
I am a witch of time searching for the past

In her eyes, there was only one person standing in front of her. His back blocked out the dazzling light, giving her time to breathe. "Legitta?" "...Nothing, Will." It's not that my thoughts are silent, but... that I can't express them in words.

mix_ · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 1: Back to the Past - Part 1

It felt like I had a very vivid dream.

Could I have been in a coma? Why didn't I feel anything at all?

As my consciousness gradually became clearer, my sense of touch returned.

At this moment, I felt like I was resting my head on something.

When I opened my eyes, everything was very blurry. I started to focus my vision, and as it gradually returned, I saw Lijetar's worried face.


I could only softly call her name as my mind was still groggy.

Seeing that I was awake, she immediately hugged me happily.

"Will! Will, you're awake! That's great... that's great."

She was a bit emotional, holding me tightly.

I patted her shoulder, indicating she was squeezing me too hard.

"Ah! Sorry, Will."

She released her arms, looking somewhat flustered.

"...Uh, so did we succeed?"

"Yes! We succeeded."

"That's great."

I relaxed a bit, leaning back slightly.

But... why was the thing I was resting on so soft?

I looked at Lijetar. Right, she was looking down at me, so...

I quickly got up, standing straight, placing my right hand on my chest.

I felt my face redden a bit, and hurriedly apologized to her.

"Sorry, Miss Lijetar, I didn't mean to be so rude to a lady."


Lijetar's face turned a bit red too. She looked down at the ground, her bangs covering her eyes.

"It's alright. By the way, Will, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Uncomfortable? Not at all.

"I... don't feel any discomfort."

"Temporal transfers greatly impact ordinary people. Without sufficient magical power, such a large-scale spell can damage the organs. Are you sure you're okay?"

I pounded my body a few times, feeling no significant issues, then jumped lightly in place. I didn't feel anything abnormal. I should be fine.

"Well, it seems my guess was correct. The magical power I left in your body protected you... Honestly, until you woke up, I was always... very scared... scared that I might have killed you..."

I saw a hint of pale blue flash in her eyes, but she quickly reverted to her usual black.

I approached her, took her hand, half-knelt down, and gently held it.

"You saved me. Think about it, how many times have you saved my life? In just two days, I can never repay this kindness, my lifesaver."

I ended with a playful tone on "lifesaver," which made her smile.

She smiled sweetly, looking so adorable.

"Alright, alright."

She regained her spirits, the previous gloom vanished.

I stood up straight and looked around.

It was still the same underground space, but the symbols and runes were still faintly glowing. Although the hands of the temporal magic clock had stopped, I could still faintly hear the gears moving.

"Did we... come back to the past with this space?"

"Yes, Will, we returned to the past with the temporal magic clock, but our location didn't change. We're still in the forest mansion."

"What? Then... what about the original you in this time?"

"I replaced her."


"If you and your original self are in the same timeline, the current you will replace the original you. That's the influence of the temporal magic clock."

"Does that mean we changed history?"

"...Not completely. Once I leave this timeline, the original me will return to maintain the world's order as it should be."

"So are we now outside of time?"

"Yes, thanks to the temporal magic clock, we are outside the world's order."

I see, so the world will still accommodate those who break its rules.

"But anything we do in this period will change history."

I was a bit alert, implying... we have to change history.

"Lijetar, when are we now?"


Lijetar started pacing back and forth, thinking with her hand on her chin.

After a moment, without turning back, she said:

"When I was transferring, I ran out of magical power. I couldn't probe the magic of each era, so in my haste, I chose the nearest era with the greatest magical fluctuation. However... that magical power was extraordinarily large."

Lijetar turned to look at me at this point.

"And as far as I know, the only ones who can suddenly erupt with such enormous magical power... are my sisters."

I instantly understood the situation and quickly asked her:

"So now, is it the time when that mage still exists?"

"Yes, but... such a huge burst of magical power also means... she's struggling to hold on..."

This was a bombshell. I understood our mission.

"We need to find a way to save her, right? Lijetar."

She nodded, looking serious.

"About... two months. Because I remember, before each of them died, they would release their magic for a long time, about two months. You know, Will... I must save her. Can you... assist me?"

... It seems fate won't give us a moment's rest.

"Of course, Lijetar. Since I traveled with you, I have no reason to refuse."

I straightened my clothes.

"So, I agree, Lijetar."

Then, we exchanged a knowing smile.

"Well, what year is it now?"

