
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Coming Out

"True Form Phase!" Lan Ren seethed through clenched teeth, her anger palpable as Tian Wei's formidable chi bore down upon her and her companions like an insurmountable mountain. "No wonder you possess such audacity, Xuan Yi."

Just then, a middle-aged man approached the group, a gentle smile adorning his face. His well-groomed, low-trimmed beard framed his countenance, and behind his large glasses, his eyes shimmered like a breathtaking expanse of the sea.

He walked with a graceful gait, his hand resting upon his back, but when he reached Xuan Yi and Tian, he extended his hand in a gesture of courteous greeting.

"Young master Xuan Yi, what a delightful surprise. It has been quite some time since our paths last crossed," he spoke with a tone of utmost respect and evenness.

"Manager Jia Song," Xuan Yi replied, returning the gesture with a graceful nod.

"And this other master is," Manager Jia Song turned his attention towards Tian Wei, his hand still poised in a gesture of introduction.

"Tian Wei," Tian Wei introduced himself nonchalantly, and didn't bother to cap his hand.

"Master Tian Wei," Manager Jia Song repeated, bowing his head in acknowledgment.

"Immortal Tian Wei," Xuan Yi corrected Manager Jia Song with a wry smile, his eyes glancing towards the table as he reached for the cup, delicately sipping the wine.

"Xuan Yi, do not push it too far," Lan Ren gasped, her words strained as she struggled under the weight of Tian Wei's unrelenting chi that held her firmly to the ground.

She couldn't fathom Xuan Yi's audacity in disrespecting Manager Jia Song, demanding the use of an honorary title like "immortal" that not even the clan head or the magistrate employed.

Manager Jia Song simply nodded, a serene smile gracing his lips. As an inn manager, he was well-versed in dealing with a myriad of rogue personalities and knew the art of diffusing tense situations.

Often, it involved the art of flattery and appeasing the customer. In his eyes, Xuan Yi and Tian Wei were nothing more than esteemed patrons. But even then, he felt it was a little overboard to address anyone as immortal.

"If young master Xuan Yi would be so gracious to give me some face and also prevent this situation from escalating further by releasing everyone from this pressure, this humble old self shall not pursue the matter any further," he calmly stated, his gaze shifting between Xuan Yi and Tian Wei, his words a soothing balm in the midst of chaos.

Tian Wei so no reason to not give face to the manager after he asked so kindly. With a swift motion, Tian Wei released the oppressive weight of his chi, causing the gravity pressure to dissipate, freeing everyone from its suffocating grasp.

Lan Ren, quick on her feet, scrambled upright, as did the rest of the onlookers, grateful for the sudden release from the invisible shackles.

"Manager Jia Song, you cannot allow such disrespect and arrogance slide. You must-" Lan Ren began, her words cut short as a gust of wind, fierce as a mountain, crashed into her, propelling her, like Tse Tse, into the tables below.

"It seems she remains oblivious to the concept of mercy. In that case, there is no need for excessive kindness," Tian Wei remarked nonchalantly, his gaze now fixed upon the two remaining troublemakers. "Do you two also require a lesson?"

Without any further prompting, fear etched upon their faces, the two troublemakers made a swift decision.

Uncertain if Lan Ren would intervene on their behalf, they opted for the safer path and bolted, their desire for redemption overshadowed by the need for self-preservation.

"Is the service here as sluggish as the inhospitable welcome? Our orders were taken a long time now yet here we are," Tian Wei spoke as his gaze looked over at Xuan Yi. His words were like a subtle rebuke and dismissal of Manager Lan Ren. He was not in the mood to continue engaging with the inn manager.

"Your meal will be served shortly," Manager Lan Ren assured them with a nod.

He turned on his heel and departed, a tinge of offense lingering within him. Yet, as a seasoned manager, he understood the importance of taking the high road.

If this were an encounter with ordinary individuals, he may have handled it differently. However, given that this was a dispute within the Xuan clan, and the commotion had been resolved without significant harm, he saw no need to further involve himself.

Later, he would send an inflated invoice detailing the costs of the damages to the clan head and let him deal with Xuan Yi and his friend.

At the furthest end of the restaurant, a young lady adorned with a gentle smile delicately placed her brush to the side. Her masterpiece was now complete, and a profound sense of satisfaction washed over her.

With a swift and almost imperceptible motion, she rolled the canvas, securing it with a vibrant red ribbon. Carefully, she slid it into a slender wooden case, its surface adorned with intricate carvings.

The case was swiftly covered, and she effortlessly swung it over her shoulder, the supple leather strap resting against her frame.

Turning her gaze to the opposite end of the room, her eyes met with those who had nearly ruined her painstaking work.