
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

The True Meaning of Treasure

Today, the manor was alive with newfound energy, courtesy of Mabel and her nanny Clara, strolling through its hallowed halls.

The once-quiet abode had transformed into a hive of bustling activity, a testament to the effect Mabel's presence had on the entire household.

The diligent maids and butlers, once accustomed to the somber tranquility, were now animated by an extra spark, working tirelessly to see their young princess smile.

"Come one nanny! Let's go to the next place!" Mabel said excitedly while holding Clara's hand, trying to make their move faster.

"Patient Mabel, we will arrive soon," Clara said fixing her glasses.

The two of them made their way through the ornate corridors of Ashford Manor, following their senses and the mouthwatering aroma that wafted through the air. The tantalizing scent led them to a set of intricately designed double doors, flanked by two ornate statues.

Mabel, barely able to contain her excitement, pushed open one of the doors, revealing the heart of Ashford Manor's culinary operations.

The kitchen was a bustling hive of activity, filled with the sights and sounds of chefs and kitchen staff diligently preparing meals fit for royalty.

"Mabel, this is the kitchen, where the staff prepares the most delectable foods and desserts," said Clara.

Mabel's eyes widened in awe at the impressive kitchen scene before her. She looked around at the busy staff, many of whom paused to catch a glimpse of the enchanting child.

"Wow! You guys are the best!" Mabel's voice was infused with genuine excitement, and she gave an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

"The food from yesterday's dinner was so delicious! Thank you!" Mabel offered a slight bow as an expression of her gratitude.

While Mabel's knowledge of formal etiquette was still developing, her heartfelt gestures of appreciation resonated with the staff.

Gasps of surprise and elation rippled through the kitchen as they witnessed Mabel's sincere politeness and heartfelt gratitude.

Rarely did the staff cross paths with their lord, let alone engage in conversation with him. Thus, the simple act of someone recognizing and appreciating their tireless efforts was akin to a sunbeam piercing through the clouds—illuminating their hearts with happiness and warmth.

The kitchen staff reacted with a touch of melodrama, and some even found themselves misty-eyed. The head chef, fighting back his own tears, rallied his team with renewed vigor.

Clara chuckled in response, her heart warmed by Mabel's pure joy. "Mabel, allow me to introduce you to our head chef, Chef Reynard. Chef, this is Mabel, His Grace's daughter."

Chef Reynard wiped his hands on his apron and bowed deeply. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Mabel. Welcome to our kitchen."

Mabel curtsied as gracefully as she could manage. "Thank you, Chef Reynard. Your kitchen smells amazing!"

The chef's face broke into a proud grin. "Ah, thank you. We take great pride in our culinary craft."

As Mabel took in the bustling kitchen, she couldn't help but be captivated by the array of dishes being prepared. Pots and pans clanged, and the sizzle of food in the frying pan filled the air.

"Can I help too?" Mabel asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Chef Reynard chuckled warmly. "Of course, Princess. We would be delighted to have you join us. How about you help us decorate some pastries? We have a special dessert to prepare for this afternoon tea time."

Mabel's face lit up with excitement. "Yes, please! I'd love to."

With Clara's guidance, Mabel donned a small apron, and Chef Reynard provided her with colorful icing and an assortment of toppings.

Together with the kitchen staff, they set to work, Mabel's small hands carefully decorating pastries with intricate designs.

After they finished decorating the cake, Mabel wiped the sweat from her face with the apron and grinned. "Not bad!"

Clara chuckled warmly, her eyes fixed on the cake. "It's beautiful, Mabel. Although, maybe next time, you can use fewer cherries," she suggested, pointing to the center of the cake, which was adorned with an abundance of cherries.

Mabel, unbothered by her little decorating extravagance, giggled and plucked a cherry from a nearby bowl, popping it into her mouth. "It's alright, Nanny! I'll just eat all the cherries! There aren't that many anyway."

Clara patted her head affectionately. "How about we enjoy this cake during tea time, Mabel? It's the perfect time for it."

Mabel's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of devouring the cake she had just decorated. "Yes!" she exclaimed, eager to indulge in her culinary creation.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the garden, where the kitchen staff would soon prepare tea and dessert. At that moment, any thoughts of treasure hunts were completely forgotten. For Mabel, there was only the anticipation of enjoying a delightful tea-time treat.


"So, what are your thoughts, Mabel? Do you find this manor and its staff to your liking?" Clara inquired gently as she placed a delicate cup onto its coaster.

Caught slightly off guard by the sudden question, Mabel paused mid-bite, her eyes lighting up like a constellation as she processed the intriguing inquiry.

"Oh, absolutely, Nanny! This place is like a dream come true. I'm so incredibly happy to be here," she responded with an earnest smile.

Mabel's words rang true – she had always yearned for a family that would cherish her, but to be treated like a princess surpassed even her wildest dreams.

However, amidst the luxuries and comfort, a shadow of yearning clouded Mabel's eyes. She placed the cake back on the plate.

"But I miss Duke…" her voice grew wistful, a touch of sadness tingeing her tone.

It had been just two days since Duke Caius left for work, and already, his absence felt like an aching void. Clara was a constant presence, but it wasn't quite the same.

Clara nodded, understanding the longing Mabel felt. In noble families, especially among children, moments with parents were fleeting due to their commitments.

Clara reached out, taking Mabel's hand in a reassuring grip. "Don't fret, Mabel. Your Grace surely would have time for you tomorrow."

Mabel nodded, a spark of excitement returning to her eyes. "Of course, Nanny! I'm going to give him the biggest hug ever!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around herself in a playful imitation.

Clara chuckled, her laughter blending with the serene atmosphere that enveloped them during their tea time. The sun shone brilliantly on Ashford Manor, casting a golden glow on the blooming flowers that adorned its grounds.

A gentle breeze rustled through the air, carrying with it the scent of blossoms. Mabel's gaze wandered to the flowers, her smile growing as she savored the treats before her.

But it was Clara who truly captured her attention – her kind and patient demeanor, a constant pillar of support. Mabel felt at ease with her, grateful for the absence of scolding or raised voices she usually had at the orphanage.

"Nanny, do you have children?" Mabel's curiosity bubbled up, as she connected Clara's nurturing nature with that of a mother's.

Although she never had one, she was really sure that mother's love would feel like Clara's companionship.

Clara's response held a note of sorrow as she looked into her teacup, a fallen petal resting on the liquid's surface.

Her smile, tinged with sadness, carried a sense of longing. "I did have a son once, around your age, Mabel."

This revelation caught Mabel off guard, her eyes widening in surprise. "Really? Then why isn't he here with us?" she asked, her imagination unable to fathom a mother leaving her child.

Clara gazed skyward, her eyes distant. "He is here with us, Mabel. Whenever I look at the sky, I feel his presence."

Mabel tilted her head, trying to understand the sentiment. Her gaze followed Clara's, taking in the expanse of blue and the dancing clouds. "Is he like a fairy?" she wondered innocently.

Clara chuckled softly at the innocence of Mabel's query. "No, dear. He's not in this world anymore."

At the age of eight, it was hard for Mabel to understand the concept of life and death. So the realization hit Mabel, and she felt a pang of sympathy.

She looked at Clara, her heart aching for bringing up such a painful memory. "I'm sorry," she murmured, regret coloring her voice.

Clara's hand gently patted Mabel's head, offering comfort. "Remember, Mabel, I told you he's always up there," she said, pointing toward the sky. "No need to apologize."

Mabel looked at Clara's gentle smile, finding solace in it. Despite the sadness underlying Clara's words, her smile remained constant, radiating warmth and understanding.

Mabel met Clara's gentle smile with her own, a shared moment of understanding passing between them. Their gazes then lifted to the sunny sky, a calmness enveloping them both.

But then, a sudden realization washed over Mabel like a wave crashing onto the shore—the treasure hunt, the adventurous day she had been looking forward to! Where were the clues and the next puzzle? Where was her treasure?

"Nanny! Aren't we supposed to be on a treasure hunt today? Where are my treasures?" Mabel questioned with furrowed brows, her curiosity a beacon in her eyes.

Clara, slightly flustered by her forgetfulness, quickly collected her thoughts, needing to provide Mabel with a suitable explanation.

"My dear, haven't I told you that not every treasure comes with a price tag?" Clara paused, closely observing Mabel's reaction, hoping her words would suffice to redirect her attention.

"It's just that..." Mabel began, a hint of disappointment in her voice, "I thought there would be something... special, like a shiny jewel or a secret room."

Clara could sense Mabel's yearning for a more traditional treasure, but she wanted to make sure Mabel understood the true value of her experiences in the manor.

"Aren't experiences the most precious treasures of all? In just one day, you've met most of the staff in this manor, received candies and cake from them, and learned about the history of the Ashford House. Isn't that enough of a treasure?" Clara continued, attempting to persuade Mabel of the intangible value of her day's experiences.

Although Mabel had initially hoped for something more tangible, Clara's words began to resonate with her. She reflected on her day, realizing how she had grown, how she no longer felt fear around the staff or Clara. She understood that she was valued and cherished in this newfound home.

Mabel nodded slowly, her initial disappointment waning. "Well, you're right, nanny. I do feel incredibly lucky to be in this house. This is the best treasure in the world I've ever found!"

Clara, touched by Mabel's response, gently patted her head. "You're not just lucky, Mabel. You were chosen to be His Grace's daughter because you are a truly special girl. Remember that, alright?"

Mabel gazed into Clara's warm and caring eyes, her heart swelling with emotion. She had never been called special or valuable before. It brought a profound happiness that welled up within her, almost overwhelming.

With that, Mabel rose from her chair and enveloped Clara in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you, nanny!"

Clara returned the embrace, her hand softly caressing Mabel's back. The two of them, guardian and child, continued their day, meeting various staff members and exploring new corners of the manor, their bonds strengthening with each passing moment.

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