

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 28 Secret Order

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Klein's heart suddenly began to beat violently. It contracted into a ball and swelled suddenly, making his body tremble slightly.

For a moment, he almost forgot what he wanted to do and what he should do, until the figure of the intruder suddenly stopped, and his ears were slightly turned as if he had heard some changes.

"Blood" fell back from the brain, and Klein recovered his basic thinking ability, put his hand under the pillow, and grasped the wooden handle of the revolver.

From the hard and smooth sense of touch, his mood was rapid and stable, and his movements were slow and silent, and he drew the pistol out and aimed it at the head of the intruder.

To be honest, he is not sure whether he can hit the other party. Although he has been able to hit the target stably before, the active person and the fixed target are different concepts. He is not arrogant enough to confuse the two.

However, he vaguely remembered a sentence in his last life, which probably meant that the maximum power of a nuclear bomb only existed before it was launched.

In this environment, the principle is the same. The best deterrent is before the bullet is fired!

Without pulling the trigger and firing blindly, the other party will not be sure that he is a novice. It is very likely that he will not hit him. He will worry, he will be afraid, and he will think a lot, so he will impose constraints on himself!

In a flash, one idea after another emerged, which made Klein have a decision at once. He was not the person who became calmer and calmer as he became more critical. Instead, he had already foreseen the scene of encountering a surveillance agent and had expected to mainly intimidate rather than attack.

As the saying goes, "Be prepared!"!

When Klein's gun was aimed at the intruder, the thin man suddenly froze and seemed to sense something.

Then he heard a voice with a light smile:

"Good evening, sir."

The thin man quietly held his hands, and his body seemed tense. Klein sat on the bunk under the high and low bed, pointed his gun at his head, and said in a relaxed and natural tone as far as possible:

"Please raise your hands, turn around, and try to be as slow as possible. Frankly speaking, I am a timid and nervous person. If you are too fast, I will be frightened. I can't guarantee that there will be no false firing. That's right."

The thin man raised his hands half beside his head and turned his body a little bit. The first thing that came into Klein's eyes was the black tights with neat buttons, and then two thick and sharp brown eyebrows.

Klein could not see fear in his blue eyes, but he felt that he was being stared at by vicious beasts. It seemed that if he was not careful, he would be rushed by the other side and torn to pieces.

He tightened his grip on the handle of the gun and tried to make his expression calm and indifferent.

Until the thin man was completely facing himself, he raised his chin, pointed to the door, and said softly and gently:

"Sir, let's go out and talk. Don't disturb other people's dreams. Hmm, slow down and light step. This is the most basic courtesy of a gentleman..."

The thin man's cold eyes turned, glanced at Klein, and walked to the door step by step with his hands still half raised.

Under the aim of the left wheel, he turned the handle and opened the door slowly.

When the door was half open, he suddenly squatted down and rolled forward, while the door seemed to be pulled by the strong wind, clattered and closed again.

"Hmm..." Benson in the upper bunk was shocked by the huge movement and was confused and was about to wake up.

At this time, a melodious and peaceful melody came from outside, and a deep and soothing voice sang:

"Ah, the threat of fear, the red hope!

At least one thing is true: this life is fleeting.

One thing is true, and the rest lies,

After blooming for a while, it will die... "(Note 1)

This poem seems to have the power to make people relax and settle down. Benson was in the upper bunk and Melissa in the middle and the others fell asleep again.

Klein was calm and almost yawned.

The thin man was so quick to shake off that he didn't have time to react.

Looking at the closed door, he smiled and said to himself:

"If you don't believe it, I'm actually firing an empty bomb."

Beware of misfired empty bullets!

Next, Klein listened to the poem at midnight and waited patiently for the end of the battle outside.

But for a minute, the tranquility like the melody of the moonlight lake stopped, and the deepest silence of the night resumed.

Klein slides the wheel silently, moves the empty position away, and waits for the result to appear.

The wait lasted for ten minutes. When he was nervous and hesitating to go out to investigate, Dunn Smith's calm and gentle voice finally came from the door:


Whew, Klein exhaled, held the left wheel, took the key, and approached the door carefully with bare feet. He opened the door quietly and saw Dunn Smith, who was knee-length in a black windbreaker, half-high hat, and gray eyes, standing opposite.

He followed Dunn to the end of the corridor and stood in the faint crimson moonlight.

"Spent some time in his dream," said Dunn calmly, looking at the red moon outside the window.

"Know his origin?" Klein relaxed a lot.

Dunn nodded slightly:

"An ancient organization called the Secret Order, which was founded in the Quaternary period was related to the Solomon Empire and some of the fallen nobles at that time. Ah, the notes of the Antikonus family came from them. Because of the negligence of a member, they entered the antique market and were obtained by Welch. They had to send people everywhere to pursue them."

Before Klein asked, he paused and said:

"We will arrest some of their members in reverse according to the clues. Well, it may not be a good result. These guys are as good at hiding as rats in the sewer, but at least they will understand that the notes of the Antigonius family have probably been obtained by us, or we have mastered the key clues. In that way, as long as they are not very critical and important items, they will give up this action completely. This is Their philosophy of survival. "

"... What if the notes are very important?" Klein asked anxiously.

Dunn smiled and did not answer, but said:

"We know very little about the 'Secret Order'. Thanks to your ingenuity, this is your credit. In consideration of the possible and hidden dangers and the improved inspiration, you have a choice to help find notes."

"The opportunity to choose?" Klein vaguely guessed what, and his breath became heavier subconsciously.

Dunn smiled and said gravely:

"Do you want to be an extraordinary person? You can only choose the beginning extraordinary person from the incomplete sequence."

"Of course, you can also give up this opportunity and choose to accumulate contributions until it is enough to make you a 'sleepless person', that is, the beginning of the night guard given by the goddess, and the beginning of the complete sequence mastered by the church."

Sure enough... Klein was pleased and didn't hesitate for the moment. He asked:

"Which 'sequence 9' can I choose from?"

There must be detailed information to determine whether to give up or accept and which to choose!

Dunn turned around, dressed in a sprinkling crimson "veil", looked into Klein's eyes, and slowly said:

"In addition to the sleepless, the church also has three kinds of magic potion formula of 'sequence 9', one is called 'peeper', which is the ability that old Neil has mastered. Oh, Roxanne should have mentioned to you that she always can't control her mouth."

Klein smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, Dunn didn't care and continued:

"Our secret peeper magic potion formula and unconnected parts were obtained from the Morse Episcopal Society. At that time, they were said to have not fallen but also adhered to morality and discipline, the pursuit of knowledge, and strict secrecy. After becoming a secret peeper, all those who joined the Society should be kept silent for five years, so as to practice and improve their concentration. The motto of" do what you want, but do not harm "is the secret peeper It's from them. "

"The 'peeper' has a comprehensive but preliminary understanding and mastery of magic, witchcraft, astrology, and other mysterious knowledge, knows a lot of ritual magic, but it is easy to perceive some existence hidden behind things, and must be cautious and full of awe of extraordinary power."

"We lack most of this sequence so that it can not be connected in a chain. For example, it's sequence 8, of course, maybe 'Holy Church'."

This almost meets all my requirements... Klein nodded slightly and had the impulse to choose.

Fortunately, he remembered something else:

"What about the other two?"

"The second kind is called 'corpse collector', which is chosen by many evil believers who worship the god of death in the southern mainland. After taking this magic medicine, they will be mistaken by the unintelligent undead for the same kind and will not be attacked. They can endure the erosion of cold, decay, and the smell of death. They can directly see some evil spirits, understand the characteristics and weaknesses of many undead creatures, and gain some physical improvement. We have its subsequent sequences 8 and 7, hehe, it sequence 7, you should be able to guess, 'psychic'! This is Daly's original choice. " Dunn described it in great detail.

The "psychic" really looks mysterious and cool. However, what I want most is to master the knowledge of mysticism... Klein did not interrupt but listened quietly.

Dunn Smith looked sideways at the crimson moonlight and said:

"The third kind we only have sequence 9. I don't know if there is anything else hidden in the 'Holy Temple'. It is called 'fortune teller'."

A fortune teller? Klein's pupils shrank and thought of the regret that Russell the Great left in his diary:

He regretted not choosing among apprentices, thieves, and diviners!

Note 1: Adapted from Edward Fitzgerald's English translation of the Rubaiji.