
I Alone The Strongest One

"I Alone The Strongest One" a story of an eight-year-old Azel Evernight learns of his father's death and his mother's betrayal, he flees his home, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Alone and haunted by grief, Azel confronts his past while navigating a dangerous world filled with monsters, demi-humans, demons, demon lords and angels also especially the primordial demon lords. With the power of Xulgrim, the feared primordial demon lord, Azel becomes the strongest rogue warrior with his step mother Elysia, the women that adopted Azel both facing powerful foe, forging his path towards strength and and true power, in the face of pain and suffering from his past, Azel must travel around world fighting and hunting demon lords, and releasing his rage and frustration from his past Suffering.

AuthorV · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 8: Demise and Encounter

As Azel made his way through the bustling streets, heading towards the school, he passed by a gathering crowd near the adventurer's guild office. Curious whispers and hushed murmurs filled the air, catching Azel's attention. Among the voices, he heard the familiar name of his father, George Evernight.

His heart skipped a beat as a sense of foreboding washed over him. Ignoring the curious stares of passersby, Azel quickened his pace, drawn towards the source of the commotion. Pushing through the crowd, his worst fears were realized as he caught sight of his father's lifeless form lying on the ground.

George Evernight, usually full of life and vigor, now lay motionless, surrounded by concerned onlookers. Azel's breath caught in his throat as he knelt beside his father, his heart heavy with sorrow. Memories of happier times flooded his mind, contrasting sharply with the grim reality before him.

Tears welled up in Azel's eyes as he reached out to touch his father's cold hand, a silent tribute to the man who had meant so much to him. Amidst the somber atmosphere, Azel felt an overwhelming sense of loss, as if a part of his very being had been torn away.

Unable to contain his grief, Azel bowed his head, silent tears tracing down his cheeks as he mourned the untimely passing of his beloved father. In that moment of profound sadness, Azel's world seemed to crumble around him, forever altered by the cruel hand of fate.

As the crowd murmured sympathetically around him, Azel remained lost in his grief, grappling with the harsh reality of his father's demise.

As the crowd buzzed with speculation about the circumstances of George Evernight's death. An adventurer who had witnessed the incident explained to the gathered onlookers that a bandit had attempted to rob George, leading to his demise.

Azel's heart burned with silent rage upon hearing the news. His father, a victim of senseless violence, lay lifeless before him, and the weight of grief threatened to crush him. When his mother, Lady Seraphina, arrived to mourn her husband, Azel's resolve hardened. He could not bear to face her knowing the truth of her infidelity.

With determination fueling his steps, Azel sprinted away from the crowd, his bag slung over his shoulder. As Lady Seraphina saw his son fled further from the city, as she stood and stunned among the crowd witnessing his son ran away, barely any words came out of Lady Seraphina as her son shoes began to fall apart from Azel intense running, leaving his feet bloodied and sore. Finally, as Azel goes further away from the city of Hanston, he found refuge in the depths of a dense forest, far from prying eyes and painful reminders of his shattered world.

Exhausted and disoriented, Azel's young body succumbed to the strain of his desperate flight. Gasping for breath, he collapsed onto the soft grass, his limbs trembling with fatigue. The pain in his feet, exacerbated by the jagged terrain and relentless pace, throbbed relentlessly as darkness enveloped him.

Hours passed in a blur, the passage of time marked only by the shifting hues of the sky above. As the last vestiges of daylight faded into dusk, Azel stirred from his fitful slumber, his senses gradually returning to him. With a groan, he pushed himself upright, wincing as the movement aggravated his injuries.

Surveying his surroundings, Azel's heart sank at the sight of his torn shoes and bloodied feet, rendered useless by the punishing journey. With a weary sigh, he realized the gravity of his situation, alone and vulnerable in the depths of the forest with nightfall fast approaching. Determination flickered in his eyes as he resolved to press on, driven by an unshakeable resolve to escape the shadows that haunted him.

As the darkness deepened around him, Azel pressed on, his determination outweighing the pain radiating from his battered feet. Each step forward felt like an eternity, but he refused to succumb to despair, his focus fixed on the singular goal of putting distance between himself and the heartache he left behind.

With every passing moment, the forest closed in around him, its dense foliage casting eerie shadows that danced in the moonlight. Yet, Azel paid little heed to the encroaching darkness, his mind consumed by thoughts of survival and escape, unbeknownst to Azel monster lurks around the darkness of the forest but he remain determine to move forward, determined to escape from the pain he has in the city of Hanston.

Hours slipped by unnoticed as Azel trudged deeper into the wilderness, guided only by the faint glimmer of starlight filtering through the canopy above. Alone in the vast expanse of nature, he found solace in the tranquility of the night, his troubles momentarily forgotten in the embrace of solitude.

As the night deepened and the moon remained obscured by thick clouds, Azel found himself struggling to navigate the dense undergrowth. Each step sent waves of agony coursing through his injured feet, threatening to immobilize him entirely. With every passing moment, the darkness seemed to grow more oppressive, pressing in on him from all sides.

Fighting against the pain and exhaustion, Azel sought refuge beneath the shelter of a towering tree, his weary body collapsing onto the moss-covered ground. It was there, in the quiet stillness of the forest, that he was visited by a small firefly, its gentle glow casting a soft illumination in the darkness.

To Azel's astonishment, more fireflies soon joined the solitary insect, their collective radiance transforming the shadowy forest into a breathtaking display of twinkling lights. For a fleeting moment, Azel forgot his pain and sorrow, captivated by the beauty of the luminescent creatures dancing around him in a mesmerizing ballet of light.

In that enchanted moment, amidst the flickering glow of a thousand fireflies, Azel found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a beacon of light to guide him through the long night ahead. And as he lay there, bathed in the gentle radiance of nature's own lanterns, he knew that no matter how dire his circumstances may seem, he was not alone in his journey through the unknown.

As Azel lay there, enveloped in the ethereal glow of the fireflies, a sense of tranquility washed over him. Suddenly, from the midst of the twinkling lights, a mysterious figure began to take shape. Formed from the very essence of the forest itself, she emerged as if born from the luminescent haze, her radiant presence captivating Azel's senses.

With flowing green hair that seemed to shimmer like emerald leaves in the moonlight, and eyes that sparkled with a brilliant azure hue, she moved gracefully towards him, her form illuminated by the soft glow of the fireflies that surrounded her.

For a moment, Azel could only stare in wonder at the enchanting sight before him, his heart pounding with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. Who was this enigmatic woman, and what purpose had brought her to him in his darkest hour?

As she drew closer, her gaze locked with his, a silent understanding passing between them. In her eyes, Azel saw a depth of compassion and wisdom that transcended mere words, a silent reassurance that he was not alone in his struggles.

With a gentle smile, the mysterious woman extended her hand towards Azel face, and slowly touch Azel face and softly rubs her hand in Azel face, Azel's shock and terrified by the unknown women, but she slowly warms Azel from her hand slowly relaxing Azel, amidst the shadows that threatened to engulf him. And as he reached out to grasp her other hand, he felt a flicker of warmth ignite within his soul as he touches both the unknown women's hands, a flicker of hope that whispered of brighter days yet to come.

As the woman's gentle touch caressed Azel's face, he couldn't help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through him. Her ethereal beauty was mesmerizing, yet the sudden intimacy of their encounter left him feeling vulnerable and unsure.

With a voice as soft as the whispering breeze and eyes that sparkled with ancient wisdom, the woman spoke her name, "Elysia," a name that resonated with the magic of the forest itself. As she knelt before him, her luminous gaze never wavering from his own, Azel felt a strange sense of comfort wash over him, as if he were being cradled in the embrace of nature itself.

Despite his initial apprehension, Azel found himself drawn to Elysia's naked presence, her radiant spirit offering him solace in his time of need. And as she continued to gaze into his eyes with unwavering compassion, Azel felt a glimmer of hope begin to stir within him, a flicker of light amidst the darkness that had clouded his heart.

In that moment, beneath the canopy of stars and the gentle glow of the fireflies, Azel and Elysia forged a connection that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding. And as they shared in the silent communion of their souls, Azel knew that he was no longer alone, for he had found a guiding light in the midst of the forest's depths.

As Elysia spoke, her voice carried the wisdom of ages past, weaving a tapestry of understanding that resonated deep within Azel's soul.

"Why do you wander the forest, young child?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.

Azel hesitated, the weight of his pain and suffering pressing heavily upon him. "I... I lost someone that I love," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "My father... he was taken from me, and I could not look at my Mother, after the pain and betrayals she gives, and i have endure them all this time."

Elysia's eyes softened with empathy as she listened to an eight year old child, the fireflies dancing around her casting a soft glow upon her ethereal form. "My dear." She softly hugs Azel her naked form, as her chest buried into Azel's face and she says "I deaply sorry for your father, and your struggles at such young age, I am sorry that my use are limited but I can comfort you and do anything you says, dear child."

As Azel remain quiet in Elysia's chest with her nipples in Azel's hands, buried in Elysia's breast holding it tight, her voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the night, she wasn't bothered by what Azel's doing, but embrace him more and hugging him tightly, Elysia says. "But you know dear child, you are not alone, Many children have suffered the same as you, but not as young as you. Please stay here until dawn, I'll happily embrace you as you sleep In my arms."

Elysia with her soft tone goes through Azel's mind and he deeply listens to Elysia while rubbing her breast with his hands, Elysia finally notice Azel's caressing she blushed and feeling in heat, Elysia releases Azel's from her hug and she says "You really like playing with my chest," Elysia with seductive smile, confuse Azel and say's "I used to do that with my mother, but not anymore."

As Azel gazed into Elysia's blue eyes, he found himself momentarily distracted by the radiant beauty that surrounded her. But with a determined effort, he tore his gaze away, focusing instead in the ground embarrassed, as Elysia smiles at Azel's, she also gaze at Azel's grey eyes, when she caught Azel's getting a back to back glimpse at Elysia nipples, while pretending to be embarrassed, Elysia smiles.

Azel later broke the awkward silence, he says "Thank you, Elysia," he murmured, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for being kind of me, my pain and suffering from my own mother, and the loss of my father, it was hard for me to bare... but.. I have to go somewhere far away from my mother and the city of Hanston, it's better to find peace somewhere and finally at peace again."

With a gentle smile, Elysia reached out and placed a hand upon Azel's face, and kiss Azel's forehead with a comfort and understanding. "Go and find your peace elsewhere, my dear child," she said softly. "For in the heart of the forest, there is always hope and peace."

As Azel's grow tiredly, his eyes slowly closing, Elysia realizing Azel's about to sleep, she forgets to tell Azel about his name and age, as she lay Azel's down between her legs under her big chest, she looks down on Azel's cute face, while smiling.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, Azel stirred from his slumber, the gentle warmth of the morning sun coaxing him back to consciousness. Blinking groggily, he found himself greeted by the sight of Elysia's big and soft naked chest, her luminous eyes regarding him with a tranquil expression.

"Good morning, Dear," she murmured, her voice as melodious as a babbling brook. "I hope you slept well."

Azel's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized the intimate position in which he had slept, his head nestled against Elysia's beautiful fluffy legs. Azel's touch and rubs Elysia breast once more before he stood up and apologize.

"I...I'm sorry," he said it softly , his face blushed with reddening and embarrassment. "I didn't mean to touched it, but it was out of instincts..."

But Elysia simply smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "There is no need for apologies, dear," she reassured him, her voice gentle and reassuring. "But I want to know your name, if possible you include your age." Elysia softly told Azel's with a smile.

Azel nobs and says "My name is Azel Evernight, and I'm 8 years old." Elysia stunned by his age, so young to be left alone by himself in the forest filled with unknown danger. "Huh?..I didn't know your still that young, dear Azel." With her shock look filled with concerns and safety for Azel, as Azel notice his feet seems fine, as he look into his feet with no scratches or anything.

Elysia with her sad expression looking down at Azel's feet. "I healed your feet while you're sleeping dear, your feet was badly hurt." As she slowly looks up to Azel's and says "I want to look after you dear and become your mother!." Elysia determine to look after Azel, as he was shock by her revelation, Elysia offers to be the stepmother for Azel.

Feeling a sense of warmth and acceptance wash over him, Azel couldn't help but return to Elysia with a smile. He knew that with Elysia's guidance and support, he would find peace, hope and especially strength to face whatever challenges awaited him.

And as Elysia stood up beneath the canopy of trees, bathed in the soft light of dawn, Azel felt a glimmer of hope ignite within his heart. With Elysia by his side, he knew that he was not alone, and that together, they would journey forth into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever destiny awaited them.

Azel's gaze met hers, his eyes reflecting the light and peace he had with Elysia. "I have no choice," he replied softly, his voice filled with harmony and calmness, as he looks up to Elysia with sparkling grey eyes "You're now my mom, mother Elysia." Elysia with her burst of happiness she hops while her big soft breast bounces up and down, as Azel look at her new mother with a nose bleed, his gaze quickly look away with embarrassment.

realizing his pain, suffering and the Betrayals and loss of his family was overwrite, by a beautiful unknown women with green hair and blue eyes and naked as he encountered her in the forest.

And as they stood together beneath the dappled light of the trees, Azel felt a sense of peace settle over him, a respite from the turmoil and grief that had plagued him for so long. With Elysia's guidance, he knew that he would find the strength to heal, to grow, and to face the challenges that lay ahead, one step at a time.

After she was finish celebrating and hopping around, Elysia smiled gently, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "I can finally see the world again, after a century has passed," she said softly. "But this place holds a lot of memories, I became the forest spirit after the war hundred years ago."

Azel interested of his newfound mother's story, Azel replied "what are you in your past mom?." His newfound mother replied "I'll tell you in the next village, but I have to find some clothes....Bing go." Azel has no idea what his new mother is planning, but the green leaves and everything around him suddenly floats, his new mother Elysia manipulate everything around her and she slowly created her clothes, with the help of nature, a greenish woody like texture is added, and Elysia made it very attractive that makes any man starts drooling, If she is seen with her newly made outfit.

As Azel and Elysia walks outside of the forest, Elysia breaths deeply with fresh air outside her forest, both now embark to the new village and venture around together as a family, Azel now tries to forget his past suffering and pain, but he keeps his father in his heart and one day he will meet his father again, as for Elysia excited for her new adventure, for so long after the war that is not yet revealed, will later be revealed as the story progress.