
I'm the Villain.

The concept of summoning adventurers to another world had always disgusted me, the idea of making other people fight a war that has nothing to do with them is sick.

Zed_Martin_9823 · แฟนตาซี
119 Chs

CH.11 Civil war

The whole room was shocked, no one had expected there to be a hero that could use teleportation magic. Although Lamis was one of the great heroes and since she was a mage-type hero it was possible to use teleportation magic at her level, she had managed to teleport herself and her entire team.

It hadn't been that long since they left and yet they looked so different,

'Is the outside world really that different, they look grown up in a way' Alen thought to himself as he spotted Quinn walking to him while the council remained behind with Lamis, Jack, and the princesses to get filled in on the situation.

Quinn asked Alen to accompany him to the market and fill him up on what was going on, since Alen had nothing better to do and he needed to prepare for the day he left anyway he thought it would be best if he mapped out the kingdom and some of the places he could use to escape.

While the duo was walking past some of the nobles Alen overheard the conversation they were having

"It's best if the first princess took the throne, I mean it's hers by birthright and her being the oldest she's the better option," One of the nobles said while the other two tried to silence him as they watched Alen and Quinn along with some other heroes walk by.

'I'm too late, I need to start this as soon as possible. But where do we go and what do we do?' These questions plagued Alen's mind as he pondered to get a solution.

This didn't go unnoticed by Quinn. "How did you enjoy the wonders of this world?" Quinn asked trying to get Alen excited and hopefully make him forget a little bout the worries that plagued him.

"I didn't go, Jack kind of kicked a bunch of us out of the team before we even left the kingdom, only for him to show up a couple of weeks later beaten badly and having failed his mission to protect his majesty."


"So, what happened to the king guy?" Quinn asked.

"Most likely dead" Alen replied as he walked faster trying to get everything he needed before the sparks of flame turned into a raging inferno.

On the way, Alen had filled in Quinn about everything that had happened including his suspicion of a civil war shortly and how he planned to get the princess to safety.

"It sounds to me like you like the princess" Quinn jokingly said.

"It's nothing like that I just want to repay her for all her kindness," Alen answered as the duo walked into an armor shop, Alen's level was too low to use any worthwhile equipment but Quinn, on the other hand, had leveled up even more. And now look like some hero in an RPG.

He took a sword from the wall and measured its weight and center of gravity as he swung the weapon single handed the force from each swing sent gentle winds brushing against Alen's face.

"No! repaying someone's kindness means you tell them of what's coming and hope they prepare for it, what you're doing is taking their safety in your hands if that's not love I don't know what is" Quinn said as he placed the sword back and took up another.

The next sword had a set of tiny falcon wings by the hilt of the blade, it was a single sword with the cutting edge on one side of the sword instead of both, the sword had a certain glow to it and Quinn seemed to notice something the moment he picked it up.

"Excuse me but is this sword a beast weapon by any chance," Quinn asked the owner of the shop.

"Why yes, you have a good eye there boy. This is a beast weapon forged to form the core of an advanced falcon-type beast, it comes with two active skills and passive resistance to wind magic." The owner, a chubby old man who smelled like coal, iron, and burnt flesh said as he approached the two.

Alen had no idea what a beast weapon even was, but Quinn could tell the difference between the weapons by observing them and a few test swings. Alen knew there was more knowledge outside the walls of the kingdom, and he was itching to get it.

"How much are you selling it for old timer," Quinn asked with a confident look on his face and open body language. Seeing this scene Alen couldn't help but think this was something else Quinn was better at than him, he was charming and sociable, and welcoming. The polar opposite of him.

"Tell you what since you're so well-mannered I'll sell it to you for ten gold coins and fifty silvers.

"What that's theft, this thing can't be that expensive!!" Quinn replied.

"I'll give you five gold pieces and ten silver coins."

"Not a chance you brat, beast weapons are hard to come by and even harder to forge. Especially if it's a high tier one like this one is ten gold coins."



"Eight gold coins and a pretty please"

"No chance!" The old man said."

"Alen helps me," Quinn mumbled.

"Okay sir, this weapon is impressive, and the craftsmanship is amazing as the blade itself is beautiful. But are happy with such a beautiful piece sitting on the shelves collecting dust, from the look of it it's been here a while, hasn't it?" Alen intervened.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere decent so just make it eight gold and twenty silver and you have yourself a deal," The old man said grumpily.

"Deal! Quinn shouted accepting the offer before the old man changed his mind again.

The two went home after Alen went to a couple more stores and got the necessities, some dual knives, a map, and cloaks to hide their identity. And since the heroes had returned the maids were summoned back to attend to them as well, Alice's party had not arrived yet but Chris Kuzo one of the twins who also got an ability had arrived late that night.

Quinn and Alen had spent the night catching up and sharing stories about their experience, but Alen mostly let Quinn talk as had experienced way more than him and Alen was also fascinated by the outside world.

Suddenly Lucy and Quinn's maid entered the room they seemed frantic as something was bothering them,

"Sir hero, the nobles. The nobles are here, and they brought some guards with them.

It had started, Alen knew the fight for the throne would eventually involve the heroes as the nobles needed them to increase the force in pushing their agenda, from the looks of it the kingdom had been divided into factions. Those who supported the first princess consisted mostly of knights, some of the nobles, and General Lee.

The second princess had the support of mostly the nobles and some of the heroes as well, it seemed she had been pulling strings behind the scenes for a while now. The nobles that invaded the hero's mansion here supported the second princess as they rounded up all the heroes in the mansion's backyard.

Although they had a peaceful approach to the matter, the armed guards sent a different message to some heroes, including Alen, who knew violence was probable.

"We would like the heroes to help us push the second princess ascending to the throne. The first princess doesn't want anything to do with the throne and the crown princess has not reached the age to take the throne." A noble who was dressed in glamorous clothes and had a smug look on his face said.

The noble's name was Yungai, judging by how some other nobles agreed with him. He seemed to hold some influence over the others.

The Last Princess, Princess Sakura the crowned princess had the support of the Holy Knights, although the church didn't want to get involved in these matters it felt it was only fair to hand over the throne to its rightful owner.

And now the battle of the thrones between these three princesses had started, the death of the king and the lack of someone with the proper authority to take control of the situation had embordered the nobles. And that's how they were able to pull bold stunts like this.

Jack, Lamis, and Chris walked forward, them being the leaders even among the summoned gave them a bit of authority. But unfortunately, none of them seemed to have any brain cells so the three of them started to boldly demand equipment and finance in return for their support.

With the influence and wealth of the nobles, these requests would be easily granted in exchange for their undying royalty.

'These people don't even care about the opinions of others and are only focusing on their greed; I need to hurry and take the princess before this gets worse' Alen thought to himself as he watched the scene in front of him wondering if Alice would have made the same decisions.