
I've been isekai to a weird game

The protagonist has been transferred into a game world and is now having to fight for his life how will he survive this new world

Christian_Evans_1835 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Getting Started

After Isamashii got out the dungeon he took a deep breath and sat down on the grass thinking what to do next then he heard fighting near by he went to go find what's happening. he saw a group of people fighting goblins he saw most of them were injured and he made up his mind. Isamashii ran out the bushes and kicked one of the goblins into the sky and he grabbed the knife it had out of the air and got in his stance. the goblins came at him he took a deep breath and then. he opened his eyes he kicked the goblin to his left in the arm and stabbed the one to the right then jumped back. the group was shocked that he was this skilled it was like they were watching a master at work. He was making quick work of the goblins then a hobgoblin came "ah this is gonna be a little difficult" he said the goblin was faster and stronger than the regular ones it ran at Isamashii punching him and sent Isamashii flying into a tree "well that hurt how is it harder to fight this instead of the ogre" he thought. Isamashii then got an idea he told one of the people to give him their sword one of the members tossed his sword to Isamashii.

Isamashii then used his skill "enchanted senses" all his senses are now higher he was faster and stronger now the goblin then ran at him swinging his fist but Isamashii kept dodging it he then swung his sword towards the stomach of the goblin cutting him and slowing the movement of the goblin but also enraging it. the goblin was now mad it's power was stronger but it movement was still slower due to the wound on its stomach. it rushed in swing its arms like a wild beast but it wasn't connecting then out of nowhere it gets stabbed in the back. the goblin forgot about the group which led it to its impending doom. the group was shocked that they killed that thing but they can't forget that Isamashii is still their and hurt. After his skill ended he passed out when he woke up the group told him to stay in bed he broke a few ribs from taking a punch from a hobgoblin they then introduced themselves to be taiyou, tsuki, gekirei,. Isamashii said hi and told them his name they said where you from? Isamashii said from japan they all looked at him with confusion and said where's that? he said its far from here but I'm lost can you guys tell me where we are Taiyou said "they are in the howling wolf village we are the farming village that sends some of our food to the capital".

Isamashii was shocked he didn't hear about this village before but he figured that was to be expected. "well that isn't shocking so do you guy's have a place where I can get my ID?" Taiyou was shocked" you don't have an ID with you did you lose it or something?" Isamashii was embarrassed to say yes but in the end he told then he did the group laughed and said why didn't you say so lets go get you a new ID. They all walked to a guild everyone greeted Taiyou, Tsuki, and Gekirei the group waved back. Someone asked them who's the new guy Taiyou told them that Isamashii saved them and he lost his ID from the fight the whole guild was shocked. Isamashii just nervously laughed and said "it was nothing" Taiyou said "risking your life to save us is more than nothing we will do everything you repay you". Everyone all agreed that they have to repay him for saving the lives of the knights they are the people that represent us anyway. Isamashii said "wait they are knights I thought they were adventures I'm impressed but how did you guys get hurt by those weak monsters besides the hobgoblin". Tsuki told him "that they were ambushed by the monsters when trying to get some herbs for the sick when they were getting the herbs a tiny rabbit jumped out and we thought nothing of it then we saw arrows coming. so we tried getting to cover until Gekirei got hit then we had to fight off the ambush which got bad when you have a disadvantage in numbers and strength".

Isamashii said "that is very interesting I never expected monsters to make up ambush plans I feel like we should do a scouting mission after I get my ID to find out who is leading the monsters". Everyone agreed Isamashii went up to the desk and asked the attendant if he can get a new ID. She said yes and to follow her they went to the back of the guild where a ball is the lady told Isamashii to put his hand on the ball it started to glow. The color changed to a dark purple the lady said "your power grows with your mentality so keep your mind open and calm". Isamashii said "that he will do his best" she then gave him his ID and they left she said "thanks come again" Isamashii said "will do" Tsuki and Taiyou and Gekirei asked Isamashii what he color was? Isamashii said it was dark purple the group was shocked. they didn't expect him to be that strong Taiyou asked Isamashii if he is going to be a adventurer? Isamashii said he doesn't know yet he is going to think about it later. Taiyou said it was fine the group then left to go get some food before they all went to an inn and think of a plan to scout out the monster camp. After they make backup plans they will decide what they will do once they find who is running the monsters.