
I Always Knew That I Would Become A Great Hero!

This story follows the adventure of shut-in, Saiba Okumura, as he gets transported to a different world and he is assigned a task to complete so that he can return to his old life. Follow him as he discovers new wonders in a video game-like world and join him on his journey to become a Great Hero!

chicken24_ · แฟนตาซี
115 Chs

Chapter 6: Slime Hunting! Part 2!

The next day, Saiba wakes up and lazily waddles out bed. He gathers all his stuff and heads to Slime Hills, where he made a deal with Lily to meet up.

He gets there and Lily is already waiting with a menacing glare. She shouts at Saiba,

"What the hell took you so long Hero!"

Saiba remembers their agreement to meet at sunrise when he looks up the sky and sees the sun directly above him signifying that it was the afternoon. Lily says,

"I guess it can't be helped... Let's just start training now."

Lily signals for Saiba to come at her while saying,

"Hit me with everything you got!"

Saiba confidently thinks to himself,

"Piece of cake!"

He gets into a battle pose and rushes straight towards Lily, who is standing across from him nonchalantly. He swings at her, but Lily gracefully dodges. Quickly, he turns around and goes for another strike. Again, Lily dodges and Saiba trips from the momentum of his swing.

Lily dashes at the fallen Saiba and hits him in the back with the wide part of her sword. He falls flat on his face as Lily teasingly says,

"Is that really all you've got?"

Saiba embarrassingly gets up and replies,

"Of course not! Give me another chance! I can land a hit on you!"

Lily answers,

"Nope! You clearly have no skill with a sword so we're gonna have to go back to basics."

Lily helps him get up as she explains,

"First of all, you're only using your arms to swing. Try taking a step before swing this time to get some more power."

Saiba listens and tries it out by taking a step forward while swinging. He can feel the power in the swing as cuts the air around his slice and wind coming from his attack blows the grass under him.

Again, Lily explains,

"Second, you keep rushing in carelessly when you attack. Look for an opening first, and then strike. Try to come at me now while looking for openings."

Lily gets in a stance and Saiba does the same while looking for openings in her pose. He comes to a realization as she rushes to towards her.

Lily smirks a little as she predicts an expected frontal attack and gets ready to block. Saiba looks like he is about to attack exactly as Lily predicted, but instead, he does a flip over her and lightly pushes her from behind. Lily falls flat on her face as Saiba, still scared of Lily, says,

"Th-That's payback from before!"

Lily gets up and says with an annoyed tone,

"You just got lucky okay! I'm still stronger than you!"

Saiba looks at her with a suspicious glare. Lily orders Saiba,

"Alrighty Mr. Hero! It's time to get your revenge! If you can defeat 100 Slimes, you can get the King to come back! If you can do that and defeat Coroner, you can pay him back for what he did to you before!"

Saiba thinks back to when he was completely obliterated by the King Slime. This fuels his determination as he leaves Lily and starts committing mass-genocide on the Slime population.

A few minutes and multiple slime corpse go by when Saiba gets a pop-up that says,

[Level 13. ATK +1. DEF +1. SPD +1]

Loud thumps start echoing in the distance. They keep approaching as Saiba slowly turns around and glances up.

In front of him is the Coroner the King Slime, standing menacingly. Saiba quickly jumps into a battle pose and shouts,

"Ready for Round 2, big guy?"