggled.

"Alright, I wouldn't put you in a suspense. Actually, Kirusu-kun over there got a perfect score on the short test with precision,"

There was a long silence that followed. What comes after is the shocked faces and shout that made my eardrums bleed. Because of my Super-hearing ability, it becomes 10 times worse.

"WHAT!" almost everyone shouted at the same time.

"Wait, aren't the last three questions like college-level types of questions?" Tetsuya asked.

"The last three questions about History, Biology, and Mathematics on the last part of the exam are supposedly weren't mean to be answered. Those questions are there to give you students some lesson that if you face a bottleneck in your life, sometimes it's ok to give up and try next time. But the thing that we didn't expect is that a student could answer all three questions. Being able to answer one or two is extremely impressive enough but to answer all three is unheard of," She explained.

'And yet I solved everything in 5 minutes,' I thought to myself.

Everyone looks at me like an extinct animal that was brought back to life. It feels so fucking weird.

"Don't look at me like that, the reason I could answer that is the fact that I have a hobby in the past of answering hard questions on the Internet in my free time,"

I made a barely reasonable excuse. Although this wouldn't fully convince them, it should be good enough, for now.

"It's still very impressive though. For you to solve complex problems and questions in an hour is something even I wouldn't be able to do," Yukino said.

'It's all under 5 minutes though...'

I want to say those words, but I don't want to give them a heart attack. So I'll hold it for now.

If you are curious about the results of the short test. This is the result.

Short test:

Adam = 100

Utaha = 90

Honami = 90

Saya = 90

Yukino = 90

Takashi = 88

Tsukasa = 83

Saeko = 82

Rei = 82

Mei = 82

Ryujj = 81

Sho = 80

Tetsuya = 79

Ryota = 76

Mako = 76

Chihiro = 75

Yume = 73

Tobio = 65

(There are more students to come in the future, I just don't know how I will introduce them since every student from class 1-B already know each other at this point)

"Not only the only student that got a perfect score is in our class, but we have four students who can answer one of the hard questions in the test," Chie-sensei said.

"Sensei, how about class A? what's their result in the exam," Yume asked.

"I'm afraid I can not discuss that. However, I assure you that this class did perform much better compared to class A. I hope you kids keep this momentum going okay? so in the future, you kids will replace class A,"

'Don't worry sensei, as long as I'm here, we are destined to become a winner at the end of this game, I promise you that' I thought to myself while having a great expectation for the mysteriousness of what we called the future.


This is the chapter for today, hope you like it.

Reincarnator113creators' thoughts