

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter XIX Seals

"We are guardians and a group of poor people who are always fighting against danger and madness."

The corridor outside the window is closed, the stone wall is cold, and the lights in the room are shining, bright, and yellow. In such an environment, the voice of Dunn Smith's story lingers, and it hits Klein's heart, making him speechless for a short time.

When Klein was silent, Dunn shook his head and smiled:

"Are you disappointed? The extraordinary is not the same as you think. We have been walking with danger."

"If there is gain, there must be a price." Klein calmed down from the shock just now and answered with a deliberate tone.

He did not think that there were such hidden dangers in addition to the brilliant, extraordinary, and different aspects of the extraordinary, but perhaps it was because he had only heard the description and had not really encountered it, or because he had been involved in this vortex. Maybe when strange events would fall on him, his fear, anxiety, fear, and other emotions would soon be reduced to a controllable level.

Of course, it is inevitable that withdrawal thoughts will emerge, and they will not leave because of entanglement.

"Yes, very mature, very rational..." Dunn finished the rest of the coffee and added, "Also, the extraordinary is not as powerful as you think. The extraordinary in low sequence, why should we use 1 to represent the highest grade and 9 to represent the lowest? This is too counter to intuition and logic. We usually say that the low sequence refers to the low grade and high number, which is the beginning of the sequence chain."

"Well, what did I say just now? Yes, the extraordinary is not as powerful as you think. The 'power' of the low-order extraordinary is not equal to that of the gun, let alone the gun, but in some aspects, it is more wonderful than the gun and more difficult to prevent. If you have the chance to become extraordinary in the future, you must carefully consider what I said today and do not make rash choices."

Klein laughed at himself:

"I don't know when I will have a chance?"

If he had this opportunity, he felt that he would not miss it. Taking the wrong magic potion and the more advanced magic potion could be avoided to the greatest extent. The main hidden danger was the subtle influence of the magic potion itself and the unknown "danger" he heard and saw after the inspiration improved.

The former has the experience of generations of ancestors. As long as it is not anxious to promote and grasp the power steadily, the probability of losing control should be relatively low. Moreover, it is mainly to solve the current potential danger, understand the essence of mysticism, and find a way to go back. It does not aim at the "position" of the high sequence. If it is really easy to lose control, it will not be promoted and stay in the original sequence, Rely on knowledge to plan "going home".

The hidden danger behind it is not to mention that Klein still remembers the whispering that makes him close to madness and his head is about to explode when using the "transit ceremony". This is not something that can be avoided without being an extraordinary person. In that case, it is better to master the strength that can be resisted.

Thinking of these, Klein only felt that the advantages and disadvantages were so clear that the withdrawal thoughts in his heart disappeared for the most part.

Dunn picked up his pipe again and said with a smile in his gray eyes:

"For this matter, I can't answer accurately. To be an extraordinary person, first, you need to get enough credit. Maybe you can read the key ancient documents tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or provide very useful opinions for our case. Second, see if there are any new ideas on it. Nobody can tell clearly."

"Well, I think you should know more about the extraordinary, and will not make impulsive choices in the future. Now I will introduce you to the civilian work of our night watchman team."

He stood up, walked to the door, pointed in the opposite direction of "Channis Gate" and said:

"We have an accountant, a part-time driver who is responsible for purchasing necessary goods and receiving materials issued by the church and the police department. They are all professionals and do not need to rotate. They rest on Sundays. The remaining three civilian workers are Roxanne, Brett, and Neil. Their work includes: receiving visitors, cleaning the room, writing case documents and goods declaration lists, and guarding the weapons, materials, and literature library Please check in and out and get the return registration. Each person takes one day off each week. In addition to Sunday, there are also shifts of night duty and rest, which are negotiated by themselves. "

"Do I do the same thing as Roxanne?" Klein stopped thinking about the extraordinary and confirmed his "job responsibilities".

"No, you don't need to. You are a professional." Dunn smiled and said, "There are two things you do now. First, go out for a walk every morning or afternoon, focusing on the various roads from Welch's residence to your home."

"Ah?" Klein looked confused.

What "work" is this?

Is it very professional?

Dunn put his hands into the pocket of the black windbreaker and said:

"After confirming that you really lost your memory, the case of Welch and Naya is over. Similarly, the diary of the Antikonus family is also completely missing. We suspect that you left with it and hid it on the way home, so we didn't find any clues in your home. This should be the possible reason why you 'committed suicide' at home instead of at the scene."

"Although you have been affected by the mystery and completely forgotten this memory, the human spirit and brain are very wonderful, and there may be some traces left. Dai Li can't get them by means of 'psychic', which does not mean that they absolutely do not exist. Perhaps in the familiar place, in the key place, you will feel as if you have seen and done something."

"This is what we want."

"I see." Klein suddenly understood.

The night watchers' inference about the whereabouts of the diary is really reasonable.

Among the people present at that time, only you are alive, and only you have the time and "motivation" to take the diary and hide it halfway!

"If you can find that diary in this way, you should be able to get enough credit for being an extraordinary person." Dunn Smith encouraged, indirectly revealing that the diary is still important.

"Hope." Klein nodded.

Dunn turned the topic back:

"Second, you can take one day off every week. You can temporarily decide which day it is. When you are not outside, you can go to the weapons depot and read the documents and ancient books we keep. This is the work of history professionals. After reading them all, you will have to take turns with Old Neil."

"OK, no problem." Klein quietly relaxed.

Isn't it too difficult?

At this time, Dunn half turned and pointed to the black iron with seven sacred emblems and opened the door:

"This is the 'Chanis' door, which comes from the name of Archbishop Chanis, the founder of the modern night watchman system. There is one door under the central church in every big city."

"It is guarded by the regular members of the night watchman in turn. There are at least two" watchmen "inside the church and countless traps. You must not approach it at will, or you will be contaminated with bad luck."

"It sounds great," Klein said.

"It is divided into several areas, containing a certain number of magic medicine formulas and various magical materials, and temporarily holding members of heretic, alien, evil, and secret organizations. Ha ha, they will eventually be sent to the Holy Hall," Dunn said casually.

Holy Church? The headquarters of the Night Goddess Church is located in the chilly winter county in the north of the kingdom, the "Peace Church"? Klein nodded slightly as if thinking.

"In addition, there are copies of all kinds of documents and ancient books with high confidentiality. When your authority is improved, you may have a chance to read them." Dunn said after a pause, "There are still some seals at the bottom behind the 'Channismen'."

"Seal?" Klein chewed the word.

This sounds like a proper noun.

"Some of the special items we collect and obtain are too important and magical. If they are obtained by an evil person, they will cause great damage, so we must keep them strictly confidential and take strict care of them. Even if we ourselves can use them under certain circumstances, and..." said Dunn Smith after a pause, "And some of them are very special. They have some characteristics of 'living', which will lure the guards, affect the surroundings, escape on their own, and cause disastrous consequences. They must be strictly controlled."

"It's amazing," Klein sighed.

"The head office of the night watcher divided these seals into four levels. Level '0' means very dangerous, the highest degree of importance, the highest level of confidentiality, not to be inquired about, not to be disclosed, not to be described, not to be spied on, and only to be sealed under the 'sanctuary'." Dunn explained in detail, "Level '1' is highly dangerous and can be used in a limited way. The confidentiality level is the diocese bishop and the deacon on duty or above. The central church of the diocese headquarters such as Beckland can keep one or two pieces, and the rest must be handed over to the 'Holy Church'."

"Level '2' is dangerous and should be used carefully and sparingly. The security level is a bishop and the captain of the night watch team or above. The central church in each major city can keep three to five pieces. The rest can be handed over to the 'Holy Church' or the parish headquarters nearby. Level '3' is dangerous and should be used carefully. Only three or more people can apply. The security level reaches the official member of the night watch."

"When you see the corresponding documents in the future, you can understand what it represents by numbers, for example, 2-125, which is the seal of dangerous grade 125."

As Dunn spoke, he suddenly turned around and walked back to the room. He pulled out a piece of paper from the bottom of the drawer:

"By the way, look at this. Three years ago, a new archbishop lost control and somehow broke through the heavy protection. He mysteriously disappeared with a '0' seal. You should recognize his photo. If you find it, don't be alarmed, don't disturb, and come back to report it. Otherwise, you will die a thousand percent."

"What?" Klein took the paper and found that he did not look up, but only a black and white photo and a few lines of text:

"Ince Zangwell, male, 40 years old, former archbishop, failed to be promoted as' gatekeeper ', was seduced by the devil, degenerated into evil, and fled with the seal' 0-08 '. The specific characteristics are..."

According to the photos and descriptions, Ince Zangwell wore a double-breasted pure black clerical gown, wore a soft hat, his hair color was dark gold, his pupils were blue to dark, his nose was high, his lips were tight, his facial features were like classical sculpture, without any wrinkles, and the most eye-catching sign was that he was blind.

"The description of the depraved is detailed, and there is only one code for the seal..." Klein truthfully expressed his first feeling.

"So it is the highest level of confidentiality. The search and communication of '0-08' seals are all oral, not written, and only a little bit of it." Dunn sighed, "The shape of '0-08' is a common feather pen, but it can be written without ink, that's all."

Dunn didn't say much about this. Following the gold chain on the black windbreaker, he took out a gorgeous pocket watch of the same color, snapped it open, looked at it, pointed to the door, and said:

"All I have to say is that you go to find Old Neil at the weapons depot and ask him to arrange specific literature reading for you. He is not an ordinary civilian. He was once a formal member, but he is old, has not been promoted, is not in good health, is no longer suitable for handling cases, and is not willing to turn into an internal 'keeper' or recuperate directly at home. He only wants to be accompanied by documents and books."