
A New World 6


"What the?!" I almost rolled out of bed, but I managed to catch myself at the last second.

After I finally caught my breath, I looked up to see Greg standing in my doorway. "Again?!"

Greg pounded his chest like an ape and screamed at the top of his lungs. "The day is young!"

What the fuck???

I peaked out of my window, and long and behold it was dark out. "It's still night!"

"Perfect!" Greg stomped over at a pace that a man his size should not be capable of. "Let's go!"

Greg grabbed my arm and yanked me out of bed. I tried to fight back, but he ultimately won and I was forced to go along with him.

Greg finally let me go once we arrived at a big hill not too far away. "Now that you have a woman, it's time for you to learn how to be a man!"

"What?!" Is this what Adela had to deal with when he was here?! "I don't have a woman, and I don't know what that has to do with becoming a man!"

Greg's face quickly turned dark, and bent over to stare me in the face. "Don't let your sister hear that."

"H-huh?!" This again?! I thought they were joking! "I think you guys have things mixed up. She actually-"

"But, first!" Greg smacked me in my chest and I almost toppled over. "You need to build up your strength!"

He really doesn't care about hurting me. I need to avoid him at all costs.

Greg placed his hand on my shoulder, and gave me a grin that would scare the devil. "You're going to run laps until the sun comes up!"

"Haha… No, the fuck I'm not!" If he actually knew me, he would know how ridiculous he sounds right now!

Greg squeezed my shoulder a little harder, and his grin grew a little wider. "Yes, you are."

A few moments later

"KYAAA!!" Why God?! Why?!?!!?

"You have to properly stretch before you run!" Greg pulled arms even harder, and my bones creaked as loud as his laughter.

"I GIVE UP!! I GIVE UP!!!!" Greg let me go and I fell on the ground.

DAMMIT! My throat hurts from all of the screaming! My eyes burn! And my lungs hurt!

"Good job!" Greg, with a condescending grin, went to give me a high five.


I slapped his hand out of my face, but he instantly bright his hand back up.

Despite how pissed I was, I eventually caved and gave Greg a high five. I only did so because it didn't seem like he would let it go otherwise.


"One! Two! One! Two!" Greg's irritating voice sounded behind me. "HAHA! Doesn't this make you feel good?! Doesn't it make you feel.. LIKE A MAN?!?!?!?"

I'm going to kill him! Ughhh, I'm going to kill him!!

The only silver lining to this is that Adela was athletic. Thank God!

Hmm… or maybe I was just really out of shape.

"Stop slacking!" Greg slapped my back, and I began to pick up my pace again.

Fuck this guy man!

I was forced to run until my legs burned and my lungs almost exploded. Greg finally put an end to his hellish training after I collapsed onto the ground and couldn't get back up.

Greg got me a flask of water and sat me on the porch. He congratulated me on making it through the first round of training, and proceeded to inform me that he was allowing me a 15 minute break.

I tried to punch him, but I was physically unable to. He laughed at my attempt and claimed that he was joking, but we'll do the same thing tomorrow.

Fucking asshole!

I sat on the porch taking big gulps of water out of my flask. "Haaa!" Why does water taste so fucking good when youre thristy?!

"So this is my life now?" I wouldn't say this is ideal, but it's…much better. I don't ever want to go back to that.

"Haha, yeah this is much better.." Fuck, I'm crying again. "Shit!"

At least I don't have man tits anymore!

And now that I think about it.. Doesn't every protagonist in an isekai start off with a harem?!

"Huh?" I heard a creak behind me and turned around to see Juliette standing in the doorway.

I really hope she didn't see me crying. "Oh…mmm.. h-hey." I put on the friendliest smile, and waved at her.

She didn't say a word, only staring at me with a blank expression.

So awkward!!!!!

Juliette turned around and shut the door behind her.

"Epic fail…" I guess a harem is out of the question then..

"Good morning, Adela!"

I turned to see Andrea walking towards me holding a basket of clothes. Her hair was put up in a ponytail, and she wore a light blue sundress that accentuated her curves.

Andrea's beautiful sunbeam smile captivated me and I found myself unable to speak.

"Adela?" Andrea's voice finally registered in my brain.

"Oh!" Is this the power of a 10 out to 10?! Beauty is dangerous! "Umm..mm..mm.. hello!"

Andrea stared at me with a confused look on her face.

Damn you social anxiety!

There was an awkward silence between us, and just when I thought all hope was lost, Andrea started laughing. "Pfft!! How are you?"

"I-I'm fine." That sounded much better!

Andrea sat her basket down, and took a seat next to me. "Really?" Andrea leaned forward and started examingn me from head to toe.

"H-ha-huh????" Too close! Too close! Too close! She's way too close! Lady! Your cleavage is staring me right in the face! Don't you know what that does to a man?! Move!

Andrea started laughing as I shifted away from her. "Haha, you don't look fine. Did your father work you too hard?"

"Hard isn't the word, he tried to kill me! That guy's insane!" I'm getting chills just thinking about tomorrow..

I felt a soft sensation on the top of my head, and I looked up to see Andrea rubbing my head.

This.. is actually nice.

"Don't worry." Andrea stopped rubbing my head, and proceeded to grab her basket.

It's already over?

Andrea stopped in front of the door and turned around to smile at me. "You can relax while you go over your lessons."

"Lessons?" Why do I have a bad feeling?

"Yes." Andrea's smile turned into a mocking grin. "Did you think that you would only have to train your body? Mind is far more important."

Th-there's no way! No way! "B-but today?!"

"Don't worry, it'll only be an introductory course. And you get to have dinner first! That's easy, right?!" Stop making it sound innocent!

"N-no!" Both of them are nuts! No wonder they're together.

"Now go get cleaned up." The door closed behind Andrea, leaving me no time to argue her down.

This isn't fair! I'm in an isekai damnit! Why aren't things going better! "Damnit!"

"What?!" Shit, she heard me.

"Nothing!" She's really scary, like cold scary. I can't properly describe it. "Fuck.."

I guess I should take a bath. "Ah!" I almost collapsed after being attacked by a wave of exhaustion and pain after standing up.

Shit! Fuck you Greg! Damnit! My whole body is sore! "Never mind! Bird bath it is! God, I miss tubs and hot running water!"


I wonder when I'm going to feel comfortable here? I always feel like somebody's watching me. Especially in the bathhouse…

I followed the delicious aroma of soup into the kitchen. It was the same soup from yesterday, but it didn't smell any less better.

Andrea and Juliette were setting the table and Greg was nowhere to be seen. "Hey, where's Greg?"

"Your father just got back home. He'll be with us in a few minutes." Andrea went back to setting the table without skipping a beat.

Juliette and I briefly made eye contact before she averted her gaze.

Yup. She hates me..

Andrea's eyes squinted like a cat that had just found a new toy. "Pfft! You two are so cute!"

What?! Why do you keep egging things on?! She doesn't like me!

Andrea dawned a mischievous smile as she looked my way. "Aww, look!" Andrea tapped Juliette and she turned to face me as well. "He's all red!"

Juliette quickly turned the other way and Andrea started laughing even harder.

Andrea… I hate you in ways that I can't express!

Andrea poked Juliette in the cheek and looked my way. "And so is she!" Andrea's laugh echoed throughout the room.

Of course she is, this shit is embarrassing!

After Andrea and Juliette finished setting the table, Greg finally came back.

I sat next to Juliette and she scooted her seat over almost immediately.

I'd laugh if I didn't want to cry so badly.

As usual, Greg came back joking and bragging about defeating various animals.

Wouldn't that be considered animal abuse?

Now that I think about it.. "Hey, will all this training make me as strong as you."

As soon as my eyes landed on Greg, his spoon dropped and his mouth hung wide open. "Y-Y-You-You-You…"

Is he crying?! Why is he crying?!

"You finally want to be like your old man!" Greg pounded the table as he stood up, causing the legs on the table to break and the table collapsed.

Before I could react, Greg ran up to me and put me into a tight bear hug.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Dammit it hurts!!!!! "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN!"

"I LOVE YOU!!!" Greg hugged me even tighter and mashed his face against mine.

"I DON'T CARE! YOU'RE GETTING SNOT ON ME!" I kept screaming at Greg, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him.

I looked around the room for help, but Andrea and Juliette were both sitting down in shock. "WHY IS NO ONE HELPING ME?!"

"O-oh!" Andrea grabbed her spoon and ran towards Greg with Juliette in tow.

Andrea started hitting Greg in the head with her spoon while Juliette tried to separate us.

This didn't seem to faze Greg at all, and he continued crying and squeezing me with all his might.

Andrea was screaming at Greg about the broken table, while Juliette was making no progress separating us.

"WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE TABLE?! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!!!" I'm going to report all them for child abuse!

Andrea started laughing after she heard me, and could barely muster the strength to continue striking Greg.

Are you kidding me?! "THIS SHIT ISN'T FUNNY! GET HIM OFF OF ME!"

Andrea started laughing even harder, and Juliette still hadn't made any progress. While Greg continued speaking gibberish and crying.