
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 44

But then another question arose. If the craftsman himself was not magical, how could he have done all these damned powerful things? That's why, in the early days, the magic soldiers were either made by some sages themselves, or a group of excellent craftsmen and magic masters were recruited by a certain royal family to work together to make them. In modern times, it is impossible to become a good craftsman without magic. However, magic itself is a very troublesome thing, in some ways, more troublesome than practicing martial arts. Internal forces can also take some elixirs, or ask martial arts masters to transfer internal forces, but in magic, I have never heard of a layman who became powerful overnight because he ate strange flowers or herbs, or was taught by a great sorcerer.

Well, there may be, but most of them involve self-destruction or the destruction of human beings, and the purpose of mana transfer is achieved through the fusion of souls, which is not only complicated, but also a great sacrifice. As things stand, I am neither willing nor able to cast such spells. But it could not go on like this, or Gladys would have to pass the written test and sit on the playing field staring. Even the weaving of robes would have to go with magic, let alone the casting of magic soldiers. For this reason, I have thought for a long time, and still there is only one thousand and one scheme, extremely dangerous, and I do not want to use it until the last moment: the last chapter of the book of witchcraft, the God of Hell.

"My Lord... Something is bothering you." Gladys asked me in a low voice at the end of one of our engagements.

Before that, with her almost "hand of God" talent, she let me out several times. To be honest, of all the women I have met in my life, Gladys, though beautiful, does not necessarily win the feeling in bed over the Rose Star, evil Lotus, but her soft soft soft hands, gently wrapped in the stem, the magic of the oral sex skills, but it is truly unique, So that men do not want to surrender can not.

And after happy, she is draped in orange hair, like a gentle sheep, white skin, soft and delicate, pink jade legs, round and symmetrical; Round hips, white and tender, and the more I looked, the more I felt I had taken advantage of the bargain.

By some scheme I had deliberately kept my identity and name from Gladys, and somehow, though it was only hypocrisy, I hoped to show a little tenderness for Gladys, who had been a slave from birth, and let her choose something other than "Master." Upon reflection, Gladys chose the title "Xianggong," which struck me as a bit of a shock.

"I... Can I really? I never knew how difficult it was to be a good craftsman."

Perhaps it is because of the time of a lot of learning, when the more knowledge accumulated, the more I know my shortcomings, the heavy psychological pressure, when there is no need to support in front of others, this girl with a strong personality can not help but show fatigue to me. However, this kind of noble feelings, I am far away from the text scum of nature is difficult to understand.

"I am very serious in pursuit, but every teacher said that I started to learn magic at this age is too late, limited achievements in this life, let alone the possibility of entering next month's contest, I..."

"Why do you care so much about what they say? Gladys, I'm your man, not those old men! ' Holding Gladys's shoulder, I said, "You didn't know what you learned these days, did you? But don't you still make a lot of wonderful works? You should be more confident in yourself! Gladys, you are a genius once in five hundred years. You study in one day more than those old men study in a year. There are twenty more days to go before the big contest, and you will win."

'But I can't do magic, and...'

'So what? Concentrate on what you have to learn, Gladys, and trust me with the rest. ' I patted my chest. "Trust in my unmatched lust! I would kill to keep you, a pretty elvish beauty, as my slave, to fulfill our contract and make you the winner of the contest."

This was true, and while encouraging Gladys to pursue her studies, I considered every possible way. Had I now possessed ten thousand cavalry, I might have considered killing all the competitors before the race, or threatening the judges.

At my encouragement, Gladys seemed to calm down, smiling, but still a little apprehensive, and I knew that it was time for me to give her some concrete assurance, and to talk to her about the procedure I was going to carry out.

"Under normal circumstances, magic can never be achieved in a single stroke, and even if it can be achieved quickly, it must pay a considerable price." I said, "I have found a way to make your magic quick, and if it is absolutely necessary, we will consider whether we must use it."

Gladys's special training is very effective, of course, I help her forge identity ability is not small, because I believe that she is from the royal daughter, coupled with the discovery of her incredible talent and skills, the several help her tutor, finally decided to jointly recommend Gladys to participate in the competition, so that A Wu and I can rest assured in the background of the glass titter.

Time is in a hurry, in a blink of an eye, Gladys appeared in the competition with a dark horse posture, in the women's group all the way through, can only be described with overwhelming strength, although she does not magic, but I think her pair of talented hands may have the blessing of God, let her create as she pleases, others must rely on the curse text to catalyze the combination of works.

Gladys attracted great attention in the competition, many technician college lecturers for her tutoring, but also spare no effort to publicize the excellent talent of this disciple, and her final work, a piece of water and fire demon dumpling body dumpling made of armor, successfully captured the surprise of all the judges, stood out in many works.

This is a matter of course, although there are many children of the elite in the technician College, no matter how rich they are, they can only get some griffin skin and thunderbird skin. To get Yalong skin from the Nanman wasteland is already very great. How can we really get the dragon skin? Even if the flood dragon can be found, there is no top master to dominate the battle, even if four or five thousand soldiers are sacrificed, it is unlikely that they can slay the dragon.

The material alone was overwhelming. In contrast, Gladys's lack of magic and her crude sewing skills could be ignored, and when she announced, at my behest, that she would present this work to the Nolivia Technical Academy, the judges did not hesitate to award her the champion and award her the glorious name of "Weaver Girl."

However, Gladys and I both knew that after two generations of hatred, sixteen years of grievance and bitterness, she wanted something more than that...

"After becoming Weaver, I want to prove that men can do, women may not be able to do, so I want to participate in the casting competition, in both projects at the same time to win!" This announcement caused an uproar in Narivia, even a Wu were surprised, did not expect me to play things so big, the technician college will be regarded as sixteen years ago, and sincerely look forward to the people, there are more people are holding the eye of schadenfreude.

Gladys's weakness in magic was undoubtedly fatal, but fortunately, her mother had left behind some papers, which recorded some amazing secrets, and lamented why such a talent had not been allowed to win. Relying on these secrets, and with the help of my backside, Gladys, in a dangerous way, forged a variety of weapons that were not supported by spells, but were still recognized by the judges.

Of course, things are not so simple, when Gladys gradually entered the final, some people began to doubt her identity, want to investigate, in order to hinder these troublesome guys, it really spent some hands and feet, and finally, although their emissaries found that there was no such person in the king's capital, but these emissaries were intercepted when they entered the city, and were imprisoned in the dungeon one by one.

There are also local dignitaries who are unwilling to let an outsider win, and want to secretly influence the game, but perhaps it is their misfortune! When it comes to dirty tricks behind the scenes, Umu and I are only better, so there are many unknown interception battles, which later evolved into a power struggle in the Nalivia army, and the whole process can be described as dangerous, but whether or not is not the point of the matter, need not mention it.

In short, under the secret escort of all our means, Gladys successfully entered the finals of the casting of the magic soldiers. However, at the preparatory celebration banquet, I did not see this ingenious fairy girl, and my heart was troubled. I went to her studio, and saw the roaring fire, the girl was sitting on the ground, her eyes red. And on the arm, which a technician should pay the most attention to, a dozen bright blood marks had been cut with a dagger, still dripping with blood of her own.

Without fuss, which was the last thing needed at the moment, I tore off my sleeves and without a word bound up her wrists. Then I undressed Gladys and made passionate love to her by the blazing fire.

'Did it not go well? Yes, I asked softly, putting my arm around Gladys. Her mood had softened considerably, but her expression was still depressed by my question.

"My husband, I... I may not be able to continue the game."

"Oh? Why is that? '

"Casting, casting will not work... No matter how hard I tried, there was no magic, I just couldn't transform the dragon's teeth... It doesn't matter if I drop blood, I've tried everything..." Gladys looked up at me. There was a tired look on her pretty face, and her eyes were more tearful.

'I'm sorry, husband, I... I may not make it..."

Listening to the girl's sobs, looking at her cut wrist, her fingers bleeding from the magic of the dragon's teeth, I got a headache and knew that, once again, I had no choice.

"Gladys, do you not believe me?"

'Why not? How could I... '

'Then you just have to keep believing that I'm the man who owns your life, that I'm your God, and I can do anything for you if you trust me.' Speaking with great arrogance, I solemnly said: "Your problem, I have a solution, but this time, you have to pay a big price, so I hope you think clearly."

"The price I have to pay... What is it?"

'Gladys, I want you to sell your soul again!
