
I'm traumatized from my past

Target Audience: Our primary target audience consists of adults who have experienced trauma in their past, and seek a way to overcome it. We will also target individuals who have a general interest in mental health and personal development. Key Messages and Slogans: - Heal Your Past, Embrace Your Future: Our slogan encapsulates the essence of the book's message, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and processing past trauma to create a better future. - A Journey of Self-Discovery: We will stress how this book guides readers on an engaging journey of self-discovery and helps them overcome personal struggles. - Empowerment through Shared Experiences: Our campaign will highlight the importance of shared experiences in the healing process, and how the book provides readers with a gateway to connect with others who may have gone through similar experiences.

EUPHROSYNE · วัยรุ่น
24 Chs

The Career

After graduation, I decided to pursue a career in teaching. I felt passionate about helping students who were like me, struggling to find their place in the world.

And as the years went by, I found that I loved teaching just as much as I had hoped. I loved watching my students grow and succeed, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to make an impact in their lives.