
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · อื่นๆ
12 Chs

One day, when I died, I woke up in another world.

"Yo! Len, morning." Lenel got greeted by his best friend straight in the start of his morning to the school. His friend Kai, was a famous delinquent back in middle school before he took his studies serious and got into his 1st year of Hokkaido Asahikawa Kita High School together with Lenel. "ugh.." Lenel was not a morning person and worst there is something going on at home. "did she blabber about her novel again?" Kai Joked knowing full well his friend little sister ambition of becoming a Novel artist. "yes...when she found out the stuff of novels by chance she became addictive and when she read a novel about villainess and villains in a medieval age she became so engulf she wanted to write her own. "But I bet you helped because your a kind older brother."

"Please don't get me started, sure it was fun in the beginning but now it's just troublesome." they started talking about his sister and how her novel went and about Kai's basketball practice went as long other things that happen in their breaks.

"And then, when my nephew wanted me tell a joke I told him. what do you call a pig who knows karate? a porck chop!"

"No, please stop...that was trash." Kai was stunned. "w-whaa!? don't joke with that was fun-! Hey where are you going!?"

"to class idiot!"

"what?" Kai were to engrossed he didn't pay attention. "huh...we are at school...Hey let's skip class! I don't wanna have lesson with ms. Yume. Hey! Len!"

"what was that? you don't want to be in my class. is that right Mr Kai Tanaka?" Kai whole body stiffen. fishcake! it ms. Yume! "haha...your wrong. Ms yume I love your lessons their so...lessonful?"

"is that right?" not buying it. she straighten her glasses and dragged him by his collar. "Noo! Please help me! anybody!? Len!?.." but everyone knows how Ms. Yume is.

since Len and Kai were from different class Kai had to suffer alone. Len arrived at his classroom and sat at his desk and waited for the teacher to start the lesson. "I wonder if Yasuyuri arrived at her class..." and thought if she woke up when he left.


"hehehe...jules your the cutest." the girl was sleeping so deep she didn't realize she had drools on her face and a messy morning hair and a pencil attach to her hair.

---------[back to Lenel]---------

"well...not my problem." and drifted away in his nap.

when the lessons were over Lenel hurried over to the rooftop and climbed up at the building over the door to the roof to sleep.

"Sabrina...I-I Like you... please go out with me." Oh great another confession, what makes this time...the 14th this month. The girl Sabrina is a popular girl and the one asked her out was, you guess it not-so popular and pretty sure she going to reject him.

"Sorry, but I don't feel the same way, thank you but sorry." The boy had starting to leak tears in his eyes and fell on his knees as the girl left. when she was gone Len voice made the boy blush before looking sad again. "I-I-I'm sorry...I-I take my leave.." his pathetic cry made me cringe. "So she rejected you, but' that's a given." He look at me confused why I would say that when he was hurt enough.

"huuh...you went for the popular girl, but I bet you haven''t look at those who you nearly don't pay attention too. so I help you ask out someone else and also...FUCKING STOP CRYING ALREADY!!! IT'S ANNOYING!"

"hiieekk!!! sorry, sorry!" he wiped away the tears and and look a little bit...less pathetic. "I introduce you to my friend, hope he can at least make you less pathetic than you are now."

"Thank you!!"

"yeah, yeah." Len waved his hands and the boy left. Why do I always help these boys in the first place. Len look at the blue sky and a rabbit head formed in the cloud seem to look down on him it may be his imagination but he thinks it smiled at him. " I wanna go home."

---------[after school]---------

"finally." Len told himself as he walked down the road home while ditching Kai to teach his new gang members who got reject to become new men. Len waited on the blue light, Yes blue light. In 1973, the government mandated through a cabinet order that traffic lights use the bluest shade of green possible. For me, that's stupid.

"tehehe...-wait puppy! don't cross the road it's dangerous, puppy!" A little girl ran on the street as a truck came on full speed. That idiot, Len ran and was going to push her but it was already too late and so he shielded her from the collision.


"ahh...so...this how I die? would I be reincarnated to another world? haha...ouch...that's hilarious...is the kid at least all right..." Len couldn't keep his eyes open for too long, but he got glances and saw he is not holding anyone anymore but more like someone else is holding him and is crying.

"Kai..." Len voice was weak and slowly fading from life.

"Please don't die on me buddy!" his tears landed on my face.

"fucking...wipe your tears man..."

*sob*sob* Kai couldn't stop the flow from the water running. "big brother would he survive? *sob*sob*."

Kai look at the crying child. He too wished for that but he wasn't sure if the gods allowed it. "I don't know..." He said and continued to cry.

---------[ Zandwill Household]-----------------------

"Tch! where the hell is that Maid!" a young boy shouted in the hall. His personal maid were nowhere to be found and he cursed at the useless maid. This young boy had light blue hair and ocean blue eyes and was no older than 8.

"S-sorry young master! I had a task to cleanse the windows and many oth-" She got abrupted by the young boy. "I don't want to hear any excuses. ready my bath and also my clothes I going to attend a ball with mother and father I won't forgive you if you keep me waiting, understood." if glare could kill then this maid would be dead. the young boy left and whispered so low but yet the maid could hear what he said. "what a useless maid..."

the girl who was 11 year old began building up tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry being useless to you young master..." and wipe away the tears.

The boy was in the right wing of the family manor and was going down the stairs when he suddenly fell forwards. A loud crash alerted everyone nearby and to their shocked the young master fell and bleeded a lot from his head.

"Someone call the physicians! the young master fell down." Huge chaos erupted in the manor and the Zandwill family had to cancel the invitation from the royal family ball and had to treat the young master.

---------[28 days later]-------------

Where the fuck am I was Len thought. he were wide awake, woken up in a king sized bed. *Gasp* "young master.." The maid who entered the door stuttered dropped something on the ground while looking shocked and held her hand at her mouth. Len could see her being scared but also relief. She ran out the door and came back with bunch of other people.

"Caidy...oh my son!" a woman with purple eyes and brown long threaded hair and huge boobs maybe F-cup. hugged me tight and her boobs pressed against my face. "C-can't...breathe..."

"Oh, sorry Caidy...mommy was just scared." and begin hugging less aggressive. "I call the physician to check on him and see if he is alright." and the man I believe is my father went out with two maids. The man had blue hair and and blue eyes and had a broad shoulders and stood tall.

"Are you feeling okay, Caidy?" the woman asked me. "Yes mother." She brushed her hand on my hair and stared in my eyes. she didn't find it strange and smiled warmly. "That's good baby..." and leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Fiora, I hope you make up with the young master." and sent a glare at the maid with the short brown hair girl. Scared, the girl answered with a nod and a bow. "Y-yes miss."

and the woman left. The maid shivered and clenched her cloth. "Your Fiora, right?" She responded weak. "Y-yes..."

"I seem to have forgot many things can you tell me about myself and where I'm, I don't want to worry my parent's and neither would you."

"Y-yes...you is the third son of the Zandwill family, the family of of excellent enchanter's."


"it's like enchanting your body...young master."

"who are my older brother's?"

"Kiel, your older brother is the eldest and is the military captain of the 1st division. while your second older brother Daskus is the one striving for the position of your father place want to inherited the Zandwill position of the head. you also have a younger sister who is 6 year old and for now just playing around in the garden with the maids. anymore question, young master?" she relaxed a bit she I still feel that she fears me.

"tell me about the rumors about me."

"w-...b...young master you don't have to worry about the rumors because it's just rumors." she broke into sweats and nervously tried to avoid that question. So I had to be little bit...chief in this conversation.

"TELL ME, about the rumors." my voice were bit loud but I had too or else I won't get to know them.

"Y-yes...young master." she replied and told me the rumors. "Caid Zandwill, the younger master from Duke Zandwill family is a tyrannical boss who demands everyone to listen to his request...treats the maids and butler poorly...and bullies his Fiancee from a fallen Royal family."

Surprised Len was or now Caid he asked about his Fiancee.

"Your family made an arrangement marriage with the Baron of Wykes, and the girl who is your Fiancee is Aveline Wykes. the fourth daughter of the family."

"have you a picture or a description."

"I don't...but she will visit you in about 4 days to check on you as it's her duty as your fiancee."

"hah...okay that's it I want some sleep, you can go and rest."

she was Surprised how the young master treated her, could it be he actually lost his memories? she didn't want to think positively, but wanted him to stay that way because he was a lot calmer and...nicer. Blushing crept on her face before she shaking her head. No way, it's the young master who always say bad things to me. and returned to her room.

Caid was staring at the bed's roof and stared for a long time thinking. "Guess I was reincarnated, but why does it all seem so...familiar...wait....Caid Zandwill...bad attitude...oh god...did I reincarnate in my sister novel!?"

Unbelievable was his though. he wanted to forget thinking and just sleep in and think about it tomorrow.


I wanted try to write in these kinda setting, did I do alright?

don't worry The RWBY bonus will come somewhere in the autumn holiday.

Bye! take care!

Also so I add a harem tag or keep just one romance partner?

KyuKurocreators' thoughts