
The Upper Library

Finn walked out of the upper library on the excuse that he was going to a hotel to stay for the night. He went out of the Lower Library but midway he hid behind a corner and turned invisible.

Finn walked to the stairs of the Upper Library with the navigation of a few helpful signs. It was hard to go up the stairs even though he was invisible. there were many magicians walking to and from the Upper Library.

It took a few minutes but Finn made it. the Upper library was twice as big as the Lower Library. The Curses and Signs section was huge.

Since Finn was not part of the magic tower and everybody knew each other in the higher positions of the magic tower he changed from invisible to a person who walked down the stairs that he saw.

For all Finn knew that person could have been the next executive head, luckily he wasn't. Finn walked around the "Curses and Signs" section until he saw a book that had the curse mark that he saw on the cover.

Finn picked up the book nd proceeded to read it. he didn't want anybody to spot him so he used some magic to hopefully speed up his reading speed.

Finn used some magic but it didn't work. It seems as if you are not able to use magic in the upper Library since it has knowledge that only the people at the top can touch.

Finn read the entire book then and there in a few hours. Finn was happy that he found this book but he didn't show it. Instead he tried to look for another book that may or may not contain more knowledge that the first book didn't.


I am writing here what Finn found out.

The Curse mark is apparently stage 1 out of the 4 total stages.

The First stage although very powerful, it can be removed with a simple purification spell. The First stage enhances one physical ability and higher poison potent in there saliva and blood.

To harbor the second stage one must have a lot of mental power but doesn't mean that Order of judgement will kill the ones who go crazy. Finn suspects that the people who have lost their minds are now no more than cannon fodder to the Order of judgement.

The third stage is especially powerful. with the third stage one is able to manipulate flesh and their dark mana will fall into the black zone. This stage also allows one to absorb the life energy of other people.

The fourth stage and the final stage is demonic to say the least. apparently it has power that rivals a godly monster and a godly beast both fighting together again the person who has the fourth stage. If one would lose their mind after their black spot had evolved into the fourth stage then it would be sane to think that the end is near.

you are not able to remove the fourth Circle no matter how hard you try. the only way to get rid of it is to kill the person with the Black Circle.


The last time Finn saw that boy he had the first stage since there was only one black circle. there is a high chance that the boy would lose his mind as he evolved into the second stage.

Finn rushed out the Upper Library in a haste.

To Be Continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Happy Birthday Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen!!!

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