

CHEN_HEN · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 27 Dinner of Three Brothers and Sisters

It was so sharp... Klein laughed and added another sentence with the rich "experience" of his previous life:

"There is no evidence that those big people have brains."

"Good! Very good!" Benson laughed and thumbed up. "Klein, you are more humorous than before."

After a pause, he continued:

"I still have the dock in the afternoon, and I can rest tomorrow. At that time, uh... let's go to the 'Tingen City Improvement Housing Company' to see if they have cheap and good townhouses for rent. Besides, we have to visit Mr. Frankie first."

"Mr. landlord?" Klein asked in doubt.

Is there a townhouse with a good block location under the name of the current landlord?

Benson glanced at his brother and said with a laugh:

"Don't you forget that we have a one-year rental contract? It's only the past six months."

"Hiss..." Klein immediately took a cool breath.

I forgot this thing!

Although the rent is paid once a week, the lease term is up to one year. Moving now is a breach of contract. If the defendant goes to court, he will lose a lot of money!

"You still lack enough social experience." Benson touched his receding black hairline and sighed, "This is the term that I tried to win at the beginning. Otherwise, Mr. Frankie would only like to sign it every three months. For the rich class, the landlords would rent it directly for one year, two years, or even three years to stabilize. But for us, before us and the neighbors around us, the landlords would always worry about someone's accident and could not pay the rent. They just hope it is a short-term contract."

"In this way, they can often increase the price according to the situation," Klein added, combining the memory fragments of the original owner and his own rental experience.

Benson sighed and said:

"This is the reality and cruelty of today's society. Well, you don't have to worry. The contract is very easy to solve. Frankly speaking, as long as we are in arrears with the rent for a week, Mr. Frankie will immediately throw us out and withhold valuable items. After all, his IQ is not as good as that of a baboon, and he can't distinguish too complicated things."

Hearing this, Klein suddenly remembered the stem of some Sir Humphrey, shook his head seriously, and said:

"No, Benson, you are wrong."

"Why?" Benson was puzzled.

"Mr. Frankie's IQ is still a little higher than that of the curly baboon," Klein replied seriously. Just as Benson smiled, he added, "if he is in good condition."

"Ha ha." Benson couldn't control his reaction.

After a burst of laughter, he pointed to Klein, but could not find a good expression for the moment, so he had to turn to the main topic:

"Of course, as gentlemen, we will not use that shameless method. We will go to communicate with Mr. Frankie directly tomorrow. Believe me, he is easy to be persuaded."

For this point, Klein does not doubt that the existence of gas pipelines is the most powerful proof.

The brothers chatted for a while, put a small amount of fragrant fried meat and fish left last night into the vegetable stew, and wet the rye bread with steam during the boiling process.

After smearing some butter on the bread, Klein and Benson had a simple meal, but they were still quite satisfied with it. After all, the creamy and sweet taste made people aftertaste.

When Benson went out, Klein also took 3 Sul notes and scattered copper pence, and went to the "Lettuce and Meat Market". He spent 6 pence to buy 1 pound of beef, and 7 pence to buy a large piece of tacos fish with fresh and tender meat and fewer thorns. In addition, there were potatoes, peas, white radishes, rhubarb, lettuce, turnips, and other ingredients, and rosemary, basil, cumin, oil, and other things.

During this process, he could still feel that someone was spying and staring at him, but there was no real contact.

After a delay in the "Sling Bakery", Klein returned home and began to exercise his arms with heavy objects, such as stacked books.

He originally wanted to strengthen himself by playing military sports boxing, but now he has forgotten the radio exercises. What's more, this kind of military training has to be as simple as possible.

Klein didn't let himself exercise too tired, because that would be tiring and dangerous. He stopped at the right time and read the original master's textbook and notes, hoping to repeat the knowledge related to Quaternary.


In the evening, Benson and Melissa sat at their desks and looked at the food, which was just like the senior children in primary school.

All kinds of mixed-flavor recipes are written into a rich food prelude, which is the pervading charm of boiled beef, the obvious and lasting stimulation of mashed potatoes, the sweet entanglement of thick pea soup, the subtle and moderate harmony of stewed rhubarb, and the sweet and creamy surround of rye bread.

Benson swallowed his saliva and looked back at Klein, who put a crisp yellow fish in the dish. He only felt that the fried smell penetrated his throat, esophagus, and stomach from his nose.

Gollum! His stomach made a distinct noise.

Klein rolled back his shirt sleeve, carried the fried fish plate, put it in the center of the desk, and then returned to take out two large cups of ginger beer from the cabinet, and placed them in the corresponding positions of Benson and himself.

He smiled at Melissa and conjured out a lemon pudding:

"We have a beer, you have this."

"... Thank you." Melissa took the lemon pudding and said faintly.

When Benson saw this, he picked up his cup and smiled:

"Come and celebrate Klein's finding a good job."

Klein picked up his cup and touched Benson and Melissa's lemon pudding:

"Praise the goddess!"

Gulu looked up and took a sip. The spicy taste burned through the esophagus, bringing a wonderful aftertaste.

The full name of ginger beer is ginger beer, but in fact, it does not contain any alcohol. The taste of ginger beer mixed with lemon acid is similar to that of beer, which is also acceptable to women and children, but Melissa does not like the taste.

"Praise the Goddess!" Benson took a sip, while Melissa took a small bite of lemon pudding and chewed it repeatedly, unwilling to swallow it.

"Try it." Klein put down his cup, picked up a fork and spoon, and pointed to the food on the table.

Among them, he has no confidence in pea soup. After all, he will not eat such strange things on the earth. He can only "re-create" according to the memory fragments of the original owner.

Benson, as his brother, was not polite. He dug a spoonful of mashed potatoes and stuffed them into his mouth.

When the stew was to the limit, the rotten potato taste was mixed with light lard flavor and proper salt flavor, which made him spit crazily and his appetite was wide open.

"No... wrong... not bad," Benson said vaguely. "It's much more delicious than the one I ate in the company last time. At that time, it was cream."

This is my specialty... Klein accepted the praise frankly:

"Thanks to the instruction of Mr. Welch's cook."

Melissa looked at the beef soup. The green basil leaves, green lettuce heads, and white radish pieces were immersed in the colorless soup, hiding the stewed beef, which was fresh in color and attractive in flavor.

She forked a piece of beef and chewed it in her mouth. She felt that there was still chewing force in the soft and rotten meat. The taste of salt, the light sweetness of radish, and the spicy smell of basil stimulated the deliciousness of the beef itself.

"..." She seemed to be praising something, but couldn't stop.

Klein tasted it and found it delicious. It was not without regret. It was still inferior to his best level. After all, some spices were not available. It was strange that they could only be replaced by others.

Of course, even at the best level, the food you cook is just passable.

All of a sudden, he felt sorry for Benson and Melissa who had never seen the world before.

After swallowing the beef in his mouth, Klein added a piece of fried Tasoc fish sprinkled with cumin and rosemary. It was crisp outside and tender inside, and it was scorched yellow and delicious. The salty flavor and oil flavor are mixed into one piece.

With a slight nod, Klein tried another piece of stewed rhubarb and felt that it was OK, and it could relieve the greasy taste of meat.

Finally, he plucked up courage and scooped up a spoonful of pea soup.

Too sweet, too sour... Klein could not help frowning.

But when he saw that Benson and Melissa were satisfied after tasting, he was a little suspicious of his taste. He could not help but drink ginger beer and wash his tongue.

At this meal, the three brothers and sisters had swollen stomachs and could not get up from their chairs for a long time.

"Let's praise the goddess again!" Benson said contentedly, taking up only one mouthful of ginger beer.

"Praise the goddess!" Klein drank the last drink.

"Praise the goddess." Melissa put a little lemon pudding into her mouth and tasted it back and forth.

When Klein saw this, he smiled with a slightly tipsy feeling:

"Melissa, if you are so bad, you'd better eat your favorite food at the beginning, so that you can see the most delicious side of it. When you are full and your appetite decreases, you can taste it again. The taste will be discounted."

"No, it's still delicious," Melissa replied firmly and stubbornly.

The three brothers and sisters talked and laughed, digested for a while, and then cleaned up the plates, forks, and spoons together, and poured the fried fish oil back.

After being busy, one of them reviewed the course, the other self-studied accounting knowledge, and the other continued to read the textbooks and notes. They had a full and satisfied life.

At 11 o'clock, the three brothers and sisters of Klein put out the gas lamp and washed and slept separately.


It was dark and dark in front of Klein, and he felt confused. Suddenly, Dunn Smith, wearing a black knee-length windbreaker and a half-high hat, appeared in Klein's sight.

"Captain!" Klein woke up and knew clearly that he was in a dream.

Dunn's gray eyes were not wavering, and he seemed to say something small:

"Someone dived into your room, picked up your left wheel, forced him into the corridor, and then handed it to us."

Did someone break into my room? The watchman finally took the shot? Klein was shocked and didn't dare to ask more, but nodded:


The scene in front of him immediately changed, and the colors appeared disorderly, like foam, one by one broken.

When his eyes opened, Klein turned his head carefully and looked at the window. A thin and strange figure was standing in front of the desk, silently searching for something.