
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 1

On that day, I remember very well, the family made a noise for some reason, saying that there was a strange looking monk, who would not leave the door. I probably guessed what was going on, so I went out to deal with it myself. When I opened the door, I saw a tall, dark monk with scars on his face. He could no longer see his original appearance, and his sharp eyes looked like he was robbing the house.

"I am the master here, monk, what do you want to do?"

"That's good. The poor monk broke away and wanted to come to the donor to establish a good friendship." Break your mother's big watermelon! What good can it be? You don't have to go into the casino this month.

"Donor, I heard that you have been suffering from infertility for many years, and the poor monk has a strange book called Planting Jade Formula, which requires 7749 virgins..."

"Wait, you monk's nonsense, which eye can you see that I am infertile?" If I were infertile, it would be easy for the housekeeper to spare her brains trying to find the funds to pay for an abortion to a woman who comes to my house and hide it from my perverted old man.

The monk looked at the plaque on my door and suddenly looked shocked. "The donor... 

  "I said angrily. Are dead ghost grandpa is not good, originally said what my family now this land is very good, built for the Yang house, all the year immortal Buddha exchanges, rich big expensive. As a result, what Buddha I have not seen since childhood, there are a lot of crazy people who are unknown, and they are also specialized in selling things, especially a creepy man who claims to be from Mars in the sky, every three days he comes to the door once, so that I am disturbed.

Monk heard to the wrong place, turn to go, I stopped him, want him to sell the rest of the things out to see, after a moment of stalemate, the monk but I took out a pile of books from the bag. Can not see this monk a pair of poor, bag of books but the value of extraordinary: "nine days are seal Yin magic Dafa first glimpse", "ecstasy style entry", "open happy heart learning meaning 淂", there is also a set of good reading will be banned "password roll aside - I and the library a hundred times of struggle". I was dazed by all kinds of books, and finally, I chose a broken copy of the secret book written by the Great Wizard Gripaduan and carried forward in the hands of Famit Xiu Kamu, the "most lustful wizard in history."

It was the Book of Magic that would change my life.

My name is John Farrell, heir to the Farrell family of noble names in the Kingdom of Alibuda.

My late grandfather, Lant Farrell, was a hero of the Seven Seas. With his mantra, "Save the world with love, swing the club," he conquered countless beautiful women, and the hordes of illegitimate children in the kingdom brought our family to countless numbers. My father, Gendo Farrell, was a hereditary marquis, but from the age of 11, he went into battle, and made numerous military achievements, rising from ten to ten thousand cavalrymen, and finally won the title of General by His Majesty, and impressed all the countries of the mainland. Now he has been leading his army for many years, fighting on the frontier and in neighboring countries, and I have not seen much of him, which is a happy thing.

As for me, I was nothing compared with the achievements of my father and grandfather. Now nineteen, I was knighted only for my father's victory over the Allied forces ten years ago, and I was only a private first class in the North Garden Infantry Brigade of the Kingsguard, a disgrace to my ancestors. My father used to complain at the front line, why can't I be as worthy as other noble children?

In fact, I am not bad, known as the "Farrell son", eight years old began to peep at women naked, ten years old in the prostitute house, picking at all kinds of famous objects, and now, girls, young women, widows, pregnant women... In any field, the record is more than 100 figures, which is comparable to grandpa's year.

However, compared with other noble children, I was born weak and slow, and I suffered losses in martial arts from the beginning, so I hid it from outsiders and dabbled in magic.

Magic still plays a very important role in modern continental wars, and I have little interest in white magic, which dominates medicine and destroys evil, and my main focus is black magic. However, for lack of guidance, I could only practice some folk remedies I heard secretly. Second, I could not really kill dozens of people as materials to practice the magic of the undead, and in the long run, there was no effect.

To be honest, sorcery is not a private profession. Despite the great sorcerers who "shout" a ball of fire and shoot thunder and lightning as soon as they raise their hands, in fact, after each spell is cast, the memory of the relevant spells will disappear from their minds and have to be memorized again, so wizards always carry a dense cheat sheet of spells with them.

Practice magic will be offset with their own physical strength, so the magician of high power, most of them are also a pot of medicine, drinking bitter and strong herbal tea all day, health treatment, lest the fire ball is not sent, their first collapse shock. I think they probably do not have sex, such a continuous movement of physical exertion, God knows whether those guys are doing piston movement, while singing the recovery mantra.

I practiced for a while and found myself almost unable to lift. It was a nice dream to be able to kill people secretly from afar with magic, but impotence was a high price to pay. In the end, cheating was more important than cheating, so I shrugged my shoulders and made the choice.

So far, fate had been an almost static trickle, but suddenly, this summer, it had turned into a raging, raging wave.

The imperial guard of the King's capital numbered twenty thousand men, and was divided into four parts. The Beiyuan Infantry Brigade, to which I belonged, held a contest every two years, and if there was a vacancy of cadres, the victorious brothers would be promoted to cadres in the regiment.

This round of assessment will be next week. At present, there is a vacancy for centurions. Recently, the war with Dongdan has become increasingly heated, and there are frequent movements in the army. Once you become a centurion, you will have a great opportunity to watch the commander of thousands of soldiers, and even be promoted to general in other places. There is no one who is willing to do so. At present, the two sons of the left minister, Sulong and Su Hu, are the most popular. They are highly skilled and familiar with military strategy. They entered the army less than a month ago, and both were promoted from private to ten husband, plus the background is tough enough.

One of my pig friends and dog friends, Ba Ba, is worried about this. Su Long, Su Hu and their group of brothers have always been on the wrong side of us, and they have always fought with us, but they can't bear to see me, and they dare not be too presumptuous for fear of Father Ghost's position in the army. Once they become centurions, our side will be sad.

"John, we must find a way out of this! How would we get along with two of Sue's scum being centurions? '

'What can we do? I can't compete with others in martial arts. Without real material, how can I? You forgot that the last time you fought with Sulong for a whore, you were beaten up by him. It didn't hurt enough!"

Remembering the last fiasco, Baobai is like a deflated ball, unable to speak.

Of course, my heart is not comfortable, but my kung fu is not as good as others, and it is useless to try to be brave. I once thought of plotting against his two brothers, but their martial arts are strong, not sure of success, if the identity is revealed, it is even more unimaginable, so there is no good plan.

Bahaoba suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I have it. John, have you ever heard of a new girl named Xia Xingmei?"

How could I not? The new person named Xia Xingmei, is a month ago just joined the army, from the people, the class is only a small infantry, but the martial arts can be really scary, the last empty hand combat exercise, this kid with a single force to defeat including Su Long, Su Hu brothers, including a hundred good hands. Although the Su brothers argue that they are good at sword, not good at fist and foot, the difference between strength and weakness is still obvious. This little boy was regarded as the dark horse of this contest. If the Su brothers had not been too hard in the background, he would certainly have been the centurion.

"That summer kid, his martial skills are higher than the Su brothers, but there is no one in the background. If we can get him to defeat the Su brothers and then lose to us, then the centurion position will be in our pocket." Baoba said excitedly, I know he has always had a lot of ideas, although despicable, but often make people clap, at the moment also do not say, attentively listen.

"I have got a new drug, injected people, can make him confused, temporarily obey us, as long as the drug into the summer kid's body, what big deal?"

"It works so well? Why bother, isn't it better if you just take care of the Sue brothers?"

"To tell you the truth, it's too expensive, and I've never tried it." Baoba said with a ashamed smile: "I can't say there will be any side effects. If people are ruined, I can't afford to bear the Su brothers. The summer kid was born in civilian life and died, and I'm not afraid of making trouble." Listen to what he said, I was quite moved, and then he was persuaded several times, and finally agreed to help him implement this scheming.

If the target is the Su brothers, even if we succeed in the plot, we will still have to bear the responsibility of the boss after the investigation, but if it is through the hands of the kid, it has nothing to do with us. Look at Ba Ba's face, most of us not only want to win, but definitely want that kid to kill the Su brothers once and for all. Why do you want me to join you for such a cheap good thing? B: It turns out that the powder is really not cheap, the dead ghost can not pay for it, of course, to find a big donor.

Come to think of it, this is a terrible plan, and wouldn't it be quicker to buy ninjas from the Land of the Clouds if you spent all that money and had to do it yourself? It's just that this kind of thing needs to be kept secret, so I think it's better to do it myself.

Everything's ready. We'll ambush the Summer Kid in three days and take him out.

The plan was simple. The old trick was always a good trick. Babuchi knew that the kid would go to the defunct training tower every afternoon and practice in the basement.

The other side is good at boxing, but won't he be killed just by a surprise attack? This kind of thing is not easy to call friends, I prepared for a long time, I drew a big magic array in the ground. It's been months since I got the magic book. I've worked on the summoning skills in it, and now I'm ready to accept them.

Barba has set up some tricks to bind people. This guy is really good at backstabbing people. I should be more careful of him in future.

Eg. The excuse for inviting the kid here was a challenge. According to Ba Ba's inquiries, this little imp is a strange person who does not care about promotion and wealth. On the contrary, he is interested in finding someone to do it all day. Although China's martial culture is flourishing, but such a fighting maniac, but it is rare.