
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · อื่นๆ
12 Chs

start of a Industry evolution

"wha-wha-what!?" there were no word or face expression describing what I felt. How come he just tell me something like that!?

"you may not believe me, but I really-" my face were burning and I wanted him just to shut up and so I hurried to close his mouth with both hands. "S-STOP! I don't want hear it." calm down, calm down! my heart is beating so fast! "okay...explain it, slowly to me."

I let go and and he guided me to a another place where a blanket and a picnic basket were present. he bent down and clapped down signaling me to sit beside him. my face was still having the blush on my face since earlier and since it was no other choices I sat beside him.

"have you eaten yet?" he gently said.

"yes I have!"

*growl...* my blush got deeper. "fricks..." I mumbled.

"mfufufu...here."he lightly laugh at me and handed a....blue scones?

"what is this? poison?"

"if it was poison then I wouldn't eat it, see." he grab one from the basket and ate it.

I was slightly hesitant. and took a tiny piece of it and...

"what is this! this taste so good." I was in ecstasy.

my face found it staring at Caid again. he was smiling, not his usual grin, but a warm smile. I felt my cheeks yet again catching blushes.

"This is a blueberry scones our new family recipe, I decided... I'm going to start an evolution in developing food, clothes, engineering, medicine and so much more."

"Why?" I was bewildered he changed so much in in just a month. Is he the same Caid I knew?

"well, I want to create a place where discrimination is nowhere to be found, many other reason I can't disclose to you yet...and-"

"And?" I was in confuse.

"make it better place for my waifu of course." with a smirk grin.

"H-huh!!!?? W-who!? who i-is your waifu! idiot!"

-------------------[Caid p.o.v.]------------------------------

that brat of sister of mine...Aveline is totally my type! a tomboy! no wonder, she kept asking me who my type is. (inner fangirling)

Aveline a mysterious character my brat of a sister didn't disclose to me when we created the characters, she have Beautiful red hair. red eyes like ruby's and a pretty smile and cute personality.

I hate Caid even more, but!...he was the character I created myself...haaa...

I kept looking at her enjoying the scones and found myself distracted until I a question no more like a wish, kept bugging me.

"hey, Aveline...can I call you Avie?"

"wha...I...I haven't forgave you just yet, so no. " angry and blustrated she shouted whiffing her hands to fist and shook them up and down in a hurry. of course I got little sad, but understood the reason. I'm Caid. her once, bully.

"That's fine, when times is right I prove it to you." I said sulked while staring deeply into her eyes.

Aveline...I want you to have this one you." I grabbed onto a basket behind the tree and presented her a flower wreath and placed it on her head.

"what!?" she was shocked and curious touch it lightly as not to ruin it.

shocking indeed, it's underestimation as a flower wreath is uncommon. I found out this world is lacking in knowledge compared in the modern world. I know it's medieval settings but this is totally idiotic.

"This is called a flower wreath, I made it after being bored waiting in my bed for the physician granting me permission for being clear of any side effect of my fall."

"look, I have a basket full of flowers you wanna try?"

She was hesitant, but slowly grab into the basket and grab one of the flowers. "So...what I'm going to do?" she said with question mark expression.

"first you need to..."


they both forgot the time as their had fun talking with each other and ate up everything in the picnic basket. Aveline managed to get it right after many tries and was happy learning how to make a flower wreath and finding out Caid was totally different from how he was.

she suddenly felt tired and rested on Caid's shoulder without knowing so and slept. Caid really wanted to to touch Aveline hair... but he didn't want to wake her up and so just let her sleep and wandered his thought else where.

"young m-." Caid signaling Fiora who came after being worried about her master to not make a sound.

Caid slowly pushed Aveline to free himself from the tight space and lightly placed her on the picnic blanket.

"what is it?" now looking at Fiora. "your father is calling."

"haa..." I got up and asked Fiora getting the other maids to carry Aveline to the guest room.

I was walking to my father office. As soon I reach the place I saw him making out with my mother. "oh~ honey our boy is soon here."

"I'm sorry it's just been to long." mom flirted back.

"cough, cough." they stared at me and my dad were disappointed. "boo...couldn't you waited 5 minutes or something."

damn old man! you called me here! "sorry father, my bad."

mom left father lap and gave me a hug and left.

"What you called me here for, father?" My father now looks like he wanted to talk. Begin to speak serious. "It's about the project Lumino-city."

the project Lumino-city. He must be talking about the project of rebuilding this estate to a more modern one. "yes, please enlighten me, father."

"It's splendid. even the engineers are praising the blueprints as their holy bible. there is just...a slight problem."

"what problem?"

"the other 5 Dukes are currently on a race to see how they get benefits from this project, they also supported with sending the money and men over to make this work and about 4 month if nothing happen to it, it will be done with phase 1 of the plan."

Family Ligvual, Emiko, Estes, Moskov, Akhasic and lastly Zandwill. the top 6 dukes family that had been the oldest and foremost the most respective family in centuries. funny thing my eldest brother Kiel is engaged to the the first daughter of Emiko. Sara Emiko.

Sara is the country top caster and she is a teacher at Highland Acadia. Her affinity to the element is Water alongside lightning. Lightning is a tier in advanced class and not many can master.

next is second brother Daskus. like me he is more affinity with caster class than a conjurer. He is a dark caster and is engaged to 3th daughter of Akhasic, Elisa Akhasic a light caster. so I guess both those family is guaranteed to get something.

next is Ligvual, Estes and Moskov.

According to the story Estes and Ligvual had a little feud between each other for over 400 years. it started with their great great grandparents fell in love with each other and married in secret. One day they got discovered and their ties has been separated.

their lingering feeling were still left in the air, but because of Ligvual and Estes power is on different scale people believed it would weaken the future child and so then made them marry someone with the same affinity or stronger.

because of the intervene of our family and Emiko and the other dukes we managed to make them write a contract and stopped their little feud but it only hindered the eventual outcome.

"Your right this would be a problem."