
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs


Selena paused as she looked down, she had rushed downstairs in hope to see him, Selena tried to listen to see if she could make out the voices she was hearing. A look of disappointment clouded her face when she realized that he was not present, she could hear the sound of both Dylan and Alfred bantering in the dining room, but there was no sign of Damien. 

Selena was a bit disappointed but she tried to compose herself as she walked down and head for the dining. 

"Oh she's here" Dylan said with a smile as he welcomed her to the dining, he gently tap on the desk next to him as he made a signal for her to come sit with him. He was charming, he had a smile on his face as he ate his toast. He was dressed in a black suit that hug his body perfectly, and his hair looked like it had been styled by one of the best. 

One look and Selena could tell that he was going to work today, she couldn't help but feel bad since she would be stuck in the Mansion alone with Alfred. 

"Come eat, Alfred made Avocado toast" Dylan said as he put some toast on her plate and served her. 

Selene had a smile on her face as she turned to Alfred and said a simple good morning. If she was going to be spending the rest of her days with him then she might as well be nice. 

"Master Dylan will I be preparing Dinner for three this evening?" Alfred asked. His voice subtle as he let out the question, even though his question somehow made the dining room a little tense. 

Selena looked at Dylan with expect full eyes, she too was eager to know if Damian would join them for Dinner. Even though she enjoyed having Dylan around, Selena couldn't deny that she missed Damien. 

"I'm not too sure, you see whenever Damien goes to that office it's like there's something pulling him down, like this invincible force that doesn't want him to leave" Dylan explained in a joke hoping to lessen the tension in the air but when he didn't get any laugh from the audience he decided to be serious. "I can't say for sure, the work at the office is not enough to have him sleeping in" Dylan answered. He couldn't give a yes or no, but he was sure to let them know that whatever work was going on in the office, it was not the reason why Damien was sleeping in. 

Alfred's gaze shifted to Selena's face and he couldn't help but notice the look, he knew she was feeling bad about it and so he had to say something to help keep her hopes up. 

"I'll just make dinner for three, I'm sure Master Damien must miss my cooking" Alfred joked as he walked out of the dining living the both of them to enjoy their breakfast. 

"Do you think he's sleeping in because of me?" Selena blurted the question out. She had been thinking about it for a while and it all made sense. Damien started acting like this after the accident that night, after she told him that she loved him, perhaps her confession has caused him to distance himself. Though the thought was painful but Selena had to come to terms with it, it was possible that he was being distant because what she said. 

"Hey, don't blame yourself, Damien is always like this with work, he gets too attached. He's a workaholic so this behavior is normal for him, don't blame yourself " Dylan assured as he helped her spread avocado on her toast. 

Selena smiled and then gave a nod. Even though her mind was still filled with the thought, she still had to keep a straight and neutral face in front of Dylan. 

"Oh did you pick a present for him yet?" Dylan asked casually as he took a bite from his toast. 

"What present?" Selena asked, she took a pause from her meal as she turned her attention to Dylan. She watched him eat his food, it reminded her of how Damien ate, the only difference was that Damien was poised and he was sure to eat in smaller bits. Come to think of it, Selena couldn't help but note the resemblance between the two of them, now she was getting a view of Dylan's face from this close angle. 

"His birthday is in a few days, I thought he told you" Dylan spoke casually. 

For Dylan maybe it was just something that's going to be happen but for Selena it was different, she didn't know how to feel after hearing this. Should she be excited that his birthday was coming up or rather be tense with the fact that there was going to be another gathering. 

Selena returned her attention back to her food, she was short of words. 

"Chill out Selena, it's not going to be one of those extravagant billionaire birthday parties. Damien doesn't like people so he doesn't really celebrate his birthday." Dylan spoke when he noticed the stressed look on her face but it seemed like his words might have just left her more confused. 

"Sorry what I mean is, he's not going to throw a party, I bet he's going to even spend the night at his office" Dylan added as he took a sip from his coffee and got up from his chair. 

"But it would be nice if he gets a gift from you, you have from now till weekend to think of something, I'm sure you'll surprise him" Dylan said followed by a wink. 

Selena forced a smile on her lips, at least now she knows that she only has three days to get him a birthday present. 

"I'm not really sure I'll be able to stop by for dinner today, I have a meeting with a potential business associate, but I'll be sure to let you know if I can cancel" Dylan said with a smile on his thin lips. He said goodbye to her before he walked out of the dining room. 

Selene watched the door close behind her, a sigh escaped her lips, Damien's birthday is just a few days from now and she doesn't have an idea on what to get him. It was going to be difficult to get him a present, the man is a billionaire, what can she possibly get him that he doesn't already have.