

There is a story that has been passed down from generation to generation by parents to their children. Because the time set in the story has happened very long, the story is considered a fairy tale or legend but in fact it is a prophecy made to warn that the incident will happen someday.

"Once upon a time, Annwfyn was not a world as beautiful as it is seen now. In the past, this world was filled with wars that claimed many lives. Wars that lasted for thousands of years. Every day it will get worse. Oppression, rejuvenation and arbitrariness continue to be rampant.

As the world sinks into darkness, a group of heroes appear to bring light to the world. The sobbing group of representatives of various races, eradicated the demons that caused darkness. No one knows who they really are and where they come from.

After the darkness was successfully annihilated, the heroes disappeared. Before they disappeared, they had said that they would leave their weapons and souls inside, just in case darkness rose again someday."

The weapons are said to be scattered all over the world and only the chosen ones can use them. Unfortunately, until now no one knew the existence of the weapon was located. The lack of definite clarity causes people to assume that all of this is just a story that cannot be verified.