
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 62

I could not believe my eyes when I saw the beautiful picture before me. The dragon girl sister who often haunts my heart, Li Huamei, the heavenly daughter of Xia Hua, is standing in front of me at this moment with breath-taking beauty, standing in this South man Jedi far from the East sea. It's... How is this even possible?

As the commander of the anti-Black Dragon King United Army, her busy degree is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people, not to mention the recent guerrilla war with the Black Dragon Society to win victory, for a long time to be pressed to lift the head of the resistance army to bring a line of victory, in the sense of reason, more should be busy, how can appear in this remote land thousands of miles away from the sea?

All kinds of doubts in the brain flash away, then I can no longer say words, because standing in front of my eyes this stunning beauty, it is too beautiful.

Moonless windless night, dragon girl sister just stood there, just like a light source, let people see one of the bright. She combed the ancient palace dress hairstyle, there are beautiful Banghai in front of the forehead, above the cloud bun pile Wu, several inches long a pair of dragon horns, crystal green, the back of the bun with a pearl hairpin, hanging down the waist of the long hair tail, silky as silk, like a horse tail, swaying in the wind.

The upper body is a dark purple silk narrow sleeve spring shirt, looming moire thunder bird pattern pattern, spring shirt neckline opened just right, exposing the jade neck under the white skin and a large piece of warm jade, such as a mound of crisp chest, covered with a tassel on the outside of the small vest, hanging tassel just will this spring light hidden, see the people are tickle. The lower body is the same color, rolled the cloud edge of the samurai robe skirt.

Though not of Jessie's prodigious size, her chest is still full of rage, and a broad jade belt wrapped in silver threads holds her small waist so tightly that it shakes like a broken willow in the wind. The curves are fierce and inspiring, but the purity and dignity that emanates from her are not to be desecrated. The sword of gold, black and blood, which is famous for killing the wicked, is hanging from her left waist, and it brings out the glory of its owner.

No beauty, see people infatuated, oblivious to where.

To be careful, this is the third time that my sister and I have met, and the two previous times, we have not been able to see each other's faces well.

The first time, in the southeast coast of the small port, for the rebel war, she and I had a night, but also to help me drive out the body of the dumpling poison, save my life. But because I was in the dark from beginning to end, I could not see what she looked like.

The second time, in Nalyvia, when Jexi and I were being hunted by the Ninjas for uncovering a plot by the Black Dragon Society, Sister Dragongirl came after the giant tits ninja, scared her away, and saved me again. This time it was a quick glimpse, amazing, but not enough time to say a proper word.

Then this time, again in extreme danger, she came to the rescue, I feel, just like a goddess from the sky, always in desperation to help me, my heart is really grateful.

The two of us just stood, looking at each other. The dragon girl sister smiled and looked elegant, but I felt that her heart was also confused and hesitant, and there were some other emotions that I could not see through.

In terms of status, she is the general commander of the East China Sea anti-Black Dragon Association Coalition forces, respected and revered by 10,000 people; On a martial arts, she ranks among the world's five strongest one, after the art rarely met the enemy. No matter what, she is not comparable to me. But for such a high goddess, and I have had a night, though not a true union, but for such a Valkyrie, would she consider it a great shame?

(Oops! Forget one thing, many of the recent strong women are psychopaths, do not want a man to have a little good, as long as the man in their heart has a little good, they will find a way to see the poor man make a fool of themselves, destroy the image in their hearts, or even kill him directly! God, dragon girl sister can't be such a person?)

The thought of this idea, really let people all over the cold, if this is true, do not say anything to continue the front, I am afraid that I immediately have a life worry, was killed by the dragon girl sister.

(No, I have to think of a way to win her attention.)

If you continue to wait, that is also a way, but I don't like to have everything controlled by others, what's more, every time we meet is so poor by the beauty of the rescue, without outstanding performance, has been like this, my position in her heart must be like a piece of shit, will be trampled by other men at any time.

"Marshal Lee, I am Viscount John Farrell, Commander of the Kingdom of Alibuda. It gives me great pleasure to have the pleasure of meeting you."

I spoke with the courtly formality of leaning slightly over, but at the same time held out my hand, like a common friend meeting, hoping to shake the hand of the beautiful woman in front of me.

In spite of the fate of the night, I did not so much wish that she would fall in love with me.

Dragon girl sister that a proud, never bend the knee to the heart, I am afraid that no one can be captured, let alone this accomplished boy. First make a statement to be a common friend, to establish mutual friendship, this is the point.

Seeing me make such a statement, the dragon girl sister flashed a look of appreciation in her beautiful eyes, and seemed very satisfied with my positioning, smiled, followed my action, slightly bowed, and smiled: "I am the general commander of the East China Sea seven-color Fleet, Li Huamei." General young promising, charming, famous moving countries, I... I have been watching for a long time."

Though I had won a few battles, and was held in high esteem at home, in the eyes of a truly accomplished hero like Sister Dragon, it was not worth mentioning, of course, that I had been admired for a long time, and when she spoke of being handsome, she looked me up and down with a mocking smile, evidently disapproving of my scandal at court. Which made me blush and feel embarrassed. In the end, however, she candidly held out her hand, a beautiful snow hand carved like mutton fat and white jade, to offer me friendship.

If I was stupid enough to grasp it, then today's meeting would have been a complete failure. I was just a young man in her eyes who, by some measure of luck, rose to the top, and then shook his head and laughed at what had happened between us and forgot me completely.

On the condition of the dragon girl sister, I dare to guarantee that perhaps the men around the military might, dare not open their mouth to pursue her, but absolutely secretly and sincerely love her, hoping to catch up with her and become his proud wife, especially after she hit the black dragon army and became a big voice, the young talents of all countries will take her as their target. I am not capable of martial arts, neither prominent backer, nor long acquaintance with her, the only master, is only that night's fate, if I do not grasp this advantage, how can I beat down all the competitors?

In contact with the palm of the moment, I turn, will turn her hand back, still in the mode of court etiquette, a gentle kiss on the top, shallow touch that retreat.


The dragon girl gave a soft breath, as if she had not expected such a surprise. Her face flushed, but she quickly turned into a calm smile and generously allowed me to kiss her.

"Sister Dragon Girl, I am not sure how much I hold in your heart, but from this moment on, I am no different from all the men around you. I am a person who truly wants to pursue you."

It did take some courage for me to say this very clearly. Dragon female sister smell speech, the face seems quite dignified, people can not see her thoughts, apparently she was my surprise attack confused inch.

I can not help but worry about it, originally wanted to say, directly speak clearly, is not not a wonderful chess, than secretly play a little clever can be more suitable for this beautiful person's mind. But it was too hasty, and perhaps too reckless.

Fortunately, someone came to the rescue during this awkward situation.

"Oh, Master, who is this beautiful, beautiful sister?"

At the most awkward moment, Jess tugged at my sleeve and whispered suspiciously. At her feet, the jade dragon leopard sat harmless, a green animal with eyes that stared at me fiercely.

"Well, this beautiful elder sister is Marshal Li Huamei Li; And this dull-looking fellow over here is my new apprentice, Jackass Jessie. And as for this thing at her feet... Never mind, it's a brute whose head will be humanely destroyed sooner or later."

Although this jade dragon leopard is a rare animal, it is very angry to see that it has been full of hostility to me.

If seriously, this may be a very memorable scene, the four heavenly daughters of Xia Hua, winter snow, actually met here, if the news gets out, it will certainly cause a crowd of sensational scenes, a large group of drooling lustful men, immediately flocked to. However, perhaps it was a bit of luck that the Dragon Girl had never had the chance to meet Jessie before, which is why I was able to casually pass by when she was amazed at how unworldly she looked.

There was nothing exciting about talking from the middle of the hill, and the three of us went back up the hill to Suva Tarr's palace. What we had expected to be a deadly fight turned out to be a surprise. When we returned to the magnificent palace, all we saw was a mess of people running and things falling on the ground.

Although the tree fell and the monkeys dispersed, it was not long before the tree fell, and the monkeys fled too quickly. The rule of Suvatar was so unpopular that even when he died, his subordinates did not even attempt to fight for him again. They immediately divided up all his gold and jewels and fled without a trace.

Not far ahead lay the bodies of dozens of orcs in a disorderly manner, all apparently slain by rivals in the struggle for treasure. The palace, which only an hour ago had been so bustling and lively, was now dead, except for the choking smell of the extinguished fireworks, which irritated the nose and made it hard to get used to.

(Damn, you're a little late...)