
CHAPTER 10 - A Powerful and Weak Orc.

CHAPTER 10 - A Powerful and Weak Orc.

I observed my hands and started hitting the air... Ah, strength isn't noticeable.

I tried lifting a car, but I can't... I'm not that strong.

Is the increase in my strength minimal? I thought it would at least double. Or does my strength activate with magic?

"Hmm... Will I be able to defeat a zombie with my fists?"

"You defeated many Goblins with your fists, so I think you can."

So I am powerful, I just need to train to adapt to my strength.

Well, after leaving her at the shelter, Kiasan and I will train and kill zombies to earn points. We need to become more powerful to prevent any fantasy creature from messing with us. P-please, let no dragons appear.

"Well... It's time to start walking."

We have been walking for 5 hours... The road is boring... There are many zombies, but we have defeated them easily.

Fortunately, we haven't encountered any strange creatures.

Just walking and walking.

Ah... Well, at least I can see Mary's breasts bouncing when she walks. Hehe.

"Ah... What if the creatures were locked in a secret laboratory and they got out when the zombies invaded that laboratory?"

"Good theory, but I think a secret laboratory would have a lot of security."

"Then I can't find any logic in this situation."

Only missing a wicked robot coming out of the ground and killing me.

Oh, Mary and Sato are sweating a lot. It's cold, but we have been walking for a long time without any rest. They must be tired.

Kiasan and I don't feel tired because we're zombies, but they are humans, they need rest.

"Do you want to rest?"

"Yes, please."

"I'm hungry!"

We stopped by the side of the road and took out the food we had.

Mmm... Eggs again... I shouldn't complain.

"While you cook, I will train."

I moved away from them and approached a car.

Alright. I, the great Zei, want to use a magic ability!

"Activate ability!"

I extended my right hand.





"Why doesn't it work?!"

Hey, magic system or whatever, let me use that ability! I earned it fair and square!


Kiasan approached me.


Enemy...? Yes, you're right, maybe this is an offensive ability and it only works when I'm in danger.

That's right, I must be attacked by an enemy...

Wait... Stealing ability... A beautiful woman... Hehe.

I approached Mary.

"Mary, would you do me a favor? I need you to attack me and try to kill me with your fists, so that my body recognizes you as an enemy."

"Eh?! W-why?"

"I... I can..." Kiasan said.

Come on, Zei, come up with something! An excuse! Mary wants to refuse! Come on, Zei, you can convince her!

"K-Kiasan, you're my familiar, my body won't recognize you as an enemy because familiars shouldn't harm their masters."

"Th-that's... true."

Did she believe it?! Thank goodness!

"It's alright. I'll do it."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt me."

If I didn't feel the shots I received, I won't feel the cute punches from Mary.

"I'll start."

Mary started hitting me in the body. Thanks to her strong movements, her breasts bounced quite a bit. Uffffff. What a great view.

How lucky Sato's father was. He managed to marry a beautiful girl... Well, not so lucky because he turned into a zombie... Did I kill him when I killed the zombies in the village...? Better not say anything.

Zei, stop getting distracted. It's time to get serious!

But first... Yes, I've stored Mary's bouncing breasts in my mind.

Here I go.

I moved away from her and extended my right hand.

Please, let it work.



M-my hand started glowing.

Yes! Please, fulfill the cliché! Let it be her underwear! If it's her underwear, I can pretend it was an accident! I can't help it, I'm a pervert!

Come on, come on, come on.

My hand stopped glowing, and I opened it.

... What a disappointment.

"Incredible! You managed to take off my ring using magic!"

"G-great, Z-Zei. Y-you d-did it... w-well."

... An engagement ring?! Damn it! My luck is shit!

Damn it, I shouldn't look disappointed!

Zei, pretend to be surprised!

"Y-yes! I-it worked! My ability works!"

I hope I'll have better luck next time. I'm not a stalker, but I can't help being a bit of a pervert.

Besides, it's like a reward for taking her to the shelter.


I handed the ring to Mary.

"My magic works... Kiasan, let's go to the forest and look for Goblins... Ah, right, we can't leave Mary alone... When we leave her at the shelter, let's look for Goblins. Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you. If there are too many, we'll run away. We have the advantage of being fast and not getting tired."


Huh? A man's voice?

"Did someone shout?"

Shit, we're at a disadvantage!

I wonder why they built the road next to a forest? Couldn't they build it farther away? With so many trees, we won't notice the enemies!

"Sato, come closer."

Sato started walking towards us.

They called us food, so they could be survivors who want to steal our food or intelligent zombies who want to eat us. There's also the possibility that it's some fantasy creature.

Whatever it is, we need to be prepared.

"Maybe they're enemies... Girls, if they're Goblins, let me handle them. I'll leave them almost dead so you can kill them, Kiasan, and get the [Steal] ability."


I hear heavy footsteps... W-wait... T-those aren't the steps of a zombie or Goblin... It's something bigger! I hear heavy and powerful steps! It's something huge and heavy!

G-Goblins, Cyclopes... N-no... Please, don't let it be what I'm thinking.

"Please, God, let it not be..."

"New food!!"

In the distance, among the trees, a huge pig could be seen, walking towards us... A pig man? No way!

"What the hell is that?!" - Mary said, full of fear.

You gotta be kidding me!

"I don't know." - Kiasan said.

There's no doubt.

Pig man... Three meters tall... Fat... No way! Is that an Orc?! Weren't they green? Ahhhhhh! An Orc, possibly a rapist, will attack us!

"First Goblins, and now Orcs. What's next? Elves and Fairies? Damn shitty apocalypse! God, couldn't you send a more normal apocalypse?!"

I grabbed the sword... Alright, Zei, it's not the time to be afraid. The girls are counting on you... I think their weak spot is the head... Well, that's the weak spot for everyone.

You have the advantage, you don't feel pain, so focus on cutting off its head even if it attacks you.

I approached the Orc.

"I'll buy you time! Run!" I shouted.



Several black tentacles emerged from the Orc's hands. Magic?! Does that thing have magic?! It's not fair! Damn god, you really are unfair!

The tentacles grabbed us. Ahhhhhh! Please, don't violate us like this! I won't allow you to abuse the girls!

"What is this?!" Mary screamed, disturbed.

"Mama, I'm scared!"

T-the tentacles are pulling us towards that Orc... Dammit!

"This won't end like this!"


"We're not food!" Sato shouted.

"Eat this, you fucking pig! We're not food!"

Although I do want to eat Mary, but not literally.

It's time to fight! I won't let an Orc eat us!

I raised the sword... Huh?


Uwaaaah! I-I was hit by a fireball! Who else attacked me?!

Eh?! My right ear exploded?! Who did that?!

... Huh?

No... fucking... way!

"What a huge Goblin?!"

"Mine!" complained the Orc.

"Arrrg!" the Goblin growled, full of fury.

Great, not only will we be eaten, but our corpses will be brutally violated by that huge Goblin! I curse my luck! Uwaaaah!

That was close!

The huge Goblin tried to attack me with another fireball, but it didn't hit me. Aim better, idiot! It was a little to the right!

Now, you idiot, you'll die! You should have aimed better! Hahahahahaha! Now the great Zei will make you his bitch and kill you!

I destroyed the tentacle with the sword. Yes, on the first try! I told you, no one can match the great Zei! Hahahahahaha!

"It's easy to destroy..."


Huh? Did Mary scream?

I turned around and... No... P-please, no... I promised I would protect them... I promised... N-no...

Please, God, let this not be happening.


That Goblin... it didn't aim at me.


Sato's chest... that fireball destroyed part of his chest... Blood is falling to the ground... S-so much blood. He's... bleeding out. A little boy... is dying.

A child... An innocent child...

Mary is devastated... Her tears... The woman who trusted me is watching her son bleed out.

Kiasan has the same face, but she's crying.

A-and I... I couldn't protect him... I couldn't protect my mother... When I thought I had protected someone, I turned into a zombie and killed them... I have more control over my body now, but... the result was the same... I failed someone again.

I couldn't protect Sato.

Mary will lose her son because I couldn't protect him.

... The great Zei? What a joke.

I am nobody.

But... I won't let them get away with it.

They will regret it.

"Damn it..."

I destroyed the other tentacles.

"Damn it!!"

I don't care if you're two fucking meters tall, I'll kill you!

I leaped onto the Goblin and pierced its chest with my sword. It tried to protect itself using its arms, but my sword was more powerful and went through its chest, also piercing its arms.

"This won't be enough!"

I let go of the sword and gouged out its eyes with my own hands.



"Human... strong."

The Goblin fell to the ground dead, and I retrieved my sword from its chest.

The Orc smiled and approached me.


"Come closer, you disgusting stupid pig!"

I tried to attack him, and...


U-unlike the Goblin, my sword didn't leave a scratch on him.

"... Huh?"


He punched me, and I went flying.

What?! That thing is on another level! Its skin is so tough!


"You have to get away from here, Kiasan!"

I tried to get up from the ground, but the Orc kicked me again.

I went flying once more and crashed into a tree.

"Damn it..."

A-am I tired...? My body doesn't hurt, but I can tell it's severely injured... The bones in my right leg are broken, and I have several broken ribs.

Blood keeps flowing from my nose and chest... Am I going to die?

"You're... disappointing."

"Disappointing? What did you expect from me, idiot? Three days ago, I was a normal human. I can't change that much in such a short time."

I slowly got up from the ground.

"But... I won't give up... I don't have anyone left in my life... But at least I'll sacrifice my life to buy some time."

I wanted to enjoy my magic a little longer, but I guess that won't be possible. And I don't have my sword anymore; I dropped it, and I doubt I'll have time to pick it up.

... I can only think of one idea... One last hope.

That Orc has some kind of hanging bag on his pants... What's it called...? It's something strange... A pouch? I'll call it a bag for now. It must hold something valuable... It must have a weapon... Maybe his weapons are powerful... One last chance.

I raised my hand, pointing at him. Please, let it work.

"I beg you, please, work! Steal!"

My hand started to glow.

Please, something useful... I feel something in my hand.

I opened my hand... A small bag?

I opened it... What are these red seeds?

I took one out... It smells like strawberry. Did I only steal his food?! Ahhhhhhhh! I'm more than dead, again!

"Eh? That's mine! Don't steal my energy!"

... Energy?

To hell with it, I don't have time to think!

Do it, Zei!

I started eating all those damn seeds.

I don't know how many to eat, so I ate them all! Please, let it be magical energy and not food energy!

"Damn it!"

Wow, I feel better!

The Orc tried to attack me, but I jumped and avoided the attack.

"It's my turn!"

I gave the Orc a powerful kick to the head, and he went flying.

He crashed into a tree and destroyed it.

I feel rejuvenated! My wounds disappeared, and I feel more powerful!! What were those things?!

[Temporary enhanced abilities.]

[Strength level 10.]

[Regeneration level 10.]

[Agility level 10.]

[Steal level 10.]

[Fire magic level 10.]

[Duration: 5 minutes.]

Fire magic?! Perfect!

I extended my right hand and smiled.

"Fire magic: Fireball!"




Ah... Why didn't anything happen?! Damn shitty luck!

The Orc got up from the ground and charged at me.


"No, you die!"

We tried to hit each other, and our fists collided. Yes, I have enough strength to fight back!

"Impossible! You're supposed to be a weak Undead!"

"I have a name! I'm Zei! And guess what?! You will be defeated by this weak Undead!"

Please, let it work.

I'll try again!!

Magic, feel my fury!

I want it to explode!

"Fire magic: Fireball!"

I feel heat... My hand is creating fire... It worked! My hand is surrounded by fire!



The fireball exploded in my fist, causing a massive explosion that sent both of us flying.

I rolled on the ground and crashed into a tree.

... My right arm exploded... I don't have an arm... Fortunately, I don't feel pain, but I feel a lot of mental pain.

"I-I won...?"

... No... The Orc is approaching me... His arm exploded, but it only made him angrier.

"You cheater... I'm supposed to win, not you."

"I'll eat you!"

"Eat this. Lick the tip, then suck."

"Shut up, food doesn't talk!"

"Will you make soup out of me or fry me? I can recommend some recipes, bro."

"Shut up!"

"I was just trying to help," I said, smiling.

I got up from the ground and slowly approached him.

"Let's finish this!"

"There's an Orc and an Undead fighting here."

Huh? A woman's voice?

A girl came out of a tree and beheaded the Orc with a sword... No... me... fuck... So quickly?! So unfair! But thanks for saving me from being eaten. I'm supposed to be the zombie.

"I hope he has a blue rock."

Wait... T-those ears... An Elf?!

Was I saved by an Elf?!

Oh, it's a miracle. Elves are peaceful and kind creatures. She might help me recover.

"T-thank you very much for... Uwaaaah!"

The Elf jumped towards me and tried to attack me.

"What are you doing, you crazy woman?!"

"Don't move, you son of a bitch!"


She kept trying to attack me, and I kept dodging her attacks. Damn crazy woman, why do you want to kill me?! Weren't you my savior?! Don't get my hopes up like that, you idiot, you've broken my heart!

"Stop moving!"

"And you, stop attacking me, flat Elf!"

"Who are you calling flat, idiot?!"

"That's enough, Celes."

Another voice?

The Elf stopped... The image I had of Elves was ruined! They're rude and crazy! Why did she attack me?! I was the victim!



Kiasan approached me. Why didn't she escape?!

"Why didn't you leave?!"

"W-woman... b-big... help us," she said, pointing her finger at someone beside me.

"Woman... big...?"

I turned to my right and looked up... A giant woman is standing next to me.

"Why can you talk, Undead?"

... Will she get angry if I ask her to sit on my face?

(Author's note: If you're tired of waiting for new chapters, read "I'm an Inferior Being with the Ability to Seduce Women" so the wait doesn't feel so long uwu)