
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

The feeling of Chasing Shadow

With the enhancement of the Calming Spirit Talisman, Qin Yu quickly entered the state of emptiness. However, as soon as he lifted the Wolf Hero Brush and made a few strokes, his progress came to a halt.

"These third-grade talismans are much more difficult than the second-grade ones," Qin Yu sighed. Second-grade talismans were like copying a pattern using telekinesis, but third-grade talismans required not a single mistake and sufficient telekinetic power to sustain the process.

Qin Yu's sudden pause was due to his telekinetic power unable to keep up with the consumption. His telekinetic power ran out, resulting in the cessation of his brushstrokes.

As soon as he started drawing, Qin Yu felt his telekinetic power quickly flowing into the talisman pattern through the Wolf Hero Brush. It was like an overwhelming demand, as if the strokes were a large water pump while his internal telekinetic power was merely a small tap. The flow of water from the tap was simply not enough to keep up with the pumping of the water pump.

The current situation took Qin Yu by surprise. He realized that he had no possibility of successfully drawing the Heaven-Stealing Talisman unless his telekinetic power could keep up with the consumption required to draw it. However, that required reaching the realm of a third-grade diviner, which was unrealistic to achieve overnight, especially for someone who was currently a second-grade diviner.

"What should I do?" Qin Yu became somewhat agitated. The sky outside the window had already darkened completely, and there were only a few hours left until the Chen hour. If he couldn't find a way to create the opportunity for the Hidden Dragon to soar, it would anger the Hidden Dragon, and his future father-in-law would likely face a great disaster.

At the same time, in a hotel room far away, Mo Yongxing, wearing only boxer shorts, lay lazily on the couch, watching a beauty pageant on a certain television channel.

On the other end of the couch, Chasing Shadow, who had been quietly lying in a box, suddenly flew out without any warning, pointing its sword at Mo Yongxing again.

"What... What are you up to? I didn't provoke you this time," Mo Yongxing was startled by Chasing Shadow's action, his face turning pale, weakly speaking to Chasing Shadow.

Chasing Shadow's sword shifted its direction, pointing towards the entrance and then back at Mo Yongxing.

"What do you mean? You want to go out? If you want to go out, just go. Why do you have to stab me?" Mo Yongxing understood the meaning, but precisely because he understood, he felt more frustrated. If you want me to open the door, just indicate it. Is it necessary to stab me?

"Mr. Sword, I've opened the door for you. Whether you want to come in or go out, it's up to you," Mo Yongxing said, rolling his eyes at Chasing Shadow and went to open the room door.

Unfortunately, Chasing Shadow remained unappreciative and pointed its sword at Mo Yongxing again, seemingly about to strike. Mo Yongxing quickly exclaimed, "Mr. Sword, what else do you want? I've already opened the door for you. If you have any other requests, just let me know, and I'll make sure to fulfill them."

After hearing Mo Yongxing's words, Chasing Shadow first turned its sword to point at the long box, then at Mo Yongxing, and finally towards the door.

"Are you asking me to put you in this box and then take you out?" Mo Yongxing speculated after pondering for a moment.

Chasing Shadow's sword tip lightly tapped a few times, confirming Mo Yongxing's guess.

"I'll take you out, but where do you want to go?"


Chasing Shadow's sword turned and flew to a spot on the couch, precisely where Qin Yu had been sitting earlier.

"Do you want me to take you to find Qin Yu?"

Seeing Chasing Shadow's sword tip nod, Mo Yongxing's eyes rolled around, seemingly thinking of something. A lascivious expression appeared on his face.

"Could this sword be a female sword? It hasn't been long since Qin Yu left, and it already wants to find that guy. Could it be a romantic relationship between a person and a sword?"

Thinking of the image of Qin Yu embracing a sword, Mo Yongxing couldn't help but burst into laughter. However, before he could laugh for long, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his buttocks.


Needless to say, the pain in his buttocks came from Chasing Shadow's hand. Mo Yongxing rubbed his buttocks with both hands and realized that his pants had been torn by a sword strike, luckily without piercing his skin.

"I'm afraid of you! I'll call your Qin Yu right away and ask for his exact address. I'll take you to find him."

"Hey, Qin Yu, your significant other is coming to find you."

"My significant other? Who is it?"

Qin Yu, feeling irritated in his study, answered the incoming call on his phone and heard Mo Yongxing's cryptic words.

"You mean Chasing Shadow? What happened to him? He wants to find me?" Qin Yu didn't catch the meaning behind Mo Yongxing's words and asked.

"I don't know what's gotten into him. He suddenly flew out of the box and demanded that I take him to find you. Otherwise, he threatened to strike me. I must say, your significant other is quite fierce..."

"What do you mean by my significant other? It's all nonsense." Qin Yu interrupted Mo Yongxing's words, unable to understand why Chasing Shadow would want to find him.

Could it be? Qin Yu thought of the description in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon regarding the recognition of spiritual artifacts. Once a spiritual artifact recognizes its master, there will be a mental connection between the artifact and its owner. When the owner encounters difficulties or dangers, the artifact will sense it. Could it be that Chasing Shadow sensed his agitation due to the Theft of Heaven Symbol?

"So, the reason Chasing Shadow is so eager to find me is..." Qin Yu's eyes flashed with light. If Chasing Shadow knew about his agitation and was in a hurry to find him, could it be that Chasing Shadow had a way to solve the problem he was currently facing?

"Bring Chasing Shadow to the Jingxiu District immediately. I'll meet you at the entrance of the residential area." Excited, Qin Yu shouted into the phone to Mo Yongxing on the other side.

"Got it." Mo Yongxing hung up the phone and looked up at Chasing Shadow hovering in the air. He said, "Fly back into the box. I'll take you to find your Qin Yu."


By the time Mo Yongxing arrived in the Jingxiu District, it was already 9 PM. This time period happened to be the peak traffic hour in GuangZhou, and Mo Yongxing got stuck in traffic for nearly an hour.

"Why did it take so long? Where's Chasing Shadow?" Qin Yu rushed over to Mo Yongxing's car as soon as he saw it and asked through the open window.

"He's in the back seat. Why are you in such a hurry? The traffic in Guangzhou is as bad as Beijing's. It was jammed all the way after getting off the expressway."

"Just drive in. I've already informed the armed police at the entrance." Qin Yu opened the car door, jumped into the back seat, picked up the elongated wooden box, and said to Mo Yongxing.

"Got it." Mo Yongxing nodded. The car changed direction, and the guardrail at the entrance of the residential area had already been raised. Mo Yongxing drove straight in.

"Chasing Shadow, did you urgently want to find me because you have a way to solve my problem?" In the car, Qin Yu couldn't wait any longer. He opened the box and held Chasing Shadow in his hands, asking eagerly.

"Yiya!" Chasing Shadow's childish voice echoed in Qin Yu's mind, filled with certainty.

"That's great! I've been agitated by this problem."

Qin Yu was so excited that he wanted to take a few light bites with Chasing Shadow. This expression made Mo Yongxing, who had been secretly observing Qin Yu and Chasing Shadow's actions through the rearview mirror, smile even more lasciviously. It seemed that both the person and the sword had affection for each other. Their bond was truly deep.

"Qin Yu, was the person you met earlier the owner of this villa?"

Following Qin Yu's directions, Mo Yongxing parked the car in front of the Meng Feng Villa. Looking at the villa, an odd expression appeared on Mo Yongxing's face.

"Yes, what's wrong? Don't tell me you know the owner of this villa too?"

"Of course I do. This is the villa of Meng Feng, the influential figure of the second generation of the Meng family in Beijing. I visited here a few days ago."

Mo Yongxing replied to Qin Yu, but there was something he didn't mention. One of the reasons he visited the Meng family was Meng Feng's daughter, who happened to be Qin Yu's girlfriend, Meng Yao.

Both the Mo and Meng families were influential power families in Beijing. The elders of the Mo family intended for Mo Yongxing to marry Meng Yao, forming an alliance between the two families.

Mo Yongxing didn't care much about it himself since he knew that his future spouse would definitely be a young lady from one of these families. Besides, Meng Yao, the daughter of the Meng family, was said to be a stunning beauty with a good temperament. It wouldn't be bad to bring her home as a wife.

Fortunately, Mo Yongxing didn't tell Qin Yu about these matters. Otherwise, Qin Yu couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't use Chasing Shadow to stab a few holes in Mo Yongxing's back, essentially stealing his thunder right in front of Qin Yu.