
I am ...Tony stark

"..pe""No it's Tony Stark.." Loud breaths could be heard through the silent but filled room"...I...am Tony Stark"taking a deep breath of what seemed to be relief before saying in a calm yet commanding voice"Now would you leave before I shut this whole place down"after saying that all he put on an almost predatorial smirk with a gleam in his eyes that was only their for a second before"Now what is the next question?"He was met with silence"I have many things to do now hurry before I leave"

yanhuk · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Beginning before the start

Percys pov

In the beginning it was only small things happening.So small that only now looking back I notice.

After the war I had to put up a strong face for the camp.It was there time to morn and I was then person that they needed to lean on.With this all happening Annebeth and I were spending less and less time together,but I thought that it was because of the war she was morning and I was leading.She needed someone that was not me for support.

I had decided that after four months at the camp that I could leave to ask Athena for her blessing to marry Annebeth.I wanted it to be a surprise so I left at night.

As I appeared in front of Athena I automatically bow.

"rise Perseus Jackson hero of Olympus," she say in a loud and powerful voice "What is the reason for your sudden and unannounced appearance,""I have come to ask for your blessing in marrying your daughter Annabeth" I say in a voice much softer then hers.

"I will allow this.." I hold my breath both in relief and anticipation knowing that she wouldn't give her blessing so easily"but only if you can pass the 12 labours of Hercules" Knowing that this was the only way for her blessing a take in one deep breath before saying"I accepted Lady Athena" Then before I could take in what she said I saw her raise her hand then I disappeared,but not before hearing her say "Then the trial has begun"

Time skip 6 months

I was walking into camp and I saw everyone looking at me with a mixture of pity and resentment.I do not blame them for having some sort of hatred towards me.I left in the middle of the night and hadn't returned for six months.I wanted to contact the camp to tell them that I was well and alive,but Athena had cut off all communications with anyone lowers chances of getting help from outsiders at least that's what she said when she did it.

The pity I see in there eyes I could not understand .As I walk towards the beach the place I was planning on proposing to her tonight I see two people kissing very passionately.At first when I look at them I think that it is so cute.And I let a few words out of my mouth by accident.With the ADHD and being alone for six months any self control I might have had over my mouth before now is nonexistent.In a very rough voice that sounds like I have been coughing nonstop for days I say"ahh young love so passionate" As they start to turn to look at me I say without looking at them "ok lovebirds you are going to take that kissing somewhere else preferably a room" Then I let out a whistle but stop midway when I see the people kissing.one name leaves my mouth in disbelief "Annabeth.." she quickly looks up to then to the guy she was kissing."Percy it's not what it looks like I was just" I stop her midway through her obvious lies Just kissing some guy that looks like je could be your brother!" I shout which draws a crowd.All thr campers are waiting in anticipation waiting to see what happens next.

She shouts back "Well what was I suppose to do you leave with no explanation for six months"I automatically shoot back "That doesn't mean you hook up with someone else,you know what I bet that he isn't even the first time is he""that doesn't matter what matters is that you left me here all alone""Thats not the real reason the reason for you doing this.."U say as I point to her "Is that you always need attention you thrive on it first Luke then me and who knows how many more"I by now am panting for both air and anger"wanna know why I left ,I left to go and ask your mother and his mother" I say as I point to the guy that she was just kissing not to long agos"For her blessing to ha e your hand in marriage"I yell while I simultaneously pull out the ring in my pocket and throw it at her.

Panting now the both of us just stare at each other.Everyone in the camp is left speech less at what they just saw.Then all of the sudden the boy that she was kissing gets the sign of Athena over his head.

By now with all of this ruckus Chiron is had come put.I look at him the to Annabeth With one last intake of breath I say to Chiron tiredly "I am leaving camp" Then before anyone can object I am already walking away.

Author here sorry if it's bad first time writing.

I love to read any of your comments.