
I've been open to the Universe - the Black Phoenix

Celestia, a 23 year old woman with long Raven black hair that went past her shoulder blades, strong build, 5,6 feet in hight with a very curious and intuitive personality, but can be deadly if messed with...and if someone had pissed her off, she could trigger like flame reacts to gasoline.. She lives in the city of Drauger (a massive and very advanced city) where she lives with her adoptive parents, 15 year old sister Ilaria and two "brothers" Jackson and Cody (close to 19). With Her parents (Thomas and Helen) and her siblings (although she was adopted in her newfound family at the age of 17 she Loved them with all her heart and grew to Love them like she would to her real parents.....) "H..el.p. mee..." said the girl with flaming black hair dimming as she fell unconscious. "It's done. just like you asked." said the officer in the comm, while looking at the strange looking girl sitting on her knees, and tied up in some glowing blue bioluminescent rope in an alleyway. there surely were signs of struggle on the officers part as he was visibly panting. "She had just fallen unconscious" inspected the officer completing the task given to him. "Sir, it's done, just like you asked. She fought well, but in the end the serum won out, as she won't remember her past and her abilities will be supressed. she is no longer a threat" the officer spoke to his leader through the comm. "finally! thank you Sebastian" said Korgus, the leader of the S.S.S.O. (secret, supernatural, suppressing, organisation.) "She was by far the strongest we have encountered out of the altered. As she was able to take of 80 of my men". Korgus thought. But how? they we're my strongest! And any other Altered would have failed to take out ten of them....now I'm sure of it.. she's different.....it will be vital to keep a close watch.. but even though they are different, they are still Human at the end of the day and need to be treated like the rest of us (while observing carefully obviously. it's not like I can just let them roam free if they are a possible threat). "Sebastian! take care of the girl and find someone to closely watch over and take care of her. And if anything seems suspicious tell. me. immediately." he said with a warning in his tone. "YES SIR!" while Sebastian had a perfect idea who would be able to do the job.. he had ran off with the girl. "Helen..would never refuse, I know it." he said

kookapooka007 · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

Celestia, we've found you. finally.

my name is Celestia

I have always wondered what it was like out there in space. just the idea fascinated me to the point that I wanted to learn of the mysteries of space so badly, it was almost like and erge that needed to be fulfilled.

I never knew why...but I suddenly became obsessed with the topic, always trying to find that thing, that spark, that made me so excited and curious.

others say I'm a geek and a wierdo for it, but at the same time, not many of those kids have strong ambitions.

But there was one thing, although I wouldn't make a very big deal about it, was a strong sensation at the back of my mind that kept bugging me ever since that day...

a sort of feeling or ringing as (best I can describe it) The day i left the Earth's atmosphere and the radio blocker that kept other unworldly beings to find us. the day I got to fly in my mother's spacecraft!

oh the privileges of your mom being a mechanical genius and scientist.

and the chance of flying outside of the Earth's atmosphere was a low one, as in 1 in 2000 people will ever get to do.

But with some hard work on her part, and with the help of her two best friends Andrew and Lizzy they had managed to get a scholarship to the Adventurer military's top space station

and we're getting ready for launch in the next few months and to get ready to find what lies beyond our solar system as Adventurers.

both friends had similar interests for example, as Andrew was incredible with technology and topography, and Liz was the mechanical engineer who studied how the ships worked. And for Celestia naturally it was being first in command piloting the ship.

but on their first mission something changed on the day of july 12th 2263.

we left the barrier that covered our planet like a clear glass sphere that prevented the knowledge of our existence to other unknown species.....

I heard it...


like a parent welcoming their child back home from a long lasted trip.

like the sound of really high pitched ringing turning into words...

"Celestia are you alright? What's wrong!?" Asked Liz with worry and rushed over to her friend as she collapsed on her knees holding her head.

..The hazel in her eyes we're slowly turning flaming black..

they said..