
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Mount Fungwan 2

Xuan Yi lay restless, his mind abuzz with knowledge gained from countless months of wandering. He had come to realize that strength was the ultimate currency in this merciless world. Without it, his encounters with death would have surely spelled his demise.

Thus, he had roused himself from slumber at the first light of dawn, ascending the rugged peaks of the mountains. There, amidst the misty tendrils and the ethereal cascade of a roaring waterfall, he perched upon a weathered rock, as if suspended in mid-air.

In this sacred space, he surrendered himself to meditation and cultivation. Like a vessel, he allowed the mountain's pure, untamed chi to surge through his being, cleansing him from within.

Every thought was meticulously arranged along the tranquil path he had forged, while the energy coursed through his veins, purifying his very essence.

The ceaseless flow of raw chi, like a relentless tide, sculpted his body, fortifying his sinews and invigorating his cells. He had unlocked the secret of perfect serenity, a revelation that had dawned upon him during his enlightenment of the Mystery Of Breakthrough.

In this state of equilibrium, his body was like an insatiable abyss, devouring the raw energy of the air as it ceaselessly poured into him. There was no limit to his depths, no end to his capacity for growth. With each surge of energy, his form improved, emerging as a more resilient, robust, and untainted version of himself.

Within those fleeting moments, Xuan Yi's body trembled with anticipation, as if poised on the edge of the next phase of his cultivation.

The pent-up pressure within him surged, demanding release, and release it did. Like a volcano awakening from its slumber, like a supernova exploding in a distant galaxy, his aura erupted forth from his once feeble frame.

His veins pulsed with a breathtaking luminescence, appearing like the ethereal glow of precious emeralds. And the veins strength was no less that of emeralds and diamonds.

As the unleashed aura coursed through him, a powerful wave of energy reverberated, sweeping through the mountain with explosive force. He had broken through into a new phase.

The veil of cloud and mist that had shrouded the peaks dissipated, and a whirlwind of dust ascended, bearing witness to the magnitude of the transformation taking place.

The entire extent of the mountain was rattled and everyone felt the cool chills that swept out like winter.

With his eyes tightly shut, Xuan Yi sensed something else beyond the bounds of his comprehension. Within his soaring aura, something else was astir. Another power, intertwined with his own, emerging like a delicate thread of light, yet also reminiscent of impenetrable darkness.

It surged forth, entwined with his aura. It was an ancient force long forgotten. Though it existed as a mere wisp, its terror was undeniable. Even though it originated from deep within him, he found himself trembling in its presence.

As the undulating waves of energy surged through the mountain, lifeless branches burst into a vibrant bloom, defying the natural order.

A bone-chilling cold followed in its wake, as if the very essence of winter had been unleashed. And as the wisp of that mysterious power coursed through the tense atmosphere, which had only moments ago been rattled by the aura of an immortal, time itself seemed to hold its breath, suspended in a moment of profound stillness.

He extended his spiritual grasp, straining to capture the elusive beginning and end of the mysterious thread of energy. But it flowed forth from the depths of his soul, emerging from hidden crevices, and stretched far into the vast expanse of the Mystery Breakthrough.

As this wisp of raw dense energy travelled, a seismic tremor shook the mountains, a low rumble that surpassed mere terror. The very ground quivered, echoing a haunting purr. It shifted as if propelled by the movement of an unfathomably colossal force. A terror unfurled, a palpable sense of impending doom, casting a shadow of profound unease.

A breath, both scorching and chilling, swept through the mountain, as if the exhalation of a deity, the sigh of a giant awakened from slumber. A creature of immense power had been stirred from its slumber, drawn out of its depths by this wisp of power.

Tian Wei, now acutely aware, discerned a distinct and undeniable aura of the beast. Unlike before when it had felt distant, now it was close, its clarity undeniable. Within the depths of these mountains lay something as terrifying as the enigma that had haunted the hidden island realm.

Xuan Yi, too, recognized the eerie similarity, his very soul quivering in response. Yet amidst the tremors of fear, he also detected a strange resonance, a connection that stirred within him, both perplexing and profound.

The ordinary people and cultivators, consumed by terror and bewilderment, found themselves adrift in a sea of unfamiliar phenomena. Their thoughts, like frantic currents, wondered towards the Mo Sect, wondering if it was the Mo that had sparked this chaos.

Elder gazes, like searching beams of light, swept across the mountains, seeking the elusive source of energies that seemed to surge from every direction. One carried the essence of immortality, another exuded a mysterious and ancient terror, and yet another resonated with a thunderous rumble that threatened to rend souls in an instant.

However, amidst the collective confusion, one elder possessed a keener perception. With a resounding clap, she summoned a colossal sword, materializing like a star in weight and radiance.

She twirled and whirled, spinning with an otherworldly force, before unleashing the sword with indescribable might. It broke out of her grip with the crackle of lightning and the resounding boom of thunder, slicing through the air like a scorching meteor, a blazing comet streaking across the heavens.



Here's my discord, leave me a message and I'll try and get back.

Discord: @konkord_
