
6:exploit bug

With a sound of "Pa!", Qin Feng pushed Carmelo Anthony to the ground during the scramble for position, succeeded in grabbing the position, and grabbed the offensive rebound with one hand.

The fifth round of rebounding training has come to an end!

Qin Feng took the initiative to reach out to Carmelo Anthony who was sitting on the ground.

this moment...

The students and members of the basketball team on the sidelines held their breath and watched Anthony's reaction attentively.

after all...

During the rebounding training, the physical fight between Qin Feng and Anthony was so fierce that it even made people feel like they had a blood feud.


These people who wanted to watch the fun were disappointed.

Anthony, who was sitting on the ground, smiled and at the same time grabbed the right hand handed over by Qin Feng.

After standing up, Anthony and Qin Feng hugged.

"Man, your rebounding ability is amazing." Anthony raised his thumb and praised.

"Cameron, this is the guy I eat with." Qin Feng said with a smile.

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The hearty laughter was in sharp contrast to the fierce physical fight just now.

Whether it was Qin Feng or Anthony, both of them clearly felt that the 'distance' between themselves and each other had shortened, and their relationship had become inexplicably closer.

This is a sympathy between geniuses.


During rebounding training, Qin Feng defeated the talented high school student Carmelo Anthony in the United States with a score of 5:0.


Anthony is not known for his rebounding either.

Victory without force will lead to victory without force...

But the rewards are very tempting.

In 5 rounds of rebounding training, Qin Feng gained 40 [win value] points.

Cumulative winnings: 1300.

With 700 [win value] points left, Qin Feng can conduct a random draw.


This is really difficult.

However, in the third and fourth rounds, Qin Feng revealed [Intermediate Speed ​​Training Card] and [Elementary Upper Body Strength Training Card] from Carmelo Anthony's rebounding training.

[Intermediate Bullet Speed ​​Training Card] Introduction:

1. If you complete 20,000 (2w) box jumps in total, you can gain 3 points of [Bullet Speed] attribute.

2. The height of the box shall not be less than 50cm.

3. Time limit: one week.


Introduction to [Elementary Upper Body Strength Training Card]:

1. Complete 500 times of 84kg bench press in total to gain 1 point of [Upper Body Strength] attribute.

2. Time limit: 1 day.


Bullet speed is more of an innate talent...

Through training the day after tomorrow, you can only tap into your potential.

In one week, complete 20,000 box jumps.

For Qin Feng, it is actually not difficult.

But the height of each box shall not be less than 50cm...

This is a bit difficult for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's current vertical jump height is 57cm, and his maximum jump during run-up is 62cm.

The vertical jump height is 57cm. Qin Feng can only jump to this height if he has accumulated maximum energy, warmed up fully and had no confrontation.

If he bounces continuously, even if he waits 3-5 seconds in between, Qin Feng can jump up to 20 times at a time.

50cm+ box, 20,000 jumps.

There is no doubt that this is a big challenge for Qin Feng.


In contrast, upper body strength...

Similar to lower body strength, the closer you get to your limit, the harder it is to improve.

Qin Feng also needs to practice hard for two months to reach 1 point of [Upper Body Strength].


Just when Qin Feng was thinking about how to complete training effectively and become stronger as soon as possible...

The school leaders of Oak Hill High School walked into the basketball gym and went directly to the team coach Steve Smith.

There seems to be something important.

Steve Smith immediately put down what he was doing about recruiting new students and prepared to go to the conference room with the school leaders.

Before leaving, coach Steve Smith said to Qin Feng, captain of the school basketball team: "Qin, you will be responsible for recruiting new members for the time being."

"Okay, Coach Steve." Qin Feng nodded.



at this time...

Qin Feng suddenly thought of a plan to kill three birds with one stone.

A total of 111 people signed up for this year's basketball club.

Among them, there are 90 freshmen in the first grade of high school.

The rest are all sophomores, a total of 21 people.

Carmelo Anthony doesn't count...

"Among these newcomers, there are quite a few fat guys who don't seem to be able to jump very well. I can compete with them in box jumping... as an assessment item for entering the basketball team."

"And those guys who are not very skinny, I just bench press with them..."

"Hehe, I can get rewards for any basketball-related victories anyway."

"One bird: I can get a reward."

"Er Bird: I can complete the task content of the training card."

"Three Birds: Help Coach Steve Smith recruit new people."