
I am a lucky man

This is based on a true experience that I had encountered when I was homeless. I am writing this because I want you guys to be thankful of what you have, to treasure what you are born with, and last but not least, be grateful to the people beside you.

Embra · สมจริง
2 Chs

How it's going

Two months after my meeting with Rebecca, I stumble upon an opportunity. Working hard days in and days out, I earn myself some money to be able to gives some allowance to Anna and Elsa, who no matter what I say, will not use it to buy snacks and keep it in their little purse, handmade by Rebecca.

I was touched. So, I didn't say anything and continue giving them allowance no matter how little. And, one day, when I was asking for leftover food from the restaurants, some rich guy asked me why I was doing that. So, I told him that it is for me and my family.

He asked further. So, I honestly tell him that we all have one meal a day, sometimes it is dinner, sometimes it is lunch, but, we usually had one meal that will fill our stomach for tomorrow and this is how we get it, by asking leftovers.

He frowns and thinks for a few seconds. There was a long awkward silence between us because I don't know what to say and he is staying silent.

A few minutes later, he asked me what I can do, like what skills do I have. So, I told him that, I have a degree in computer science but, because my parents died and relatives took all my parents' money, I lived by helping other people and asking for money, like helping a student by doing his assignments, cleaning the warehouse of some guy and any other odd job I can gets my hands on, until I was kicked out by landlord and become homeless and met my new family.

He thinks again for a few minutes and whisper something to a man beside him, who I think is his bodyguard. Typical rich people.

Anyway, after his bodyguard left, the rich guy again asked me some questions of how I have been living life and what my wife do and what are my plans for the future. I answered them honestly, as I don't have a reason to lie but, I was getting impatient as I still have to go ask for leftovers from restaurants and on time, the bodyguard come back with a bag of what appears to be five servicing of Fried noodles.

I was dumbfounded because I thought this rich guy is just asking me to satisfy his own superiority, like many rich guys I have met before in my life. They will ask you what you do and stuff and in the end, they will just say, to keep trying hard and some motivational shit before walking out with a smile on their face, like they know that they are doing better than me. I always hated those types but, what can I do when the other side have power of money.

However, this man here is different. Quite different from other men I have met. While I was stunned from being given the bag, from which appetizing smell of fried noodles can be get, the old man gave me what appears to be a handful of cash.

There is so much happening right then that I didn't know what to do. I was so overwhelmed by roller coaster of emotions that I only snaps back to reality when the old man snaps his finger in front of my eyes.

Smiling good-heartedly, he told me that he is the owner of the restaurant that have been giving food to the homeless men like me and interested in me as I asked for me. So, he went out of his way to asked me questions and now that his curiosity is satisfied, he is giving me some money to help me.

After that he walked away promptly without giving me some motivational shits like other people, but that man's back left quite an impression on me. Because of him, my family is going to have a feast this night and I can't thank him enough. So, I did the only thing I know how.

I shouted at him my thanks and run back home, to Rebecca, to Anna and to Elsa, as fast as I can so that they can have these fried noodles.