
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs


Selena stared at the phone for a while, she had just gotten out of the shower, she had her robe on. She stood in front of her bed with a towel in her hand as she dried her hair, her gaze travelled to her phone that was lying flat on her bed. Selena wondered if he was already expecting her call, perhaps he was sitting on his chair and then tapping his index finger on the table matching the rhythm. 

Or perhaps he was still in the meeting room, Selena didn't know what to think right now. She also thought it would be best if she sent a letter instead, that way he could read it whenever he wanted and it won't he a disturbance. 

"Damn it" Selena cursed as she walked back to her closet and searched for a night dress. She wanted to go with something short and loose, something with less fabric, maybe just linen. 

"Isn't this too...." Selene couldn't find the right words to explain this sexy night wear. It was a two piece, a small black G string followed by a sleeveless shiffon shirt that was long enough to cover her butt. But still, with a little more lighting, one could see through the sleeveless top. 

Selena didn't have the strength to search for something else and so she decided to go with this, she was going to be spending the night by herself, alone in her room and so there was no need for her to dress all fancy. 

Selena glanced at the time on the wall, it was already past 6:30pm, she had spent so long in the bathroom, perhaps she was distracted because of the tiny bite marks she saw on her shoulder blades, they were almost invincible but if one should take a closer look then they would see it. 

Selena quickly got dressed and then she picked up her phone, she walked closer to the open patio by her window, Selena's hand gripped her phone tight as she stood there. The evening breeze mixed with winter's cold was soothing to her skin, her hair danced with the wind and Selena couldn't help but close her eyes. 

Her mind was racing, too many thoughts going on, there was so much she had to do, so many truth that she had not uncovered. Selene was glad that the problem with Diana was settled, but the thumb drive still remained in her custody, up till now, Selena was yet to know the contents of the thumb drive. 

Selena opened her eyes as she turned on the phone, she scrolled through the applications and then she dialed Damien's number. 

"Ring Ring Ring Ring" 


Damien tossed his suit Jacket on the couch, he opened the first two buttons of his sleeve and then he rolled his sleeve up to his elbow. His eyes looked heavy and one could see the stress lines clearly showing on his face. 

Damien had just finished a video call meeting with the guys at Country D, they said the headquarters would be ready soon. Damien had been working on this project for the past three months, he was happy to hear that they would soon reach completion of the project. 

Even though he was tired, Damien still managed to keep a cool and calm aura around himself, he walked towards his desk as he poured himself a glass of scotch. He walked towards the glass walls of his office and stood there, he seem to enjoy this view. Even though the time was past six, the city was still filled with people. Both pedestrians and Vehicle users. He could see houses with lights on, he could see road side vendors urging customers to buy what they sell. 

Damien sighed as he took a sip from his drink, he reached his hand inside his pocket and brought out his cellphone, he had expected that she would call but it's been an hour now and still nothing from her. 

Damien thought to call her instead just to check if she was okay, but then it occured to him that wether or not she was okay, it was none of his concern. He seem to be forgetting that lately, Damien held the phone in his hand as he poured in all the scotch in his mouth. 

Damien didn't like this feeling, even though he didn't want to admit it, Selena was getting to him, her effect on him was something that he couldn't deny. 

"Ring Ring" 

Damien glanced at his phone and then he saw the caller ID. His lips quirked at the side forming what one would call a smile, Damien wondered if she had changed her mind. He let the phone ring for a while before he answered. 

"Mr Parker" 

Damien was silent, he didn't speak for a few seconds, silence reigned between the both of them. Damien didn't say a word, he had his eyes closed with his one hand in his pocket and the other holding his phone next to his ear. 

"Mr Parker??" Selena called again as she waited for a reply and soon she heard him speak but his words left her in shock. 

"Miss Kyle" Damien answered. His words were short but one could tell that he was being patient with her, he knew that she called for a reason and so he was going to give her time to talk. 

Selene couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks when he called her that, he rarely calls her Miss Kyle, she had gotten used to him calling her Selena. 

"Thanks..I mean...uh....thank you....thank you for the phone" Selena said, for some reason it was hard for her to speak to him without stuttering. 

The line was silent again, Damien was quiet, he had heard her but still he remained silent for a while before he finally spoke.

"Miss Kyle, no, Mrs Parker" Damien paused as he let the name sink in, a small grin formed on his lips. "Mrs Parker I do not accept a simple Thank you, if you really want to appreciate me then you should please me" Damien said shamelessly as he walked over to his desk and poured himself another glass of scotch. 

"You want me to cook for you?" Selena asked with raised brows, she had thought that a simple thank you would do but it turns out that the man wanted more. 

"I want you to please me, I don't want you in my kitchen, you might just end up blowing the place up" Damien said as he took a sip from his scotch. 

"That's rude" Selena said as she thought about the last meal she made. Though she wasn't that good in the kitchen but she was sure she could do something. 

"You are suppose to be my wife now, right Mrs Parker?" Damien asked still addressing her as the Mrs. 

"I don't see any ring on my finger" Selena answered wanting to play along with his little game. 

"We can fix that" Damien added as he took another sip from his glass. He heard her chuckle and the sound of her small laugh had left him frozen for a few seconds. 

"Did you take breakfast?" Damien asked breaking the silence between them. 

"I took brunch" Selena answered honestly, the time she ate was too late to be called breakfast. 

"What about your medications?" Damien asked again. 

"Yes I took the drugs and after that I slept, by the time I woke up it was already time for dinner" Selena answered and then she heard him hum in response maybe a sign that he was satisfied with her answers. 

"Where are you?" Selena asked. All this time Damien had been the one asking questions, Selena thought it would be good if she too asked questions. 

"In my office" Damien's answer was plain. 

"Why don't you want to come back to the mansion?" Selene asked again. This time she knew that she was pushing his buttons but still she had to ask. 

"I have business to attend to" Damien spoke honestly. 

"Where will you sleep?" Selena asked. 

"I have a small room attached to my office, it will do for tonight" Damien answered. 

"Is it safe?" Selena asked again and she couldn't help but hit herself softly on the cheek for even asking that, of course it was safe. It was a multi billionaire company. 

"No Selena it's not safe, I have guys banging on the door trying to kill me, please come rescue me" Damien said with a straight face and a neutral voice. 

Selena couldn't help but laugh her heart out, it was clear that the man was trying to be sarcastic. 

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you" Selena commented followed by another fleet of laughter. 

"Go to bed, you've had enough fun for tonight" Damien ordered. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow?" Selena asked. 

"I can't make promises" Damien answered honestly. There was so much work that had to be done.

"But you'll call right?" Selena asked. 

"Yes" Damien answered, he knew that she wouldn't let him go unless he gave her something to look forward to. 

"Okay, Goodnight" Selena said and then she waited for him to say it back but the line remained silent. Just when Selena thought that he was going to disconnect the call, she heard his deep masculine voice in the background. 

"Good night princess".